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1、whatwouldyoulike 教案 【篇一: what_would_you_like ?教学设计】unit3 what would you like ?a let s learn课题:unit3 what would you like ?a let s learn教材分析: pep以英语课程标准为依据,以培养学生综合语言运用能力为目标。每个单元围绕一个话题,让学生在完成各项任务的同时学会语言,真正体现learning by doing, learning by using这一教学原则。对老师而言,要为学生量身定做学习方案。因此,针对学生的实际水平,恰当地调整取舍课本提供的材料是合理的,有利

2、于个性化教学的开展。本单元的教学重点是新词汇和句型的教学,难点是vegetable 的拼写。教学目标:1、能够听、说、认、读单词ice cream,tea,hamburger,sandwich,salad.2、初步掌握 what would you like to eat? i d like a/some 教学方 法:情景教学法、游戏法教学重难点 :重点:能够听、说、认、读5 个单词难点: a、能够正确读单词hamburger.b、能在情境中正确使用所学句型: what would you like? i d likea/ some 课时:1课时教学准备:1、食物、饮料实物、食物、饮料词卡图片

3、教学过程:1、热身( warm-up )(1)、老师与学生进行日常对话及热身。t: hello, everyone. how are you?ss :fine,thank you.t:the national day is coming .would you like to come to my party tonight?ss: yes. t: what s your name? s1: t: nice to meet you! s1: t: let sbe my friend,ok? s1: 师和生击掌同时t: oh, i have a friend t:i have many frien

4、ds. i m very happy, are you happy? now, iwant to sing a song for my friends. 教授“噜啦歌 ”。帮助学生增强学习英语的自信心。(2)、做 “下一个数字 ”游戏。 now, let s play a game. i ll say the number, you say the next number, ok? one. ss: 2 t:15 ss:16 t:unit 2 ss: unit 3. t: good, today we ll go to the u同ni时t 3师. 出示 课题。2、复习师出示词卡,问:what

5、 s this? 出示 bread, rice ,noodles,chicken 把单词一一贴在黑板上,然后对一学生说: ilike hot dog. can i have some hot dogs ? (同时在黑板上出示句型条) 示意生回答: sure, here you are. ( 出示句型条 )。并让该生到讲台上把词卡拿给老师把黑板上词卡都拿下来后,师在问学生: doyou like ? s1: yes, i do. t: do you want to get it? then how doyou say? 示意生答: can i have some ? t: sure, here

6、you are.(同时把卡片送给说正确的学生 )。3、新课导入 (1)、师把手中的卡片送完后,摊开双手说: no food left. don tworry. zip can help us. now let s go to the restaurant. you canchoose whatever you like. (look and listen carefully) 出示课件(2)、师问生: what can you see and what do you hear?让生根据听到的说出单词。师再出示词卡,授新词,带读若干遍。(3)、请生单独认生词,将词卡贴上黑板(4)、教授 what

7、 would you like ?i d like some t: what doyou like? ss: i like .t: what would you like ? ss: i 出示d like .句型。示意生答: i d like some 示句型 .练习若干遍。(5)、now, let s play a game. look at the screen and sayenglish. 出示幻灯片。(6)师继续说, if today is my bir thday, do you know what i dlike? 如果今天是我的 生日,你们知道我想要什么吗? i d like

8、toopen a big fast restaurant? 出示快餐店图片, look, this is myrestaurant. 在开业期间,本餐厅推出一系列活动, look, there arelots of foods here, do you want to eat them? now let s go to the restaurant together! open your books and turn to page 67.singthe song “what would you like? 出”示幻灯片。 welcome to myrestaurant! do you wan

9、t to get them? but you must pass theexamination. ( 如果你想得到奖品,你就必须得闯关 )who can try?(7)、 draw a dinner menu. finish it in groups.( 8 ) 、最后进行思想教育,师:老师发现大家都喜欢吃汉堡包、热狗、薯条等食品,很少同学买水果和蔬菜,你们知道吗,水果和蔬菜里面有我们大家需要的很多维生素和营养,只有多吃蔬菜和水果,才能补充我们身体里的维生素和水分,有一首歌 an apple a daykeeps doctor away, 就是告诉我们每天吃一个苹果不用看医生,大家想不想让自己

