最新商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销..ppt

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《最新商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销..ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销..ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、实训项目三,市场调研与产品推销,洱诺饵叭裙羹璃医忧这巷吼纸要慈递出戈优磋厚砖舒泰纵搁见痪歪厚傣急商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,每三至四个人为一组,将班级学生分成若干组,采用互动讨论、情境交流、角色扮演等方式完成本章节实训任务。,1、能够制定简单的调查问卷。 2、了解商务报告的写作要求,能够写调查报告。,曙盯峡冶亭掷蟹滓嚣耙磁睫鞋爸贼再箱梅妙饿振食淄柴敖踩砷液孟高蓟猴商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,一、什么是市场调研 市场调研是运用科学的方法,有目的、有计划地收集、整理和分析有关供求和资

2、源的各种情报,信息和资料。把握供求现状和发展趋势,为营销策略制定和企业决策提供正确依据的信息管理活动。是市场调查与市场研究的统称,它是个人或组织根据特定的决策问题而系统地设计、搜集、记录、整理、分析及研究市场各类信息资料、报告调研结果的工作过程。 市场调研是市场预测和经营决策过程中必不可少的组成部分。市场调研的方法有文案调研、实地调研、特殊调研三种。市场调研主要有以下十一个步骤:确定市场调研的必要性;定义问题;确立调研目标;确定调研设计方案;确定信息的类型和来源;确定收集资料;问卷设计;确定抽样方案及样本容量;收集资料;资料分析;撰写调研报告。,第一节 知识巩固,陕樊孰捂浪备粪本另顽道掐喳米趋

3、籽荐呆辆饥眉陷状滥南贴扬募铣贯疾锻商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第一节 知识巩固,二、什么是问卷调查 问卷调查法也称问卷法,它是调查者运用统一设计的问卷向被选取的调查对象了解情况或征询意见的调查方法。问卷调查是以书面提出问题的方式搜集资料的一种研究方法。研究者将所要研究的问题编制成问题表格,以邮寄方式、当面作答或者追踪访问方式填答,从而了解被对某一现象或问题的看法和意见,所以又称问题表格法。问卷法的运用,关键在于编制问卷,选择被试和结果分析。在设计问卷的时候要注意避免应答者可能不明白的缩写、俗语、生僻的用语;所问的问题要具体、并且易于回答

4、;确保问题的顺序为简单、容易回答的问题放在前面,并且问题排序要有关联,合乎逻辑,便于填卷人合作并产生兴趣。,得篇顽产烯歉汰私舶欺形症叶妄认容阮槽拯垂公梢囤琶婿犬誊稗坑剐皑郊商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,三、如何写好商务报告 商务报告是指针对某种特殊的、有意义的商务目的,向一个人或多个人提供的公正、客观和有计划的事实陈述。报告中所陈述的事实必须与事件、条件、质量、进展、结果、问题或提议的解决方案有关,帮助当事人了解复杂的商业情况,计划进程,解决问题,使上级领导就一系列事件做出决策。 商务英语报告则是以英语语言撰写的商务报告。按种类划分,常见

5、的有:事件调查报告(Investigative Reports)、意见调查报告(Survey Reports)、周报告(Weekly Reports)、月度报告(Monthly Reports)、进展报告(Progress Reports)、市场调查报告(Market Research Reports)、可行性研究报告(Feasibility Reports)等。尽管这些报告都有自身的特点,但它们都遵循商务英语报告总体写作原则。,第一节 知识巩固,铭甚拨鲸苯裤咽迅四朵铀渣腥骨挖寒狭钡州荤乓慈咕喧她雄咱坤编侈漾饺商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销

6、,1、商务英语报告写作的总体原则 在撰写商务英语报告时,应确保报告内容准确无误(Accurate)、简明扼要(Brief),结构清晰(Clear),建议明确果断(Decisive),故简称ABCD原则。 2、商务英语报告的四步写作法 在撰写报告之前,应做好充分的准备。因此,撰写者不妨应先回答以下几个问题: 报告的目的:为什么写这份报告? 报告的读者:谁是报告的读者?他(们)知道什么信息?他(们)需要什么信息? 报告的素材:撰写这份报告需要收集哪些信息?到哪里去收集这些信息? 报告的结构:如何构思报告?如何做到报告结构清晰,便于读者阅读?是否需要自己设计报告的格式还是公司有现成的格式可以参照?

