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1、STARTER UNIT Good to see you again. (1)学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part 1 ,4强调s的发音。强调单词clap, shake中的元音字母的发音。在唱歌时,一定要让学生手指着歌词教学目标:知识与技能:l 指导学生通过学习,能运用课文中的短语发出指令。l 帮助学生学习并理解歌词,清晰唱出歌曲。过程与方法:l TPR教学,同时运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学动词词组。l 指导学生根据发音规则认读单词,并掌握一定的听音技巧。情感态度价值观:l 建立对英语的热情和学习英语的信心,与孩子们进行充分交流与情感沟通。教学重点:l 熟练掌握动词短语。l 会读歌词并

2、能够清晰的唱出歌曲的歌词。教学难点:l 熟练掌握动词短语。l 会读歌词并能够清晰的唱出歌曲的歌词。教学准备:recorder, cassette tape, cards.教学过程:Step1 Warm up1. Greeting.T: Welcome back everybody! Its good to see you again. 板书:good to see you again. (带读三遍)2. Sing a song (body)Step2: Presentation1. T shows the studnets your one hand and asks: Whats this?

3、 S: hand. (教师指着自己的手,问学生)2. 然后指着两只手T shows your two hands and asks: What are they? S: hands. 带读两遍,强调 ”s” 3. Now Lets do and say. T Does the action and Lead in the phrase: clap your hands. 板书:clap your hands. Drill the phrase: / / clap. clap your hands. (边做边说) 强调要学生做动作,加强记忆4. Lead in “shake your arms”

4、 T does the action and say shake your arms. 板书shake your arms. 教读:/ ei / / ei / shake. shake your arms. (齐读、小组读、指名读) 5. 教师说指令,学生做动作T: Now I say you do and say. 发出不同指令操练:shake your arms, shake your hands, shake your legs, shake your arms and your legs. 板书:shake your arms and your legs. 带读两遍6. T: Now

5、everybody follow me! Bend your knees. 板书:bend your knees.并教读bend. / e / / e / bend. bend your knees. (齐读、小组读、指名读, 边做边读) 7 . Lead in the phrase: touch your toes. T: Now find your toes. Listen to me. Touch your toes. Let Ss do and say. 板书:touch your toes8. Lead in jump up high. First ask them jump. Th

6、en say “jump up!用手势做向上,提示学生。At last jump two times to compare. (让学生明白)9. T asks a student to do the action. T: Now stand up! Now stand nose to nose. Let Ss do the action and say. 板书:stand nose to nose (齐读、小组读、指名读, 边做边读) Step3 : Drill 1. T mouths the words , Ss react and speak out . 教师做唇语,学生猜是什么词组2.

7、T ask one student to do the action and others say the phrases. 请一个学生上来做动作,其他学生用英语说词组3. Say the new phrases in pairs. Steps4 : Practice1. Read the song following T. 教师先带读歌词2. Listen and sing the song following the tape. 跟磁带一起听,边听边唱3. Sing the song again. 再听一遍,加强练习4. Open your books turn to page 6. Lo

8、ok, match and say.作业设计 1. 听歌曲三遍2. 读熟歌词,并将歌曲唱给家长听,请家长给出等级。3. 抄写短语: clap your hands, shake your arms and your legs, touch your toes, bend your knees, stand nose to nose, jump up high 每个四遍,中文意思一遍。板书设计Starter unit Good to see you again A song- Welcome, welcome, welcome back. Its good to see you

9、ap your handsshake your arms and your legs, touch your toes ( ears),bend your knees, stand nose to nose, jump up high教学反思STARTER UNIT Good to see you again. (2)学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part 2,3在游戏中渗透单词的归类,让学生充分理解每一类单词。做动作的学生必须准确判断教学目标:知识与技能:l Can say the words of schoolthings, food, clothes, body, animals,

10、free time activities.l Can distinguish: which one does not fit.l Can circle the words in the right colour.过程与方法:l TPR教学,同时运用游戏增强学生的学习兴趣。l 通过单词大比拼,让学生在游戏中轻松记单词。情感态度价值观:l 让学生建立对英语的热情和学习英语的信心教学重点:l 能够说出schoolthings, food, clothes, animals, free time activities 这几类单词。l 根据所给的单词,判断不同类的一项。l 根据图片,从字母蛇中找出对应的