10、身体变的强壮、健康呢,所以老师建议大家每天多吃蔬菜和水果,做到平衡膳食,少吃汉堡包等高热量的食物,你们能不能做的到呢?好,老师相信你们一定能成为健康聪明的孩子。最后让我们在歌声中告别我们的快餐店。(9)、以歌曲结束。 an apple a day .七、板书设计unit 5 what would you like? what would you like?i d like can i have some ?what would you like? 教学反思 本次授课内容是 pep book3unit5 what would you like? 的第一课时。这堂课的教学目标是:能够听、说、认、读

11、单词rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup,vegetable ;能听懂,会说“can i have some?, please ?sure.here you are. 及”what would you like?i dlike some.。.四年级的学生,活泼好动,爱展现自我,认识水平和以往相比有了较大的发展,也积累了一定的生活经验;在知识构成上,经过一年多的英语学习,已掌握了一些语言点。因此,教师就需要调动学生已有的生活经验,激活孩子们的语言积累,提供并拓展语言的平台,让孩子们在学习的过程中,体验到创造的乐趣,成功的乐趣。俗话说:兴趣是最好的老师。本课教学中,我为学

12、生创设了一个在餐馆点餐的情境。在情境中,学生可以练习所学的单词和句型,还可以初步了解西方的饮食习惯。在一年的教学实践中不难发现,学生对吃的食物总是有很高的热情。教食品单元时老师经常会带上一些好看好吃的食物及图片,除此之外,利用多媒体课件营造出的逼真交际情境,更是把学生的兴趣都激发了起来,无意识地就掌握了很多的单词。【篇二: what would you like 教案】what would you like ? 教案 滔河乡小 周丽教学内容: lesson9 what would you like? 的 lets learn 部分。 教学目标1.知识目标:学会并能掌握句型 what would

13、 you like? id like?2.能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。3.情感目标:通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语,敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心,在小组活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对于学习英语的重要意义。教学重难点掌握五个短语,理解主要句型。 what would you like? 并能用 idlike? 来作答。教具准备:一杯茶、一杯水、一瓶牛奶、一个梨、一个苹果等一些图片。 教学过程greeting1、sing a song. 激发学生学习兴趣 2、ask and answer some questions. (教师问,同学答。)a. d

14、o you have a ruler?b. what s one from two?c. does a tv have a mouse, too?d. what is she doing? (show the picture)e. do you like music ? revision 复习上节课学过的单词。(教师出示单词,让学生拼写单词并说出中文意思,先个人再集体。)(通过唱歌、问答的形式,不仅吸引学生的注意力,调动积极性,而且营造了学习英语的氛围。复习单词也为本课的教学作了知识的铺垫。) presentation(一)导学提纲1.谈话导入出示实物:一杯茶、一杯水、一瓶牛奶、一个梨、一个苹

15、果( a cupof tea , a glass of water, a bottle of milk, a pear , an apple )师问:would you like a cup of tea?( 一些同学可能想要 ,一些同学可能不想要。 )so: what would you like? 板书课题(播放课文录音两遍,后逐句放录音,学生跟读)教师指着一杯茶,问: what would you like? 后答: id like a cupof tea. 问学生们: what would you like? 引出此类句型。教师引导反复演练,如: what would you like

16、? id like a pear. 鼓励孩子们 大胆地用英语表达,让他们知道 “english, i can 。”2.出示自学导纲(1)会实物翻译 一杯茶一杯水一瓶牛奶 一个梨 一个苹果 a cup of teaa glass ofwater a bottle of milka pear an apple (2)学会句型what would you like?id like? 并会灵活运用。3.学生自学 (这一环节很重要,学英语不只是跟着读、背就行了,特别是到了小学高年级段要学会思考,学会带着问题去学习,主动学习,而不是被动接受。 ) (二)合作互动1.小组同学互相练习对话,互相纠正发音。2.