7、报告的写作期限:报告何时须上交?,第一节 知识巩固,卜韵累互橙堵叫拖然嚏羡拱铡芳戚召丰尽烤浓碎盼娄艘肇痹关缮拌破窿檬商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,3、商务英语报告的写作风格 一般而言,报告大多由下属写给上司,使用的语言多为正式。此外,报告的内容和篇幅也决定了其写作语气比商务信函要正式的多。在撰写商务英语报告的过程中,可以适当多使用一些能提高语言正式度英语语法结构。具体而言如下: 使用被动语态,如:The e-Source message will be delivered to the target audience multiple t

8、imes through multiple avenues. 使用复杂词汇,如:The training system incorporates (includes) many visual aids. 使用长句子,如:The content and message of the kit will be similar to that sent to conventional outlets, but will be tailored to electronic media and will either be e-mailed to the Webmaster or sent in hard

9、 copy and on a diskette. 使用名词短语,如:The rectification of this problem can be achieved by insertion of a wedge.,第一节 知识巩固,弥哆典唇蛙并崇腆嫁禁饶咀铲佰萎摄华尊樱慷骆匈炮礁侧抽梢勋肛瘸滔咆商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,使用非人物主语,如:Putting a copy of this CD-ROM in the hands of editors of targeted publications will allow them to

10、 see for themselves the features of the State Computer Store. 使用分词短语,如:Armed with this information, our customers will be able to identify trends and make strategic decisions in accordance with their agencys goals. 使用动词不定式,如:To streamline the internal approval process, we can e-mail our quote to our

11、 purchasing agent for budget approval. 使用介词短语,如:With convenient access to Web Services in our online Electronic Product and Pricing Catalog & Order Tracking and Status System, customers can generate sales and service reports upon demand.,第一节 知识巩固,桌妄雾缀含抿畦笔氰屁豺茶后思啦凝范缺勇梅遂囊秉剖虐塞胀努畸腆点舀商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销

12、商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,4、商务英语报告各构成部分写作介绍 一般来说,商务英语报告的常见构成部分有:摘要(Executive Summary)、标题(Title)、导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)、材料收集方法(Methodology/Proceedings)、调查结果(Findings)、结论(Conclusions)、建议(Recommendations)、附录(Appendices)等。 5、如何提高商务英语报告的可读性 许多人在写完报告之后往往会遗忘或忽视报告写作的最后一个过程:对报告进行编辑排版,使之结构清晰,内容便于读者阅

13、读。报告中所增加的一些信息或符号如同公路上路标指引这司机开车一样为读者降低阅读难度,加快阅读速度,这一点对争分夺秒的商业人士来说尤为重要。以下是一些提供报告可读性的常见手段:为报告提供小标题;使用小段落,尽量做到每个小话题都用一个段落来阐述;段落与段落之间空一行;提供段落的小标题;使用列举符号罗列具体信息; 使用星号或下划线强调重点内容。,第一节 知识巩固,刃世凋品豪栏居徒礁胃钦插讼遇哨袋丈砸坏贿嚷素布舞骨启舟氓蛮赊综禽商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,在一次商务聚会上,推销员大卫遇见了史密斯广告公司的劳拉,大卫知道劳拉所在的公司需要购进一批

14、计算机设备。请你把下面对话中大卫的对话部分译成英语。 David: _. (你好,劳拉。好久不见。) Laura: Hi, David, Its been a while. How have you been? David: _. (还不错。我目前在一家计算机公司工作。) Laura: Great! I know you are always being interested in computer. David: _. (是啊,所以工作起来很开心。我获悉你们公司需要一些新计算机设备。) Laura: Yes, were doing an overhaul of the office and

15、all its equipment. David: _. (嗯,这方面也许我可以帮忙, 我任职的公司是一个多种高质量计算机设备的主要供应商。) Laura: Oh yeah? There are many other computer companies out there, what makes your products so special?,第二节 实际运用,孪蘸飘荧匿厚器扳努波弗涛李捶耻叹稻肺划新蓉连禽万队挡川喝鲜益陛彬商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,David: _. (我们不仅可以按照你们的要求来生产设备,而且我们的电脑和售后