11、单词。教学难点:l 根据所给的单词,判断不同类的一项。l 根据图片,从字母蛇中找出对应的单词。教学准备:recorder, cassette tape, cards.教学过程:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting.2. Sing a song (Welcome welcome welcome back)Step 2: Presentation1. Revise colours. T points at the blackboard and ask: What colour is it? S: Its black. T points at the wall and ask:

12、 What colour is it? S: Its white. T points at a girls dress and ask: What colour is it? S: Its pink. (教师指着不同的事物,问颜色,采取小组比赛的方式)2. Let Ss say anything about schoolthings. 教师引导学生说学具,T points at the pencil-case and ask: Whats this? S: Its a pencil-case. T points at the book and ask: Whats this? S: Its a

13、 book. 3. Ask two little teachers to show their schoolthings and askWhats this? 小老师必须出示给全班看,加强学生对单词的理解、记忆。3. 复习食物和服装。Revise food and clothes. T shows some flash cards of ice cream cheese apple chicken egg and so on. 教师将单词卡片用书挡住,然后慢慢抽出,让学生猜4. 复习动物单词。Revise animals. For example: budgie hamster mouse d

14、og cat. T asks some Ss to mime the animals, the other Ss guess what it is. 教师将动物单词给上来模仿动物的学生看,然后让学生根据动物特征模仿,让其他学生猜是什么动物。5. 复习身体部分Revise body. T asks some little teacher to point, the other Ss say what it is. Revise hands / ears / legs / eyes / mouth / hair.6. Revise free time activities. 教师将卡片放在下面,让

15、做动作的学生任选一张,T ask some Ss to do the action, the other Ss guess.(每次叫一名学生做动作,让其他学生猜,猜对的学生可上来做动作) Steps3 : Practice1. Complete part 2. T: Juse now weve revised some words now lets have a test. Which is not fit Cross it out. 师先做示范,带学生做前两题。2. Ask several Ss to answer and say why. 强调要学生说出原因3. Complete part

16、 3. Circle the words in the right colour. 完成练习三,并圈出单词,涂色4. Ask several Ss to answer. 请几个学生回答问题。作业设计 1. 读熟单词。2. 写出除课本以外的单词,每一类写三个。(基础好的学生完成)板书设计Starter unit Good to see you againSchoolthings:Food:Clothes:Body:Animals:free time activities:教学反思STARTER UNIT Good to see you again. (3)学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Par

17、t 5, 7, 9做游戏时,注意学生数字的发音,特别是three five twelve. 用小组加分来增强学生的兴趣与竞争意识。找规律时,指导学生做题方法,可将阿拉伯数字写在旁边,易于观察数字间的规律第九部分,指导学生先找出动物规律,再找数字规律教学目标:知识与技能:l Can say and write the numbers. l Can do the practise.过程与方法:l 任务型教学,进行小组合作。l 通过用英语描述简单的数学计算,让学生增强英语学习的信心。情感态度价值观:l 建立对英语的热情和学习英语的信心,教育学生学科间都是联系着的,不要偏科。教学重点:l 数字 one

18、 two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve的拼写。l 根据所给信息,找出数字以及动物的规律。教学难点:l 根据所给信息,找出数字以及动物的规律。教学准备:recorder, cassette tape, cards.教学过程:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting.2. Sing a song: the number song.Step 2: Presentation1. Let Ss say the numbers from one to twelve. 大声用英语说出1122. Lets pla

19、y a game. T throws the dice , Ss say the numbers. (一次仍一个,练习十几的时候,让学生将两个dices的数字加起来)3. Show the number cards, ask the pupils to read out the numbers. And then stick them on the Bb. 教师出示数字的单词卡片,让学生大声说出,并贴在黑板上,加强学生对单词的记忆。4. Do the maths test. 做数学测试T show the numbers to Ss and ask “Whats (one) and (five

20、)? ” “ Whats (one) minus (five)? ” Step 3 : Drill 1. Do the maths test by themselves in pairs. 小组内做简单的数学的加减法,训练12以内的数字2. Game: Bingo. T asks each pupil to take out a piece of paper. T asks one of the pupils to come to the blackboard. All the pupils play the game :Bingo. 教师让学生拿出一张纸,并在纸上画好格子,请一个学生到讲台上

21、来做这个游戏,教师说字母,学生在纸上任意安排教师所报字母,看谁能排出数字单词。Steps 4 : Practice1. Complete part5. Observe the numbers ten egiht and seven. 先让学生观察这些数字Find out the rules. The sencond one, T must tell puipls there is a zero. 教师必须告诉学生,在题目中有02. Check the answers of part5.3. Complete part7. Draw the dots and write the numbers.

