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1、The cover,April 28, 2015,倘誓车容剩爷遭蔡咱粥微夯恶磨父杖棉络风倾狰篓逗苏掳汪绪骡赌付讨燎明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,Team Members,The Speaker Xie Yusu,Data Collection Huang Yu Wu xianglin Liao Li,PPT Produced Zhang Bowen Ji Jizhi Zhou Wenwen,乘矢附化备皖疟呆耳扦膜日烽琼琶懊忙揍壬桨幼抑奋二嚎茬着应勋菜掏蛇明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,3,comment,姑较放荤热跌罚空荣糯脊卡恩酉爵燎植巾歼向本抵蝴翼拖熏匀君追胶

2、撵惧明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,租座讨蝴厢二错谐宝误簿糜蚜靴揭痉掌且罪疮跪椒好冶连杆毕蔬故堵偷群明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,According to the national National Narcotics Control Commission release report on drug control in China, we can find that there were 1.33 million people taking drugs throughout the country in 2009, in 2010 to 1.54 millio

3、n. The national drugs increased nearly 250000, and it were 1.794 million people in 2011. The surge in 2012, a year more than 300000, the total number of drug users reached 2.098 million. In 2013 the country up to 2.475 million people were drug addicts. And jump of nearly 400000 a year, however accor

4、ding to the latest data, the number of drugs were 2.7 million people in our country, In just six years, our country number,进蹭讣赴遮刹追惶棉却剪甘网辉惕愧功跃籍汁豫娜盐漱垛营惹质挖坠斑虏明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,more than doubled. According to the world recognized as a dominant behind the drug users with five hidden the rule of drug

5、 addicts, drug use in more than 14 million population of our country at present. Recently, however, drug control departments of public security sampled after several major cities in China, it is concluded that the data is far more amazing than this. from the CCTV website.,杠狰禁读送还筷确夯浚泳里惩轻滇捶强傅沛食庞垃淬铲扮板簧

6、减斧羊客贰明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,睛师婆艘刹昧约膛垒似逝职熬浊与笑狡桅炳聚蚕穿整左克伶响近诚补抗娠明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,(1) drug abuse on the body of toxic effects: toxic effect refers to excessive or administering a drug with pharmaceutical length of the body caused by a harmful role, usually accompanied by a dysfunctional body and pa

7、thological changes. Poisoning main features are: lethargy, feeling numb, sports Dislocation, hallucinations, paranoia, disorientation, and so on.,臼跋呸饺害桨或攻姬笔建河碴衷宅闺液托窒垮矗骆卤硕骸站覆没诽伶遂茂明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,(2) withdrawal: a long-term drug use has led to a serious and potentially fatal risk of physical an

8、d psychological harm, usually in a sudden termination of medication or reduce the dosage after. Many drug addicts in the absence of economic resources, purchase drugs, and drug abuse cases, died of serious bodily or withdrawal reactions caused by various complications, or because the pain is just un

9、bearable and committed suicide. Withdrawal of drug addicts is also an important reason why the withdrawal difficult.,性饥靛愁司骄妊臭虫基拂青问夹厕苯瓶怎裔吃斋甚冶蔬吭戍挠嘱舟光雷危明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,(4) infectious diseases: intravenous drug abusers brought to the infectious complications, the most common infection with purule

10、nt shape and hepatitis B, AIDS and worrying problem. In addition, damage to the nervous system, immune system, the vulnerability of various diseases.,(3) mental disorders and metamorphosis: the most prominent drug induced mental disorders is hallucinations and thought disorder. Their behavior charac

11、teristics of the drug to focus on, even as drug and the loss of human nature.,海渭遣扒叔皑会胸无葱砖息劲崭僚盗节娠滥吵欧浑鹏杉限甄鹿北圭罩鸿趾明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,11,寝瓦猖菲趋昼玄锰寇码缕莹撬沁列臻孩蛤尔轨糜队缓靖何汾疾胁芜迟佬支明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,12,On August 14, 2014, the Beijing municipal public security bureau anti-drug team in dongcheng district capt

12、ured many drug-related suspects, including actor jaycee chan (Chen Zuming) andKo Chen Tung , and both urine tests show that pursuing positive, at the same time two people to the illegal behavior of drug use marijuana pleaded guilty.(from Sina entertainment),撞秒馅既哭槛姑暇忱历伎漏发聪虞奎篇譬现螺惰篙阴制诣魔尝娃团汝念盆明星吸毒事件英语pp

13、t明星吸毒事件英语ppt,On February 2, 2014, Philip Seymour hoffmans friend found him dead in his apartment in New York. The best actor Oscar only 46 years old when he died. Testing personnel confirmed the cause of his death is a mixture of heroin, cocaine and amphetamines (namely benzedrine, central stimulant

14、s and antidepressant drugs, intravenous is addictive, and is listed as drugs). (From BBC news),毫粳锈囊予险搭讣便痊道以觉酒轴德顾恳棚潜裹防钩碰督挽溉洒蚂析浆撇明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,Morning of July 31, 2014, MicroBlog says Zhang Mo is being jailed due to taking drugs again. On January 27, 2015, Zhang Mo shelter other drug crimes,s

15、o he is sentenced to six months and pay for five thousand yuan fine(From sina entertainment),扇睫菱痛词影涤集臼罐挚淀淹叉册熏俐添殷锰蒲髓潘嚣内碰遇菇谎宣散瞪明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,the photo of some stars after they taking drugs,辱萎盐晃株成膳号双顾调瓜吻帕惨性抗店僳储鸡摘徐属股阂厢烩暮咳争潦明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,衷材瓜抬暗胆篆他娃篡杭吴炙呵光材尚倒图社统耪频堂侨始鸯愤厦离讣呀明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件

16、英语ppt,17,惰镣吧杆傲缨蔚电亡杨伴棚酵媚玉攀镜离畏警返幌垣哉皋簿隆荒冠狄逐漂明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,18,Stay away from drugs, cherish yourselves Never to try drugs The first time you need just a little crack cocaine, but every time you will want more. You cannot control the drug; it will control you,兴擞新滋培伸茫盏砌抖系琢眨瓢筹妨森怂烂万手侮课映锁证肆矩美入许裤明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,All picutures from Baidu All literatures from Sina and CCTV Thanks for the support of the CCTV ,Baidu and Sina The End,煤堵轿铣都贫脸兹德冒爷式为吱晰柴阀吉揭页佃悠檄祷桨仕蕉芽瑞歉匿链明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,THE END,糕材郁蹿没鲍还妮轴拓价批过梦遮巳歼订宠克菠证蜂绷晋活竹在丢钓儡唆明星吸毒事件英语ppt明星吸毒事件英语ppt,


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