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1、快乐课堂我学习 我展示 我成功 我快乐武鸣县城厢镇小学五年级英语科上册导学案主备人: 李秀玲 审核人: 使用者单位: 使用者姓名: 教学内容: Module 7 Unit1 He cant see.教学目标: 1.知识目标:使学生能听、说、读、写单词show, blind, deaf ,hear, firefighter, mum, sausage并能够理解其汉语意思。 使学生能够运用句型能准确理解并熟练地运用“He/ She/ They can/ cantCan.?Yes,./No,.”句型。2. 技能目标:通过活动体验,在交流中学会用can和cant 讲述自己和他人做得到或做不到的事,发展

2、综合语言运用能力。3.情感目标:培养学生关心他人,奉献爱心,保护热爱动物的良好品质。教学重点和难点: 学生能够运用can和cant谈论能力,在真实情景中灵活运用新知识介绍自己和他人做得到或做不到的事。教学准备 : 点读机、单词卡片、PPT课件教学流程: Step I Warm up 1.课前三分钟口语交际展示2.通过chant复习动词词组及can/cant的句型 。Chant and do. I can run.Run,run,run.I can walk.Walk,walk,walk. I can ride.Ride,ride,ride.I can see.See,see,see. Run

3、fast,run fast,I can run fast.Jump high,jump high,I can jump high. Catch the ball,catch the ball,I cant catch the ball well. Play football,play football,I cant play football well.3. 通过师生问答复习can you.?句型。 T:边做动作边说:I can do it.(双手放后背交叉)Can you do it? S:(边做边说)Yes,I can./No,I cant. StepII Learn the new wo

4、rds1. 在小组长带领下学习新单词。(课件上或课本单词表) team well badly control really catch fantastic.2.全班跟标准音读一遍。3.出示图片,创设情境,导入学习新单词。 (1) show T:Do you like watching TV?Whats your favourite TV show? My favourite TV show is Animal World.I like dogs best.Dogs can help people。Look.! (2)blind 出示一张盲人的图片:He cant see.He is blind

5、. T:Who can read it?让学生试读blind.读对的全班跟,不对的教师纠正,全班再跟读 。接着开火车操练。 (3)deaf 出示一张聋子的图片:She cant hear. She is deaf. 让学生试读hear和deaf.读对的全班跟,不对的教师纠正,全班再跟读 。接着开火车操练。 (4)fireman-firemen 出示消防员的图片:They are firemen. The firemen cant find people.让学生清楚firemen是fireman的复数形式。让学生试读,读对的全班跟,不对的教师纠正,全班再跟读 。接着开火车操练。(5)useful

6、 T:Who can help them? Ss:Dogs. T:Yes,dogs are very useful. 出示狗的图片学习useful.让学生试读,接着开火车one by one。出示图片让学生知道guide dog。 (6)图片学习mum 和sausage。 4.全班齐读这些单词。5.在组长带领下小组内读单词并展示。6.抽号检查单词的掌握情况。 StepIII Text teaching1.引入T:Today,our good friend Amy,Sam and Lingling are watching TV.Now lets listen and think about:W

7、hat programme are they watching? They are watching a programme about_.2. 带上面问题去听,整体感知。(不开书本)3. 分段听录音,逐一了解文本细节,降低听力难度。(1) 听第一段录音,思考:Are dogs very useful?(2) 听第二段录音,思考:Can the dogs help the blind man?(3) 听第三段录音,思考:Can the dogs help the deaf girl?(4) 听第四段录音,思考:Can the dogs help the firemen?(5) 听第五段录音,思

8、考:Can Sam have a dog? Are the hot dogs really the dogs?4.再放录音,让学生跟读。 5. 全班齐读课文 6.组内齐读或分角色读并展示。StepIV. 操练展示重点句型1. T:出示图片,填空,并操练句型。 This man is blind.He cant see. This dog helps him. This girl is deaf. She cant hear. This dog helps her. These firefighter cant find people. These dogs help them. 2.Pairw

9、ork 把上面的图片说给对子听,并展示。 StepV.课堂练习 选择hear, blind, cant, programme, him, her, firemen 填空。 1. She cant see. She is _. 2. This man cant _. He is deaf. This dog helps _. 3. This girl _ walk. Her mother helps _. 4. The _ on TV is about animals. 5. The dogs can help _ find people. StepVI拓展运用1,用英语做事,升华主题,情感教育。 Tai Lihua is _. Yang Guang is _.She cant _. He cant _.Her teacher helps_. His mother helps _.拓展运用2.用can 和cant 描述动物能做及不能做的事。用上 This is It can , but it cantStep VII Summary 让学生自己小结本课学习重点。个人添补调整2


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