22、 Then check the answers.4. Focus on part9. Whats missing? First read out the animals together. 先要读题,And then ask one student to say the rules. 给一点时间,再让学生说出规律5. T asks one group to read this line out and other students observe the rules. 6. Ss complete the left three by themselves. At last check the

23、answers. 学生完成剩下的三题,再检查答案。作业设计 1. 复习第五、七、九部分。2. 自己出数学题5道:十二以内的加减法。可用数学算是出,也可以自己用图片表示,用英语数字回答。板书设计Starter unit Good to see you again One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve教学反思STARTER UNIT Good to see you again. (4)学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part 6, 8在玩这个游戏之前,一定要让学生充分理解句子,并会说句子,教师并须带读、示范。

24、第六部分:师带学生做一题,并提醒学生,注意书写规范。教学目标:知识与技能:l Can use the sentences ask and answer: How are you today? Have you got a pet? How many are there? What colour is your? Whats your phone number? Whats in your school bag? Whats your name?l 指导学生通过学习,能运用句子进行相互问候、交流。l 帮助学生学习并掌握练习中的对话,并能找出练习中的答句。过程与方法:l 任务型教学、情景教学为主,

25、进行小组合作。l 指导学生学会抓住关键词,突破难点。情感态度价值观:l 帮助学生了解如何文明有礼地用英语交流教学重点:l 根据情景,对于句子 Have you got a pet? How many are there? Whats your phone number? Whats in your school bag? 的运用l 根据问句,找出所对应的答句。教学难点:l 能够运用练习中的句子进行简单对话。l 能够完成练习,找出正确的答句。教学准备:recorder, cassette tape, cards.教学过程:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting.2. Say

26、a chant- Have you got a petStep 2: Presentation1 .Free talk with Ss like this. -Good morning. -Good morning.-Whats your name?-Im (Lily). -How are you today?-Im OK / Im fine.-Goodbye. -Goodbye. 2. Practise this dialogue in pairs.同桌之间练习对话,教师巡视,加以指导。3. Lead in the questions: (将问题写在黑板上,并标上序号)How are you

27、 today? Have you got a pet? How many windows are there? What colour is your schoolbag? Whats your phone number? Whats in your schoolbag? 4. 师带全班先将问题读一遍,加以讲解,T interviews some students. Like this: Hello, how are you today? Have you got a pet? What colour is your schoolbag? 5. T shows a dice. T throws

28、 the dice and answer the questions. (教师扔骰子,最后的数字是几,就回答几号问题) 6. Play a game: paper scissor stone. 石头剪刀布The winner throws the dice and asks, the other one answers. 赢的学生扔骰子,输的学生回答问题。7. Practise this dialogue in pairs. Steps 3 : Practice1. Complete part 6. 完成练习六。2. Complete part 8 Match and colour the s

29、enrences. 师可带学生做前两题3. Check the answers. T asks, Ss answer. Then check in pairs. 检查答案,教师问,学生集体回答,然后小组内互查。.作业设计 1. 和自己的同桌进行对话,并互评。2. 读熟对话,家长签字。3. 自己编一段简短的对话。(基础较好的学生完成)板书设计Starter unit Good to see you again1. How are you today?2. Have you got a pet?3. How many windows are there?4. What colour is your

30、 schoolbag?5. Whats your phone number?6. Whats in your schoolbag?教学反思STARTER UNIT Good to see you again. (5)学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part 10, 11单词呈现时,教师注意找出单词规律,这样有助于指导学生记背单词。如:Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday拓展句型My favourite is 时,鼓励学生多说.同时注意说到最后一种事物时,一定要加and。教学目标:知识与技能:l Can ricite the days of

31、the week.l Can comeplete Tobys text and colour the flag.l 指导学生通过学习,能运用句子描述自己最喜欢的事物。过程与方法:l 任务型教学、情景教学为主,进行小组合作。情感态度价值观:l 教育学生学会珍惜时间,合理安排自己的时间。教学重点:l 单词 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 的拼写。l 运用句子:My favourite day( colour) is . 教学难点:l 单词 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs

32、day, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 的拼写。l 能够运用这个结构: My favourite day( colour) is .描述自己喜欢的事物。教学准备:recorder, cassette tape, cards.教学过程:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting.2. Listen and say a chant about days of the week.Step 2: Presentation1. After listening to the chant. T asks how many day in a week? S: seven.

