Unit1The cultural relics.doc

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《Unit1The cultural relics.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1The cultural relics.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Unit1 The cultural relicsI基础单词1. 幸存;幸免 _ 2. 挑选 _3. 设计; 构思 _ 4. 爆炸 _5. 装饰,装修 _ 6. 移动,搬开 _ 7. 怀疑,疑惑 _ 8. 下沉_ ( _, _ ) 11. 奇特的;_ 12. 稀罕的,珍贵的_ 13. 有价值的;贵重的_14. 木制的_ 15. 从前的,以前的_ 16. 本地的 _ 17. 非正式的 _ 18. 分离地,分别地_ 19. 花瓶 _ 20. 朝代,王朝_ 21. 蜂蜜 _ 22. 风格,类型_ 23. 珠宝,宝石_ 24. 群, 组,军队_ 25. 艺术家_ 26. 接待,招待会_ 27. 绘画

2、,画_ 28. 审判,试验_ 29. 城堡 _ 30. 根据,证据_ 31. 入口_ 32. 水手,海员_ 33. 少女,女仆_ 34 值得 _ II基础词组1对感到吃惊 _ _ _ 2. 属于 _ _ 3. 寻找 _ _ _ _ 4. 少于 _ 【联想】多于,不但仅 _ _5. 处于交战状态_ 6. 前者_ 后者_7. 值得做 _ _ 8. 拆开_ _9. 看重,器重_(反义词组)_10. 作为报答;回报 _ _ III单词的使用1.survive (1) vi. 幸存,幸免,生还 eg . The custom has survived for thousands of years.(翻译

3、)_ Is it enough to have survived for a long time ?(翻译)_Some strange customs have survived from earlier.(翻译)_Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.(翻译)_(2 )vt. 挺过,艰难度过, 从中逃生, 经历后继续存有eg 1) Only two people survived the fire.(翻译) _2)The old man survived two world wars.(翻译)_ 3)The luc

4、ky girl has survived the big earthquake.(翻译)_ 4)The man survived his sister by three years.(翻译)_Ex. 经过这次地震, 三分之二的人活了下来.(survive) _归纳拓展 survivor n. 幸存者 She was the only survivor in the accident.(翻译)_ 【巩固练习】(1).Since then ,people all over China tried their best to help those who _ the Wenchuan Earthqu

5、ake rebuild their home. A. escaped B. succeeded C. survived D. saved(2)完成句子 公司成功克服了危机。 The company managed _ the crises. 2.design【观察实践】1) These exercises are designed to develop and strengthen muscles.(翻译)_2) This house is designed for a large family.(翻译)_3) The design of the room was in the fancy p

6、opular in those days.(翻译_)4) The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. ( 翻译)_【归纳总结】vt._;_;_ n. _,_,_,_【拓展延伸】be designed to do_be designed for _by design _by accident /by chance_【即景使用 】1) 你认为大楼被烧 是意外事故呢,还是友谊为之?Do you think the building was burnt down _ _ or _ _?2) 在我看来,他是故意开会迟到的。In my

7、 opinion ,he was late for the meeting _ _.3) This book _( 编写 ) for college student is sure to be popular.4).The special clothes are _ for the children who are disabled. A. designed B. planned C. changed D. expected3. decorate1) It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the co

8、untrys best artists about ten years to make.(翻译)_2)They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.(翻译)_3)Im going to decorate the bathroom next(翻译)_.4)We put Christmas decorations on the tree.(翻译)_【归纳总结】vt_ _ n. decoration _( 常用复数 )【拓展延伸】 decorate with _【即景使用 】All the streets in the Moscow were _

9、 with flags to welcome Chairman Hu Jintao . A. furnished B. supplied C. decorated D. declined4.remove【观察实践】1) Before the Nazis could get to the Summer Palace ,the Russian were able remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room.(教材P2)(翻译)_2) Our office has removed to Shanghai from B

