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1、负载工况下锯链疲劳试验机研究 学校代码:10225 学 号: 专 业 学 位 论 文 黄宗宝 指导教师姓名: 杨铁滨 副教授 东北林业大学 申请学位类别: 硕 士 论文提交日期: 2016年4月 专业领域: 林业工程 论文答辩日期: 2016年6月 授予学位单位: 东北林业大学 授予学位日期: 2016年6月 答辩委员会主席: 论 文 评 阅 人: University Code:10225 Register Code : Dissertation for the Degree of Master Research on saw chain fatigue testing machine un

2、der load condition Candidate: Supervisor: Associate Supervisor: Academic Degree Applied for: Speciality: Date of Oral Examination: University: Huang Zongbao Yang Tiebin Degree of master Forestry engineering Northeast Forestry University 摘要 链锯广泛应用于伐木、营林、木工、建筑和园林等行业, 是横向锯截木材的主要工具。锯链是链锯的工作部件,锯链的切削性能对链锯

3、整机的生产率及单位生产成本影响极大,对操作者的劳动强度及人身安全也有一定的影响。所以,提高国产锯链的切削性能是我国采伐机械制造业的关键技术之一。锯链疲劳试验是锯链生产过程中必不可少的一个环节。 本实验机的设计主要分为两大部分,分别是机械系统试验台和测控系统两个部分。其中机械试验台部分要用来装载被锯切的木块,同时这部分需要提供进给力,通过箱体结构设计实现这些功能。另外在进行锯切试验时,要将电锯与箱盖之间固定住,电锯的运动轨迹要随着箱盖的运动轨迹来确定。在锯切过程中,电锯与箱盖、箱体之间一定会产生剧烈的振动,因此要将箱体的底座固定在地面上,防止由于振动产生的干扰和破坏。同时,在箱体上安装振动传感器

4、,实时测量振动产生的力。为此,本实验机的箱体的每个底座设计了两个孔,可以通过这两个孔,用螺栓将疲劳试验机固定在地面上,这样能够有效防止振动带来的危害。机械试验台这部分的结构,主要在UG以及CAD这两个软件中绘制结构图,并且通过计算对结构强度进行校验以及在UG环境下对盖板进行应力、应变分析。这就是整个机械试验台部分的设计方案。 在疲劳试验机的测控系统部分,采用的是工业上常用的控制方式, PLC与变频器的组合变频调速,对电锯的电动机进行控制。主要是完成电锯的启动、停止、定时以及变频调速等功能。利用变频器,改变输入电压频率,进而改变电锯的转速,实现对电锯的调速功能。电锯的启动、停止以及定时功能通过P

5、LC编程来控制。此外,要在电锯上安装测速传感器,对电锯的转速进行实时监控,并将信息回传给变频器,进行反馈调节。这种控制和调速方式更加智能化,利用PLC控制也节省人力,测试结果更准确。 最后利用GX-developer编程软件对整个实验过程过程进行编程,根据试验要求和实验步骤绘制功能顺序图,在GX-developer编程软件中绘制梯形图。 关键词 锯链;疲劳试验机;PLC控制 - I - Abstract Chain saw is widely used in logging, forestry, woodworking, architecture and landscape etc,which

6、 is the main tool transverse saw cut wood. Saw chain is the working parts of the saw and the electric saw, is a special kind of flexible cutting tool. Cutting performance of saw chain for chain saws machine has enormous influence on the productivity and the unit production cost, labor intensity of o

7、perators and security of person has a certain influence. Excellent cutting performance of the newly developed one of the essential condition of the saw chain market. Along with the upgrading of chain saw, saw chain abroad by its superior performance gradually occupied the saw chain market in China.

8、Therefore, improve the cutting performance of domestic saw chain has become one of the key technologies to revive our saw chain manufacturing. And determination of cutting performance of the saw chain is an essential link in the process of saw chain manufacture. In this paper, a saw chain fatigue te

9、sting machine under load condition is designed. The design of this machine is mainly divided into two parts, namely, the mechanical system test bench and the measurement and control system two parts. The mechanical test bench part to loading is sawing wood, also the need to provide feed force, throu

10、gh the box structure design to realize these functions. Also in sawing and cutting test, the chainsaw and the box cover is fixed between the living and the chainsaw motion trajectory with the trajectory of the box cover to determine. In the cutting process, a chainsaw and a box cover, a box body wil

