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1、初中语法课全英教案【篇一:初中英语优质课教案】初中英语优质课教案 授课日期: 2009 年 10 月 27 日执教教师:姚乾兴工作单位:望谟县打易中学一、教学内容:unit4 how do you get to school?二、教学目标:1、知识目标:单词: subway take the subway train ride a bikewalk 等。2、语言目标: how 引导的特殊问句;肯定句与否定句。听:能听懂谈话出行的方式。说:能表达自己想到达目的的出行方式。读:能正确朗读本单元的对话和句型。写:能写本单元的单词和句型。3、学习策略:注意通过语言语调的表达来推测词义,也可借手势动作和

2、表情来完成。(主动参与学习,善于和他人合作交流)。4、情感目标:学会在交流活动中尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的生活习惯,增进情谊。5、德育目标:在歌曲和游戏中习他人积极、乐观、努力进取的团队合作精神。6、多元智能:人际交往 逻辑表达 个性呈现7、文化意识:了解英、美国家中小学生上学的方式,培养世界意识。了解中西文化的差异。三、教学重点、难点:1. how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句 .2. 乘坐交通工具的表示方法 .3. it takes /will take/took sb. some time to do sth.四、课前准备:cards and

3、 a tape-recorder .五、教学运用:情景交际法、游戏法等。六、教学手段:多媒体演示、 flash 动画、 ppt 演示、歌曲游戏及肢体语言的应用。七、教学过程: step 1.warming up.great the class as usual.talk about the weather .t: how s the weather today? t:how was the weather like yesterday? ? point student a say “ hello! listen to me ok ?.i will sing a song to you .but

4、 youmust ? ”.用( 手指作安静动作 )listening to a song 歌曲欣赏,创造轻松愉快的学习气氛 , 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。 step 2 、games用肢体语言表达让学生猜测意思,完成交通工具词汇的预知。step 3 、play 多媒体技术呈现以上预知的词汇导入新句型 how do you get to ?.?的学习。 ask students to try to read these words :bike trainsubway car boat .and correct the wrong pronunciation of thesewords

5、 .then do a words game .( 比记忆力 )。 step 4 、listening . 过渡到 section a 1a 1b 的学习,并逐步完成课文 1b 的填空。 using the picture on the screen. ask students some questionsabout the picture.t: what can you see in the picture?t: how many people are there in the picture?t: what are they doing? after this, play the reco

6、rding for two times, ask students tofinish activity 1b and write down the phrases of the transports. takes the train, takes the subway, takes the bus then ask students to repeat the conversation and check theanswers together.the teacher give the correct answers on the screen. (通过听说使学生领悟如何表达使用交通工具 )。

7、step 5 、structures (操练词汇及句型 )a、show the pictures to students and read these phrases , ask students to repeat.b、show the pictures to them and ask them to say eachphrase one by one. c 、then show the pictures to students andask students to answer the question “how do you go toschool ?” one by one.d、the

8、n do another exercise. the first student say “i go to school by ?or i take?toschool. ”. then the second student say “he/she goes to schoolby?or he/she takes?to school. ”(完成第三人称的转换,目的是从 “句子接龙 ”中让学生达到听与说的结合。) step 6 、pairwork ask two students to read the dialogue about 1a. then ask students to work in

9、 pairs. ask and answer howstudents get to school in the picture.as they work, move around the room, offering language orpronunciation support as needed. finally ask some pairs of students to present theirconversations to the class.(通过情景对话让学生更好的掌握所学的句型。)step 7 : exercises1. ( ) do you get to school?

10、i take the bus.a. why b. how c. when d. where2. how ( ) dave ( ) to school yester day?a. does; get b. did; got c. does; got d. did; get3. she goes to the library ( ).a. walk b. on foot c. by foot d. in foot 4. how ( ) tom and marry ( ) home?a. do; get to b. does; get to c. do; get d. does; get (通过练习

11、巩固所学内容,特别是练习 3 强调了步行用 “on foot 练”习 4 强调了地点副词 “home”前不用介词 “to ”)step 8 :homework:write down your own conversations in pairwork.interview ten students how they get to someplace, make a list. 八、板书设计:unit4 how do you go to school?how do you go to school? takes the train takes the bustakes the subway wal

12、ki go to school by?.九、教学反思:1) 基本按照新课标的要求让学生成为课堂的主体,遵循学习认知规律,通过设疑、提问、启发、诱导、游戏、多媒体动画等方法,调动学生积极性,使整个教学呈现轻松的发展过程。2) 多媒体教学使课堂生动活泼,增加了教学容量,使老师更好的利用和节省时间。3) 随堂的几道习题帮助学生更好的掌握了所学。4)多设计一些合适的活动吸取他人经验改进自己的教学方法,这节课一定会取得更好的效果。【篇二:初中英语语法教学教案】初中英语语法教学教案教学思路 : 本节课我教的是情态动词 can 和 could 作“能力 ”解时的区别。这节课我打算通过复习以前学过的情态动词

13、can 的用法,以及通过做游戏,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握 can 的用法,以及了解 can 和could 的区别。一、teaching content:topic:unit5can you play the guitar?grammar :using “can”/ “could ” to talk about ability二、teaching aims:1.use can talk about the ability at present.2.use could talk about ability in the past. 三、teaching keyanddifficult poin

14、ts:how to use “can” and “could ” to express ability in the present and past.四、teaching methods:task-based language teaching method五、teaching procedures:step 1 :warming up task 1: revisiont: what can you do now? s1: i can sing. s2: i can draw s3: i can dance. t: can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kit

15、e / play football / playchess? ss:yes, i can. / no, i can t. task 2: playing a game t: now letusplay a game.five students come to the front andperform for the class according tomyinstructions.andgestures.theothers answer my questions. t : what can she do? ss : she can ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/

16、play football / playchess . t: can she swim/ fly a kite/play football /play chess. ss: yes ,she can? no, she can t.t: say the whole sentences: eg: acan ride a bike.he can t / cannot swim. step2:presentationt: can you ride a bike now? s1:yes. i cant:couldyou ride a bike five years ago ?yes, i could./

17、 no, i couldn t ( help him answer)s1:yes, i could./ no, i couldn t. t: we can use “could ” t talk about the past .e.gi can play computer now .but, last year i couldn t play.t: could you row a boat last year?s1:yes i could . no, i couldn t.t: could she he row a boat last year?( ask other students) ss

18、: yes she he could . no she he couldn t he couldn t swim five years ago.(teach the students to say the whole sentences):a could ride a bike five years ago. he couldn t swim five years ago.) (ask other students in the same ways)step3:practice :work in pairst: ask your partner more questionseg:could h

19、e / she ?(yes, he / she could. / no, he / she couldn t.) .step 4: production task 3: explanationt: let s work out the rule. 肯定句式 : cancould 否定句式 : can ctouldn t疑问句式 : can?could? t:we can use “am (is , are) able to “ instead of “can”,and “was(were) able to “ instead of “could “. eg. mike can sing mor

20、e than 20 english songs. mike is able to she could speak english when she was four.she was able to t: please give moreexamples.topractice them.step5:summary t:inthis class,wehavelearnt the use of can and could abouttalking about abilities .who knows the differences between“can” and “could ”step 6:homework finish off the practice on the workbooks ,fill in the blank withcan/could【篇三:初中英语教学设计案例】


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