10、eijing.(翻译)_3) Three children were removed from school.(翻译)_4) I recognized him after he removed his dark glasses.(翻译)_【归纳总结】 Vt_,_,_【拓展延伸】remove from_remove to someplace from someplace _【即景使用 】Your desk is crowed with too many unnecessary things .You have to_ some of them.A. remain B. resist C. rem

11、ove D. renew 5.worth【观察实践】1)Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing?( 教材 P2 )2)The cultural relics is worth a lot of money.3)The book is worth reading.【归纳总结】1) 表示“很值得。,非常值得。”时,不用very,而用well修饰worth.2) Worth n.价值,作用【拓展延伸】1,be worth +n_2,be worth

12、+doing _【即景使用 】1,这个展览很值得参观。The exhibition _ _ visiting / visit.2.不是每一个人都知道友谊的价值。Not everyone knows the _ _ _.3.-How do you find the British Museum ?- Great! Its _ worth_.A. very, visiting B. well, a visit C. quite, visiting D. very much, visiting6.serve【观察实践】) About four meters long, the room served

13、 as a small reception hall for important visitors. (翻译)_ )He served two terms as President.(翻译)_ ) He served as a waiter there.(翻译)_ ) When you sleep in the open, old newspapers can serve as a blanket. ( 翻译)_-【拓展延伸】serve as ,IV词组的使用1.Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagine

14、d that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. 普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世从来也不会想到他赠送给俄国人民的礼物会有如此离奇的历史。could not/never have done 对过去所发生事情的否定推测【观察实践】 1) He couldnt have gone abroad , as I saw him just now. (翻译)_2)You could have passed the exam.(翻译)_ can /could +have done 常用于疑问句和否定句

15、中,表示对过去发生的事情的可能性推测.译成 _。也能够表示“本来(过去)能够做到,但实际并没有做到”之意,译成_ 【即景使用】1)We could have lent him the money ,but he didnt tell us he needed the money .(翻译)_2) When you spoke in front of l, 300 people, you must have felt very nervous. (翻译)_3)You should have told us earlier .What shall we do now ? (翻译_)【归纳拓展】sh

16、ould have done _must have done_2.“of +抽象名词”表示人或事物所具有的特征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定语。1) They are of different sizes, but they are the same in weight.(翻译)_2) I dont find anything of interest in todays newspaper(翻译)_3) Your advise is of great help to learners of English.(翻译)_4) They are of great help to learners o

17、f English.(翻译)_ 【拓展延伸】of great importance= important_of interest= interesting_ of use= useful_of value= valuable_ of help= helpful_of high quality 高质量的 of different colours 颜色不同的of the same size一样大小的 of this kind属于这个类的3.be made ofbe made of be made from be made into be made up of 【基础导学】用以上短语完成句子。 1)

18、. A car _many different parts .2). The chair _wood .3). The wine _grapes .4). The salad _lettuce , tomatoes and cucumbers .5). Wood can _paper . 4 .belong to 属于,是的成员, 是的组成部分, 是的属性, 职能等 【观察实践】1) All the goods here belong to the school.(翻译)_ 2) Who does this garden belong to?(翻译)_3)As we all know, Tai

19、wan _( 属于 ) China.4)I wonder to _( 这把钥匙是开哪扇门的 )5). The dictionary _ me. A. belongs to B. is belonged to C. belong to D. is belonging to6). What party do you _? A. belonged to B. belong to C. belong D. being belong to 7). The priceless Chinese vase _ the old man. A. doesnt belong to B. isnt belong to

20、 C. not belong to D. isnt belonging belong to 不用于被动语态和实行时态5. in return 作为回报, 作为回馈1)In return, we drove John back home.(翻译)_ 2)I bought him a drink in return for his help . (.翻译)_4)The girls called out their names in turn.(翻译)_ 5)Its well known that theory begins with practice and in turn serves prac