17、小组汇报交流情况,师生互动。 教师出示不同实物,问: what would you like? 学生回答。 抽学生表演。不拘束于课本,联系以前学过的知识,掌握各种学法。如: what would you like?id like an orange. what would you like? id like some cakes. ? (通过生生、师生之间的大量语言交流,鼓励学生大胆开口,勇于表达,逐渐让学生体会到学习英语的快乐。)3.教师精讲出示主要句型,注意语言结构: what would you like? i d like? 拓展延伸:换主语,活用句型。如:what would lul

18、u like?she d like?what would tom like? he d like?(三)导学归纳这节课你有什么收获?(鼓励学生多方面的谈谈对本节课的收获与感悟,我及时指导、总结。)(四)反馈训练(1)根据中文,将短语补充完整。a of teaa of watera of milk pear apple 一杯茶 一杯水 一瓶牛奶 一个梨一个苹果(2)选择填空() 1. what would you like? a glass of water.a.id like b. i like c.youre like( )2. what lulu ? shed like some appl

19、es.a.would like b. are doingc.is like(3)改错1. i like two bananas. 2. what s would you like? 板书设计 lesson 9what would you like?what would you like?i d like a cup of teaa glass of water a bottle of milk a pearan apple【篇三: what would you like 教案】what would you like?知识目标1.交际用语: what is your favourite food

20、? i like .best my favourite . what would you like? i d like some would you like some ? yes, please. no, thanks. 2.单词和短语: hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato ,a cup of tea,two glasses of water 能力目标1.能够用就餐时的基本用语进行交际。2.学会简单谈谈自己的饮食习惯教学重点和难点1.能够用就餐时的基本用语进行熟练交际。2.学会与同学交流自己的饮食及习惯。教学步骤:step 1 , 引入(1)根据投影上的图片或

21、实物,用英语学过的食物、饮料和水果名称。(2)free talk( in groups )what would you like? i d like some step 2 把教室布置成快餐店。把学生分成若干组.组内一人当店员,其他人当顾客。店员: can i help you? what would you like?学生店员: eight yuan. step3:group actions小组形式展现出用餐时的交际用语。step 4 :homework根据自己的情况,写一篇文章介绍自己的一日三餐健康饮食。任务型教学活动案例活动名称:点菜活动目的:创设真实情景,让学生运用有关用餐的英语句型,

22、在食店点菜 . 使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握英语,激发学生的学习兴趣,并做到学以致用。语言技能: listening and speaking 语言知识:食物名称和价格的表达方法提示词语及句型:1、必备单词和句型句型 rice, hot dog, hamburger, fish, beef,soup, noodles, coke, coffee, pear, apple, watermelon what would you like? i d like some milk 2、扩展词汇与句型 词汇: sandwiches (三明治) , tofu( 豆腐 ),pork (猪肉),mutton

23、(羊肉), cabbage (白菜) ,cucumber (黄瓜) ,chili (辣椒) , white ground (冬瓜) ,carrot (胡萝卜) ,onion (洋葱) ,spinach (菠菜) .句型: can i help you? how much is it? it s how much arethey? they re wait a minute.活动形式:四人小组活动过程:一、热身活动,引起学生的兴趣1. free talkt: i like chicken. what do you like?s1: i like hamburger.t: i like chick

24、en.s2: i like beef.(对没有学过的食物单词允许学生说中文,教师说出英文。 ) 2a guessing game用多媒体课件让学生猜食物的名称。把食物和饮料的图片用模糊的形式出现,让学生去猜。二、 pre-task( 呈现完成任务需要的知识,介绍任务的要求和实施任务的步骤) 1.t:( 教师演示课件,一个学生放晚学回家来到厨房 )look at thescreen, can you guess the topic of this class from the picture? ss: eating.( 教师引导学生说出 )t: do you know what mike wil

25、l say to dad?ss: i don t know. t plays the cai again. t helps ss say the sentences: mike: dad, i m hungry. what s for dinner? i d like some soupand rice. dad: ok. wait and see.三、 while-task (设计数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生一个人或小组形式完成各项任务)1.单词滚雪球游戏 t: i d like some beef for dinner.what would yo u like for dinner?s1: i d like some beef and vegetables. what would you like fordinner? s2:i d like some beef ,vegetables and rice .what would you likefor dinner? i d like some为.完成下面的任务活动打下基础。2listen and choose 听录音,填写表格。s1: hello. what would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner? s2: i d like some .


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