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1、人教版新目标英语八年级(上)Unit5 Period 1教学设计宁陕县城关初级中学 喻明清 教学内容Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? (Section A1a ,1b,1c)课时Period 1教学对象八年级学生设计者喻明清一、教材内容分析本节课选自人教版新目标八年级上册Unit 5第一课时,本单元主要语言功能项目是:Talk about preferences,make plans.本单元的话题主要围绕“电视节目”展开教学活动。首先,让学生学会各种电视节目的英文表达,再让学生学会怎样用英语表达对不同电视节目的看法,通过用学生们熟悉的电视节目提高

2、学生们的学习兴趣,再通过简单的口语练习,使学生积极参与、合作,从而培养学生的综合语言运用能力。根据英语课程标准要求、教材内容和八年级学生的学习水平,我将Section A 1a ,1b,1c 确立为第一课时的教学内容,让学生初步使用目标语言What do you think of game shows? I love/ like/ dont like/ dont mind / cant stand 通过学习,使学生掌握各电视节目的英文表达法,能谈论自己对电视节目的看法,并能询问他人的看法,为后面进一步学习打下基础。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)(一)知识掌握:1.词汇:soap

3、opera,sitcom,talk show,sports show,game show,talent show,news,dont mind, cant stand2.重点句型:1) What do you think of game shows? I love/ like/ dont like/ dont mind / cant stand .2) What does he/she think of? He loves/likes them.(二)能力培养:1.能运用目标语言谈论自己对各类电视节目的看法,并能询问他人的看法.2能听懂运用目标语言所展开的对话练习。3.能就自己熟悉的话题,表达

4、喜憎。(三)情感目标培养学生的合作意识,鼓励学生善于交流,大胆展示,发表个人的见解。三、教学重点、难点重点:1、词汇:soap, soap opera, sitcom, situation,talk show,sports show, game show,dont/doesnt mind, cant stand.2、句型: What do you think of ? I love/ like/ dont like/ dont mind / cant stand . What does he/she think of?He loves/likes难点:理解并运用dont mind 不介意, c

5、ant stand 不能忍受.What do you think of ? 和 What does he/she think of.?句式,并能根据实际做出正确的回答,阐述自己的观点。四、教法选择与学法指导借助网络手段,搜集有关电视节目资料,让学生体会各种电视节目的不同之处。设置练习和实践所需的真实情景,营造良好的语言学习情景。采用情景教学法,小组合作学习,任务型教学法,为学生设置真实的情景、语境,使学生在思考、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言。五、资源准备多媒体课件及相关教学资源。六、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Step 1Leading in Greet the cla

6、ss using:Good morning!/How are you today ? Do you want to know about my hobbies?I like .Do you like watching TV? What kinds of TV shows do you know?Answer the questions:Yes,I do.Try to answer TV shows they know.导入由教师自己的爱好展开,通过提问、设疑,以旧引新,启发学生思考,激起学习兴趣。Step 2 Learn the new words1. Show some pictures a

7、bout the TV shows and teach the new words . 2. Let the students look at the pictures and guess the TV shows.3. Let the students look at 1a and match the pictures with the TV shows.4. Check the answers.1.Look at the pictures.Read and learn the new words.2. Look at the pictures and guess the TV shows.

8、3.Look at the pictures and TV shows . Match the pictures with the TV shows. 4.Give the answers.1.用多媒体展示有关电视节目图片,使词语展示形象化,直观化。2.通过游戏巩固词汇。3.通过练习活动将图片再次呈现,起到巩固词汇的作用,达到正确理解和认知的目的。Step 3presentation1. Show some pictures and ask questions:What do you want to watch?2. Show Ss the chart with the signs and h

9、elp the studentsunderstandthe meaningofthepictures.3. T asks Ss questions:What do you think of sitcoms /soap operas/?4.Give an example to Ss. A: What do you think of game shows?B:I love them5.Ask two Ss to perform the conversations.6.Ask Ss to work in pairs.7.Move around the classroom giving them su

10、pport as needed1.Ss answer:I want to watch . Then Ss ask from row 1 to the last row one by one. 2.Ss guess the meaning.3.Ss answer: I love them.I like them.I dont mind them.I dont like them. I cant stand them.4.Look at the screen and listen to the teacher.5.Work in pairs.1.创设情境,让学生初步感知What do you th

11、ink of2.通过pairwork活动,学习运用目标语言,并在完成任务的过程中主动的学习、体会和掌握语言。Step 6Listening 1.Play the tape and have the Ss finish 1b.2.Let Ss practice in pairs.A:Hey,.,I plan to watch TV tonight.Do you want to join me ?B: Sure.What do you want to watch?A: Well,What do you think of .(s)?B: I cant stand/ dont like/ dont m

12、ind/ like / love them (it). A:What do you think of .(s)?B:.A: Well, lets watch the .1.Listen and finish thelistening practice.2.work in pairs. 3.Some pairs act out in front of class.1. 能听懂运用目标语言所展开的对话练习。2. 通过展示类似听力原文的对话,学生结合对话与图片进行问答练习,进一步巩固目标语言,初步感知本单元的语法动词做不定式。Step 7Pairwork1.Show some pictures an

13、d ask :What does he/she think of?2.Ask two Ss to perform the conversations. What does he/she think of? He loves/likes1.Ss answer the questions.2.Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the pictures.What does he/she think of? He loves/likes运用图片帮助学生巩固语言知识.同时训练单数第三人称形式。Step 8Make a survey and giv

14、e a report. 1. Let the Ss look at the form and explain the form, tell Ss how to make a survey.2. Ask the Ss to make a survey.3.Ask the Ss to give reports4.Move around the classroom giving them support as needed.5.Check the reports. 1.Students work in a group(4 students)2.Students make a survey. 3.Gi

15、ve the reports.学生做调查报告,引导生生互评,为学生充分提供展示的空间和平台,同时考查学生综合运用本节课所学知识的能力。Step 9Summary and exercise1.Show the exercises.2.Check the answers.1.Students finish the exercises.2.Summarize the language points we learnt in this class.通过习题的形式小结回顾本节课内容,起到加深影响的作用。Step 10HomeworkGive students homework.A.1. Copy and

16、 memorize the new words.2.Write a passage to talk about their likes and dislikes.B.Copy and memorize the new words.Listen and choose one of the exercises.作业分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生。七、板书设计 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? A:What do you think of .(s)? B: I love/like/dont mind/dont like/cant stand them(it). A: What does she/he think of .(s)? B:She/he loves/likes/doesnt mind/doesnt like/cant stand them(it).


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