11、l produce severe vibration, so to will box base fixed on the ground to prevent due to vibration disturbance and destruction. At the same time, the vibration sensor is installed on the box body to measure the force generated by the vibration in real time. To this end, the experimental machine box of

12、each base of the design of the two holes, through the two holes, with the bolt will be fixed to the fatigue test machine on the ground, so that it can effectively prevent the harm caused by vibration. This part of the mechanical test bench structure, mainly in the UG and CAD of the two software draw

13、ing structure, and through the calculation of the structural strength of the test and in the UG environment for the stress and strain analysis of the cover plate. This is the design of the whole mechanical test bench. Portion of the measurement and control system in a fatigue test machine and the is

14、 commonly used in industry control, the combination of frequency control with PLC and frequency converter, on the saw motor control. Mainly completes the chainsaw start and stop, timing and frequency control function. The use of inverter, change the frequency of the input voltage, and then change th

15、e chainsaw speed to achieve speed function of the chainsaw. Saw the start and stop timing and function is controlled by the PLC programming. In addition to the - II - chainsaw mounted tachometer sensor and speed on the saw were real time monitoring and will return information to the converter, feedb

16、ack control. This control and speed control mode is more intelligent, the use of PLC control also save manpower, test results more accurate. Finally using GX-developer programming software to program the whole process of the experiment, according to the test requirements and the experimental steps t

17、o draw the functional sequence diagram, drawing the ladder diagram in the GX-developer programming software. Keywords: Saw chain; Fatigue testing machine; - III - PLC control 目录 摘要 . I Abstract . II 1 绪论 .1 1.1 研究背景 .1 1.2 疲劳试验机的发展 .1 1.3 国内外锯链试验装置研究发展现状 .2 1.3.1 锯链切削试验台 .2 1.3.2 锯链疲劳试验机 .4 1.4 本论文的

18、研究的主要内容 .5 2 锯链疲劳试验机整体方案 .6 2.1 试验机整体设计思路 .6 2.2 疲劳试验机的设计方案 .6 2.3 锯链疲劳试验机结构的最终方案 .8 2.4 疲劳试验机整体结构 .10 2.5 本章小结 .12 3 锯链疲劳试验机的机械系统 .13 3.1 试验机机械系统总体结构 .13 3.2 箱体结构 .14 3.2.1 箱体的校核 .15 3.2.2 弹簧的选型 .17 3.2.3 钢筋压杆的受力计算 .18 3.3 箱盖结构 .18 3.4 电锯 .22 3.5 本章小结 .23 4 锯链疲劳试验机的测控系统 .24 4.1 测控系统的组成 .24 4.2 传感器的

19、选择 .24 4.2.1 测速传感器 .24 4.2.2 振动传感器 .26 4.3 基于PLC的控制系统 .26 4.3.1 PLC的工作原理 .26 4.3.2 PLC的设计步骤 .27 4.3.3 可编程控制器的选择 .29 IV - - 4.3.4 变频器的型号选择 .30 4.4 本章小结 .37 结论 .38 参考文献 .39 致谢 .42 - V - 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景 锯链是链锯上非常重要的切削部件,锯链的性能对油耗、锯切效率以及采伐人员的劳动强度有很大的影响1。20世纪40年代后期,随着油锯制造工艺技术的提高和它自身结构的完善,油锯已经成为了森林采伐和园林行业必不可少

20、的工具,而且在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用和普及2。目前为止,无论是在机械自动化水平比较高的发达国家,还是在机械水平相对较低的发展中国家,油锯都是森林采伐重要工具。调查显示,在中国国内,油锯采伐量占了很大的比重,能够达到机械采伐量的百分之七十五以上。随着森林采伐量中,油锯比重的增加,锯链的需求量也一定会越来越大3。 随着锯链需求量的增加,使用成本也越来越高,这样一来,各行业对锯链的使用寿命要求也逐渐变得严格。为了测试锯链的疲劳寿命,各个锯链生产厂商都是采用高速空载疲劳试验来测试锯链的疲劳寿命,在高速空载试验中,锯链的寿命超过30小时即为合格的产品4。在国内,锯链的生产企业很少能达到这样的标准,有的厂家生产的锯链甚至只有6-7个小时锯链就断裂损坏了,然而国外相同型号的锯链疲劳寿命都可以达到30小时以上,有的甚至可以达到60个小时5。 为了节约木材,降低试验成本,现在的锯链生产企业都是采用高速空载疲劳试验机来测试锯链的疲劳寿命。但是,这种方式测得锯链寿命往往存在较大的误差。此外,空载的情况下进行的测试方


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