21、tice(翻译)_【拓展延伸】in return in return for 作为的回报in turn ,by turn轮流针对训练 用以上短语完成句子1),I will go to help him with his work _ his kindness.2),He is ready to help others ._,others are willing to help.3),He stayed with Sybil till nearly midnight ,comforting her and being comforted_.6.in search of 【观察实践】1) The

22、boy went in search of something to get eat.(翻译)_2) The villagers went into the forest in search of the missing boy.(翻译)_【拓展延伸】in ones search for _search for -_search. For sb/sth_make a search of _【即景使用 】1. They _ _ _ _ ( 搜遍整个房子)for the map.2. Can you help me _ _( 寻找 ) my key?3. It was reported that

23、eight policemen were sent to the forest _the Missing girl ?A. in need of B. in search of C. in charge of D. in time of7 There is no doudt that 从句【观察实践】1) There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.(翻译)_2) There is no doubt that hell succeed.(翻译)_【归纳总结】1. 当doubt做名词时,在肯定句中接whether(

24、不可用if)引导的同位语语从句; 在否定句中接that引导的同位语从句.2. 当doubt做动词时,在肯定句中接whether引导的宾语语从句,也可用if 引导;在否定句,疑问句中接that引导的宾语从句 【即景使用 】选词填空(whether/that)(1)I have doubt_ _we shall be able to do something for you.(2)We dont doubt _he can do a good job.(3)I doubt very much_ _or not he will accept our invitation. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小

25、题2.5分, 满分50分)AThe Chinese word“Shanzhai”means a small mountain village, but now it becomes an accepted name for fakes (假货) after “Shanzhai Cellphones” produced by small workshops in southern China became popular in the mainland market over the past two years. Besides “Shanzhai” electronic products,

26、there are“Shanzhai”movies, “Shanzhai”stars and even a “Shanzhai”Spring Festival Gala, a copy of the 25-year-old traditional show presented by CCTV on Chinese Lunar New Years Eve. “Shanzhai”has become a culture of its own, symbolizing anything that imitates something famous. The phenomenon has caused

27、 a public debate over whether it is healthy or sick being a copycat. In southwestern Chinas Chongqing Municipality, a “Shanzhai”-version “Birds Nest” woven by farmers with bamboo attracts wide attention and the “Shanzhai”-version“Water Cube”is popular with tourists too. Both are copies of the famous

28、 Olympics buildings in Beijing. Xie Xizhang, a literature critic, said that taking the “Shanzhai”Gala as an example, when the traditional CCTV program becomes less and less attractive to the audience, the“Shanzhai” version appears naturally to attract people. “In spite of its poor techniques and ope

29、ration, Shanzhai culture meets the psychological demands of common people and could be a comfort to their minds, ”Xie said. Tian Huiqun, a professor at Beijing Normal University, said that “Shanzhai” culture never copies classic things, only trendy products. In that sense, its like a computer virus,

30、 multiplying without meaning. Though controversial, “Shanzhai” culture is becoming a widely accepted phenomenon. To the mainstream culture, the rise of “Shanzhai” culture is a challenge as well as a motivation, said Xie. Tian said different kinds of cultures developing together is an ideal situation

31、 and it is for the public to choose. 36. The Chinese word “Shanzhai” may have its origin in _. A. fake cellphones B. electronic products C. Spring Festival Gala D. Olympics buildings37. The underlined word“imitates”is closest in meaning to _. A. steals B. Copies C. advertises D. cheats38. According

32、to the passage, “Shanzhai”culture refers to _. A. the action that a person imitates famous people B. anything that imitates something famousC. those similar names to famous brands D. products with poor techniques and quality39. We can infer that the mainstream culture _. A. will be held back by“Shan

33、zhai”cultureB. will sooner or later be replaced by“Shanzhai” cultureC. may develop faster because of the challenging of“Shanzhai”cultureD. thinks nothing of the challenge of“Shanzhai”culture40. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.“Shanzhai”culture will definitely fade outB.“Shanzhai”culturethe mountain village cultureC.“Shanzhai”culturethe mainstream culture D.“Shanzhai”culture takes on life of its own


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