33、T: Yes! What are they? First lets play a guessing game.2. Show the Ss word cards. (单词卡片在胸前快速速划过) T asks Ss to say and recite the word. 因为是复习,所以强调要学生背出单词,同时教师在复习时,注意将单词组成相似的一起复习。Lead in Monday, Sunday and Friday. (待学生猜出后,将单词板书) read twice and spell once. 3. 复习Tuesday and Wednesday. Show the Ss word c

34、ards of Tuesday and Wednesday in another way. ( 将单词卡片按照字母从后往前一个个呈现,让学生猜) 4. Ask a little teacher to read and others following.Then the little teacher ask some Ss to recite. 让学生来考学生,这样更有助于学生的参与,也可以照顾到更多的学生。5. Lead in “ Thursday and Saturday”. ( 将单词卡片按照字母从前往后一个个呈现,让学生猜) 6. Ask a little teacher to read

35、 the words and others following.Then the little teacher ask some Ss to recite Thursday and Saturday.7 . T: Look! There are seven days in a week. My favourite day is Saturday. Whats your favourite day? 引出七天的表达后,直接问学生最喜欢的是哪一天,对于基础较好的学生还可以加问why.8. T asks one student to answer the question and then writ

36、e the sentence: My favourite day is . 9. T asks other questions like Whats your favourite colour / animal? Lead in the pattern: My favourite colour (animal) is .拓展训练句型。10. Chain game ask and answer: Whats your favourite? My favouriteis 11. Ask and answer in groups.Steps 3 : Practice1. Fill in the da

37、ys of the week and find Tobys favourite day. 填写一周的几天,并找出Toby最喜欢的一天。2. Complete Tobys text and colour Tobys flag. 完成短文,并给Toby的旗子涂色。3. Check the answers. 检查答案4. T带读第11部分的句子。作业设计 1. 抄写单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 每个四遍。2. 仿写句子:My favourite is 仿写三种不同的事物。板书设计Starter un

38、it Good to see you againMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayWhats your favourite day?My favourite day is 教学反思STARTER UNIT Good to see you again. (6)学 法指 导个性化备 课教学内容:Part 12在描述喜欢和不喜欢的食物时,指导学生,如果有两个或者两个以上,一定要在最后一个食物前加and。在排句子时,指导学生排列技巧,注意有大写字母的单词、有句点的单词。最后一定要将完整句子呈现出来。有利于学生改正,同时注意学

39、生的书写规范。教学目标:知识与技能:l Can use the sentences My favourite is / I like and / I dont liketo describe their hobbies.l Can answer the questions.l 指导学生通过学习,能运用句子描述自己喜欢和不喜欢的事物。过程与方法:l 任务型教学、情景教学为主,进行小组合作。情感态度价值观:l 渗透健康饮食,不要偏食、挑食。教学重点:l 句型:My favourite is / I like and / I dont like的运用l 根据情景,将句子按照正确的顺序排列教学难点:l

40、 句型:My favourite is / I like and / I dont like的运用l 根据情景,将句子按照正确的顺序排列教学准备:cards.教学过程:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting.Step 2: Presentation1. 和学生交流: Free talk with Ss. T asks several Ss like this: How are you feeling now? Have you got a ? When is your birthday? Whats your favourite day? 2. Lead in todays

41、 topic: Whats your favourite food? Whats your favourite drink? T: Today lets talk about favourite food and favourite drink3. 教师出示食物和饮料图片,用书挡住图片,慢慢移动,让学生猜是什么食物。T shows some food:egg cheese dumplings fish chicken meat apple banana orange juice cola and milk. Stick them on the Bb.4. 师采访几个学生,问:Do you like (eggs)? Do you like (cola)?. Let them answer like this: I like/ I like and / I dont like在采访学生时,教师一定要指导学生回答,并强调一定不能用 yes, I like 回答。板书:I like/ I like


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