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1、Period 5Speaking and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period aims at getting the students to express themselves and acting out some body language.They are also encouraged to understand the meanings by watching the body language and give theirHow tounderstandtheunusualorfunnyordifficultbody

2、languageusedindifferentEnable the studentsto realizethe importanceof body language in communicationso thatlittleTask-bA projector,some slides and a multiple-Three Dimensional Teaching AimsHelp theHelp the students to write a short passage about what hey have seen or experienced,in whichbody language

3、 has been used properly in communication to reach the understanding or body language hasThis part provide a situation to the students in which they apply body language in daily life,which helps the students to deepen their understanding of body language and thus avoidTeaching ProceduresCheck the stu

4、dents homework.And as k some students to say out the kinds of body language and the examples they have got or what they have observed in the body language of others.T: We have learnt so much about body language.Now its time for us to practise.Here there aretwo situations.For each situation,prepare a

5、 role play with your partner.Use both spoken wordsand body language to express your ideas.Then explain to the class what the differences are inWestern and Chinese body language,and what they mean.I will give you 5 minutes to talk with your pYou falland hurtyour footwhileyou are hikingon a lonelypath

6、.Youneed help,andsee someone用心爱心专心1YOU:PERSON:You are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges.You only know a littleYOU:Can you help me please?I need some tea and some oranges.(smiling and leSHOPKEEPER:Situation one:A: Help!Help!Pleasecome over here!(wavingand crookingyourhand t

7、owardthe placewhere you areB:A: Can you see me?Please come here!(waving and crooking your hand toward the place where you areB: Why?I cant understand you.(with a forefinger on the right sidA:B:A:B:A: Tea (takingout the littlesample)and oranges(usingthumb and the forefingerto form a roundB:A:B: (Show

8、A:B:C:B:C: No problem.(To SA)How much tea do you need?And how manA:C:A:C:A: Here is ten dollars.(handing the ten-C:A: Thanks.(nodding your thanks)Bye!T: Good job!You all have given the excellent performance.Now there is one more problem for you to settle.Lin Pei is your classmate.You are worried abo

9、ut her.She is not friendly any more,and does not want to talk to you or her other friends.She seems to be sad.She stays alone.She is not doing her homework and the teacher is not pleased with her.She does not seem to care abouthow she looks.Youdiscuss Lin Pei s behaviour with your partner.Think abou

10、t the problems she用心爱心专心2might have.Describe her“body language ” or the behaviour that shows how she feels.Be readyAfter 8 minutes,ask some students to air their view.S: I think there is something wrong with her.When I saw her recently,she would turn away fromS: When I saw her in class,she looked as

11、 if she had been crying.And she would not even look atme.She justlookedstraightoutoftS: I agree with you.When I met her at the school gate and tried to have a word with her,she justS: I couldn t agree with you more!This morning,when I went close to her,trying to start aconversation between us,she cr

12、ossed her arms in front of her and didnt look at me.And thenshe turned away immediately.Give the students 8 minutes to collect their ideas and begin toT: Nowwritesome adviceforLinPei.Describeher body language and explainwhy itworriesyou.Askherifshe can tellyou why she isactinginthisway.Encourageher

13、to understandthatbody languageshows how you are feeling and iLin Pei,these days you stay alone and look sad.When you saw me today,you even turned awayfromme and wouldnot talk.Iknow you arenot happy about your gradesat schooland you are afraidof being laughed at by others.In actual fact,I am still yo

14、ur friend and will always be.You neednotbe so worriedabout yourlessonsyou have missed.Justtryto be more concentratedand attentiveinclass.Alsoyou shouldtellme how Ican helpyou withyourlessons.Ithinkwe can worktogetherto improve our grades littlebylittle.Sowhy not cheerup and be happy?Ihope tosee your

15、smilingLin Pei,thesedays you are notdoingyourhomework and theteacheris notpleasedwithyou.Whenthe teacher asks you for the homework,you will just shake your head and roll your eyes.When Isee you in class,youareeven havinga daydream.Youarenotlisteningtotheteacherbutlookingout of the window.You seem no

16、t have lost interest in the subjects.Is it because you could notunderstandthe teacher?Ifnot,whydontyou raiseyourhand and ask theteachertoexplain oncemore the problems you are not clear about.Or why dont you turn to me for help?I am still yourgood friend and as long as you want to make up for the les

17、sons you have missed,I will try tohelp you and so will your other friends!I am sure you will soon become a really happy studentagain.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 4Period 5You falland hurtyour footwhileyou are hikingon a lonelypath.Youneed help,andsee someonePERSON:What do you want

18、?I can t用心爱心专心3You are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges.You only know a littleYOU:Can you help me please?I need some teaRecord after TeachingActivities and ResearchThe students may prepare a short dialogue in which they discuss the behaviour of his classmate Lin Pei and t

19、hen act it out in a class-Reference for TeachingA letter to Lin PeiDear Lin Pei,I m really worried about you.I know that your mum is really ill and you havebeen doingall the work at home.You are worried about your mum and your dad has a new job so he is not athome very much.The problem is that you s

20、eem angry with everybody.You wont talk to us.You justshake your head when we ask if we can help and nod when we ask if you are OK.You just turn awayand leave,orstand lookingat the floorwithyour arms crossedifwe tryto talkto you.Althoughyou haven t said anything to us,we understand your body language.I know you are not angry.You are just worried and sad.Let us help you with the problems because we are friends.Please tellYours,Xiao Ming用心爱心专心4


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