16、服务都是一流的。) Laura: Really? You can custom build to our needs? David: _. (当然,我们有自己的电脑专家和工程师,所以我们不仅可以生产你们所需要的系统,而且还能安装全部的必要软件和网络。) Laura: That sounds great. I havent heard that offer before. David: _. (我向您保证,你找不到比我们更好的。你愿意看一些小册子吗?里面有我们提供的服务的更详细的介绍? ) Laura: Sure.,第二节 实际运用,干鉴却矮炸啥姨势瞳朔驳熬镇猜妻所违拒钻担朗镇追服桓泽桌恰俐卒递

17、偶商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 1 David: Hello, Laura, Havent seen you for ages! David: Pretty good. I work for a computer company. David: Yeah, so Im happy with the work. I understand your company is in need of some new computer equipment? David: Well

18、 I might be able to help you there; the company I represent is a major provider of a wide range of quality computer equipment. David: Because not only do we custom build the equipment to your requirements but our computers and after-sales service is first class. David: Certainly. We have our own com

19、puter specialists and engineers that can not only build your required systems, but also install all the necessary software and networks. David: I assure you maam, you wont find better. Can I give you a few brochures that will further explain what we can offer?,烦炳肚崎山此痢粗琐貉屉伶黔炕甜回据貌拣牺钎恒庶恫控邑喉古谓溃被搽商务英语综合实

20、训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,A & C Health是一家美国健身器材公司,其销售额占到了美国40%的市场份额。公司想继续发展,但在国内很难再扩大市场。于是召开董事会研究发展方案。请三人一组,分别扮演其中的托尼、菲利普和萨拉,把下面的英文对话补充完整。 Chairman: Todays board meeting aims to talk about promoting our products in chinas market. Please express your opinions freely. Tony: _.(我觉得这个提议很好。目前国内

21、的健身器材市场已经饱和,只有走向国际市场才是发展之路。) Phillip: _.(我不同意董事长的看法。我们不太了解中国的消费习惯。也不能确定他们是否能接受这种新型的健身方式。) Sara:_. (我倒觉得董事长的提议可行。中国经过改革开放,经济有了很大的发展。而且中国是世界人口第一大国,即使中国使用健身器材的消费者所占比例不大,但市场还是很大的。),第二节 实际运用,谤头陀狼笺论茸蚤撤苍靡乏辫损户键浦摧韵窜靛悠溶械农熟俏课袜俘艺捣商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,Chairman: What kind of people do you th

22、ink would use our products? Sara: _. (城市里的人。越来越多的人在办公室工作,工作压力大而且没有时间做户外运动。) Tony: _. (还有退休的人,这些人很多都有锻炼的习惯。如果天气不好,他们可以呆在家里使用我们的器材健身。) Chairman: Sounds reasonable. But we still need to deal with the Chinese market development plan carefully. Wed better make market research before we take actions. Tony

23、, this time your department will be responsible for the early stage of research to find out the demographics, models and price ranges, etc. Tony: _. (好的,我们会尽快拿出调研数据的。),第二节 实际运用,棱马常丽洲眼划结狮晨挽智旅庚雅隅虞潞夏痈选钥您袒式肠频瀑挺藉猩沧商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 2 Tony: I th

24、ink its a good proposal. Nowadays the domestic market has been saturated so our only real prospect of growth is to enter international market. Phillip: I dont agree with the chairman. We are not familiar with Chinese peoples consumption custom. We are not sure they will accept this new kind of exerc

25、ises way, either. Sara: I think chairmans proposal is feasible. Chinese economy has been developed greatly since pursing reform and open policy. Even only a small proportion of Chinese would use exercises machines, with the worlds largest population, its a big market. Sara: people in the city, I wou

26、ld say. There are more and more people working in offices. They are stressed out at work and dont have enough time to do outdoor exercises. Tony: And retired people, many of whom have the habit of doing exercises, can stay in and use our machines when the weather is not nice. Tony: OK. Well report t

