2020-2021学年高中英语Module1Basketball单元知识系统回顾外研版选修7 (经典实用).doc

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1、Module 1 Basketball.重点词汇1defend v. 防卫,防守;保护2valued adj. 贵重的,有价值的valuable adj. 很有价值的valueless adj.毫无价值的value n. 价值;估价,评价 v. 估价,评价3attend vt. 上(学),参加;照顾,护理attend school/class/college 上学/课/大学attend a meeting/wedding 参加会议/婚礼attend a lecture 听报告attend a concert 参加音乐会attend to 处理;注意倾听,专心于;照料4average n平均,平

2、均水平,平均数adj. 平均的,一般的v. 平均,均分with an average of 平均为above/below average 高于/低于平均水平on (the) average 平均5deserve v. 值得,应得deserve n. (attention/praise/punishment/blame) 值得(关注,表扬)/应受(惩罚,责备)deserve doing/to be done 应该,值得被deserve what 从句 应得到6grow up 长大,成长7at one point 一度,曾经at that point 在那时;在那个阶段at this point

3、在这一点上;在此刻at some point 在某一时刻to the point 切题的,简洁中肯的on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事时8rescue.from. 把从解救出来e/go to the/sb.s rescue 救援或帮助某人a rescue team 一个救援队9rely v. 信任;信赖10nature n. 性格;本性;天性;自然in ones nature 某人本质上by nature 生来,天性in nature 在自然界中;本质上11instant adj.立刻的;紧急的;速食的 n瞬间;刹那an instant reply/respond

4、 立即回答instant coffee/noodles 速溶咖啡/方便面(at) any instant 随时;在任何情况下for an instant 片刻;一瞬间in an instant 立即;马上the instant (that) 一就12appoint v. 任命,委派;指定,约定13confirm v. 证实,进一步确定It has been confirmed that. 已经得到证实confirm ones belief 坚定信念confirm sb. in office 批准某人任职14considerate adj. 体谅的,考虑周到的be considerate of 为着想,考虑周到15apologise v道歉,谢罪apologise (to sb.) for (doing) sth. 为(做某事)向(某人)道歉apology n. 道歉16take possession of 占有;占据,拥有.重点句型1there is no doubt that.毫无疑问此处doubt是名词,意为怀疑、疑惑,后接that引导的同位语从句。2One reason for.is that. 意为“的一个原因是”that引导表语从句。【感谢您的阅览,下载后可自由编辑和修改,关注我 每天更新】3 / 3


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