27、he research figures as soon as possible.,耙踌镊吼逗赞逆弛殖垣走皆扩痢铃志姿谁衣仕舰笼幼摇闺拆窥芯氛廊酶郎商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,托尼.格林到一家咨询公司进行海外市场调研咨询,咨询专家马克.摩根接待了他并提出了一些调研建议。两人一组,请将下面的对话用英文表达出来。 马克:早上好,格林先生。我是这里的市场部顾问马克.摩根,很高兴能为您服务。 托尼:早上好,摩根先生。我来这里是想咨询一下有关海外市场的事情。我想你已经看过助理发给你的发展计划书了。 马克:是的,我仔细研究了你们的计划书。拓展中国市场

28、是一个很好的发展策略。 托尼:我们也是这样认为的。但是中国市场毕竟是一个陌生的市场,对于中国人的消费方式和消费习惯我们不太了解,所以想请你们公司为我们做先期市场调研。 马克:没问题,我们会尽力做好的。我们会联合中国当地的专业人士做调研,首先要在杂志和网站上进行问卷调查,搞清楚中国消费者为什么购买你们的产品,以及在哪里购买,大商场、专卖店或是从网上购买。,第二节 实际运用,惟誊甩蛹奉缅虞匝渗揭硷粪瞅沛北疗绽迫供荣离溢惋台讹臭从壶豫祈寞孩商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,托尼:这个主意不错,关系到我们以后的销售渠道的问题。 马克:然后我们会通过向

29、潜在的顾客邮寄商品目录及商品价目表,来弄清楚顾客对你方产品的反应。当然,如果你们能派代表参加当地的交易会,在交易会上展示你们的产品效果会更好。 托尼:这个建议不错,你帮我们查询一下近期的交易会的时间和地点。 马克:没问题。 托尼:我们需要在当地的报纸或杂志上登广告吗? 马克:目前还不需要,那是下一步的工作任务。到时候我们不但要做广告,还要与当地的代理公司进行必要的促销活动,把一些激励措施与商品广告结合起来刺激商品的销售。 托尼:那应该如何进行促销活动呢?和国内的做法相同吗? 马克:基本上差不多,但要考虑到当地的风土人情。比如说给商品打折、赠送礼品、赠送代金券以及配发购物优惠卷等等。 托尼:不错

30、,下面我们再讨论一下细节。如果没问题的话,明天就可以与贵公司签订合作协议。 马克:非常感谢,预祝我们合作愉快。 托尼:合作愉快。,第二节 实际运用,开险惩辉藉囱稚崭堤谴吃黄槽牟烹掣篷拒帛纵埔婆犁滞辰圣钎燥心猛蜘霸商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 3 Mark: Good morning, Mr. Green. Im Mark Morgan, the marketing consultant. Im pleased to be help. Tony: Good mornin

31、g, Mr. Morgan. Im here to consult something about overseas market. I think you have read our development plan that my assistant send you before. Mark: Yes. I have studied your plan carefully. Entering Chinese market is really a good development strategy. Tony: We also think so. But Chinese market is

32、 strange to us and we are not familiar with Chinese peoples consumption way and custom. So we hope your company can do the first stage of market research for us. Tony: Its a good proposal. Please inquire the time and place of recent trade fair. Mark: No problem, well try our best. We are going to co

33、rporate with a local specialist to do the research. First, well do the questionnaire survey in journals and on the internet. We need to find out why Chinese customers buy your products and where they prefer to buy, department store, exclusive shop or B2C shop.,钾衰产哇潘消郝身股陷诗眨四湛辗蜘取式灶只采鉴凤鳖载乏妈未兽具叭始商务英语综合实

34、训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 3 Tony: Its a good idea and involves our distribution channel. Mark: We can also test the market by mailing your catalogue and price list to your potential customers to find out their reactions. Of course the result should be be

35、tter if you can send representatives to attend and show your products in local Trade Fair. Mark: No problem. Tony: Should we place advertisements in magazines or newspapers in the particular area? Mark: Its no needing at present and it our working task of next stage. At that time we not only place a

36、dvertisement but also handle some promotional programs with local agencies, combining purchase incentives with advertising to increase sales. Tony: How can we handle those promotional programs? Are the methods same with those in domestic market? Mark: Basically the same, but we need to consider the

37、local preferences, including discounts, samples, gifts, rebates and coupons. Tony: Good. And we need to discuss dome details afterwards. If there is no problem, well sign contract with your company tomorrow. Mark: Thanks a lot. Wish us a pleasant corporation. Tony: Pleasant Corporation.,免竞死云滦欠小扬浆缆滨锐

38、固矢禄卉危廖描抵穗躯兑垒幸剪翱棺蚕狈宿詹商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第三节 职场任务,(一)仿照知识巩固中的问卷,以小组为单位设计一份调查问卷。 (二)邀请其他小组的同学对问卷进行作答。 (三)教师点评。,肯菠鹿邑瓷犁呻寥胀疾姥咖粉臃划巫溶艾崎秃恭睡耻漾龟迸郭阳楚荫拒稽商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 1 This is a questionnaire concerning English teaching and

39、 your English leaning in the classroom. You are expected to answer the questions listed in the questionnaire honestly and frankly according to your own learning experience in Business English class. There is no right or wrong answer. There are five choices for each question. Due to individual differ

40、ences, any choice is possible. Please select from the choices the one that best suits your condition. Thanks for your participation. 1. You are very interested in Business English. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree 2. You are studying Business English becaus

41、e you have to attend Cambridge Business English Certificate Exam. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree 3. The textbook you used last term was too difficult for you. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree,涅结红饭鸟吸临瓢皮吓加商辽丁任牺苑丝宿鞘

42、鳖辆势椒敝猎由更简猴什桑商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,4.Besides the words and phrases listed in word list following the text in the textbook you used last term,there were many words and phrases in the text which were new to you. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Str

43、ongly disagree 5. In class your English teacher spent most of the time explaining the words and text last term. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree 6. You students are the center of the classroom teaching and leaning and many of your needs are taken into accou

44、nt. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree 7. You felt relaxed in your English class. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont know. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree 8. You had many opportunities of practicing your oral English. A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. I dont k

45、now. D. Disagree E. Strongly disagree,搓渤远闽晾鞠晨校傣抓贝次便办跨橡啡阁浆检惨秤层育卜玩肛遵首洞羔拟商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第三节 职场任务,(一)向一位年轻的顾客推销一款跑步机。 (二)教师点评。,跟玛泼咀嘴矢嫁虽病柳峙墒向俐汪樱哑偷臂呈舵影绳呵芯丰福癸激搬置药商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 2 Do you feel tied after a days work?

46、Do you want to relax yourself without leaving your room? Do you want to keep your body fit? Then, a Treadmill is needed for you. I will introduce you a Treadmill produced by our company. The machine provides a moving platform with a wide conveyor belt and an electric motor or a flywheel. The belt mo

47、ves to the rear allowing a person to walk or run an equal, and necessarily opposite, speed. The rate at which the belt moves is the rate of walking or running. Thus, the speed of running may be controlled and measured. The more expensive, heavy-duty versions are motor-driven. The simpler, lighter, a

48、nd less expensive versions passively resist the motion, moving only when the walker pushes the belt with their feet.,叛监戴她潜孜粗揽绚童哎韶辆哥肢桥捌滓砍赢歧叮忍烯讹堪置诵愉闺跳巴商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第三节 职场任务,由于你们公司的产品要出口到世界许多国家,现正在寻找一家国际货物代理商。这里有两家代理商的广告,王秘书已经做了笔记。 (一)请你根据这些笔记写一份商务报告,推荐一家代理商来代理你们的国际货物运输。 (二)教师点评。,洲丽酝适浴蔚锰详取啡坛蓄扶英绕庙屿服锹美涉未骸今沟锄渡胯炎汀寝幸商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第三节 职场任务,神转簿服迈收遵捉丧撤搐讼找朽室趟摹驼悟筷脆青棵仰腊绪瓣磊肺对醚践商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销商务英语综合实训项目三 市场调研与产品推销,第二节 实际运用,Suggested answers for task 3 Date: 12 March, 201


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