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1、精品文档Unit 21 Human BiologyLesson 3 Epidemics explained 教案教学设计 , 目的和思路、1. 教材内容说明Epidemics explained 是北师大版教材选修模块 7 的最后一个单元中的阅读课, 介绍瘟疫在历史上的流行和发展, 文章生词量大, 有一定的教学难度.2. 教学目的学生通过阅读课文, 了解文中一些科普知识, 学会描述瘟疫的特点 , 掌握阅读科普文章的一些方法3. 课堂形式提倡学生自学, 以检查预习 , 合作讨论 , 你说我猜的形式学习 , 体现学生学习的主动性 , 还课堂以学生4. 教材内容的加工处理用相关插图 , 图表等直观的

2、教学形式, 让学生能更快理解课文; 必要的阅读指导,有利于学生技巧的形成; 相关文章的阅读, 能扩大学生知识面; 一些直观的教具如红丝带和抽象的音乐, 希望培养学生的人文素质和高尚情感教学过程简述1. 布置学生预习包括读单词 , 找出文中数字的含义, 简单口头描述各次瘟疫的特点 , 做好文中的一道涉及段落补全的练习2. 课文导入包括简介和听英文歌曲“Tears in heaven”, 讨论死亡的原因 , 以及有哪些常见的瘟疫3. 课文的阅读和学习Step 1: 阅读标题 , 预测文章主题 , 同时找出文中主要瘟疫Step 2: 讨论数字在文中不同的含义, 进一步了解和熟悉课文Step 3: 进

3、一步阅读文章, 了解造成瘟疫的元凶 - 病毒 ; 描述瘟疫的传播途径, 找出各次瘟疫造成的巨大影响 ; 描述和猜测不同的瘟疫Step 4: 完成段落补全练习 , 介绍相关方法4. 点出阅读技巧5. 读一段有关爱滋病对儿童危害的文字, 提示我们应该做点什么课堂的延伸和升华三 感受体会在教学过程存在一些问题 , 最主要的是课堂时间的把握和安排. 在设计中内容太多 , 在课堂上有些环节没有把握好, 如讨论数字用时过多 ; 提问学生差生面多 , 造成进展不顺 ; 全班朗读课文也费时太多 .下面谈谈我本人对这次活动的感想:1. 还课堂与学生由于面临着高考的压力 , 我们平时的教学中有时舍不得拿出时间让学

4、生在课堂上说讨论 , 而且要设计直观有效的练习形式也相对费力 ; 可是英语课上我们还是可以还课堂与学生, 尽量让他们自己来学会学懂2. 教师的工作真的是只有更好, 没有最好我的教案前期后后修改了几次, 我自己都觉得惊奇: 一堂课 , 可以这样上 , 也可以那样上 , 前后顺序可以不一样, 教学重点可以不一样, 课堂形式可以有天壤之别- 那些天我满脑子都在想这堂课要怎么上呢 ? 而你自己想的和学生的实际情况也不一定想府, 你觉得感动的歌学生可能听不懂, 这个班学生都会的问题 , 另一个班的学生会表现出不知所措( 如知道病毒造成瘟疫, 2 班学生感到困难 , 这是我没有料想到的)- 这份工作真的是

5、要有极大的热情才能做3. 我学会了许多东西我在和大家的讨论中 , 进一步地思考课堂结构和课堂节奏的安排问题 ; 由于这一次公开课的主题是学法研讨, 我更多地关注学生在课堂上的表现; 在孔艳焰老师帮我润色修改课件的过程中 , 我学到了许多电脑知识 - 我还了解了自己的许许多多不足之处 , 明白自己努力的方向4. 我心中充满了感激我感谢学校安排的这次活动, 使我们有学习交流的良好契机: 我感谢高中学段英语组全体老师对我的信任和无私的帮助 , 使我有了锻炼和提高的机会; 希望大家多多指出我的不足, 使我能够不断进步 ; 也希望我们要更多的机会学习交流, 把我们的工作越做越好.Teaching Aim

6、s:To read an article about epidemicsTo improve the Ss reading abilityTo improve the Ss speaking abilityLearning method: ConcludingTeaching procedure:Step 1: AddressingStep 2:Lead-in1. Listen to the song“Tears in heaven ” .2. What s your feeling after hearing the song?3. Why was the singer so sad?4.

7、What else may cause death?5. Epidemics can cause more deaths than anything else.Step 3 : Reading Strategies: how to read a science article1. Read the title carefully(1)To present question 1What s the main idea of the text?A. New health threats is on the rise.B. A lot of epidemics happened in history

8、.C. SARS used to be out of control, now people are trying to stop it on the track.2欢迎下载 。精品文档D. We should pay more attention to our health.(2)We can predict what will happen in the text from the title In this text, some epidemics in the history will be talked.(3)Give more titles and ask the Ss what

9、will be talkedA. EpidemicsB. Epidemics and economyC. SARSD. The history of the Black Death2. Read the text fast and get the general idea and basic information (1)To present question 2Read the following graphic and try to tell which epidemics are described?(To see the PPT.)(2)We will try to know some

10、 basic information about epidemics in history.Name of the epidemicsTimePlaceJustininian s Plague (bubonic plague )500-550ADNorth Africa, the MiddleEast, EuropeThe Black Death1330Europe, Asia, Africa, the middle EastThe Great Flu Epidemic (The Spanish Flu)1918Similar as the Black DeathSARS2002/2003Ch

11、ina , Canada, HongKong,-3. Read the text carefully and understand related science termsIn this text, a lot of medicine words are involved.(1)To present question 3What does the word affect “ mean in the 5 th paragraph?A影响B效果C感染D死亡(2)Now read the text carefully and complete the sentences using medicin

12、e words in the text:1. Bacteria and( 病毒)have been around since the beginning of life on Earth.2. It s important to look at the(传播)of diseases throughouthistory to discover the (原 I3)and (影响)of epidemics.3. Another epidemic( 开始)and( 传播)in similar conditions was the Great Flu. It(侵袭)near the end of th

13、efirst World War and(持续)after the war.4. Doctors werent sure how to (治疗)or (预防)it and since most people had no natural (防御)against the disease, it was harmful to doctors.5. One half to one third of the population was(死于)to theBlack Death. Less populated areas were less severely(感染).6. SARS epidemic

14、quickly (扩 大)acrossthe globe. Healthexperts worked together to (阻 止)the virus in its (路径).7. It(席卷)North Africa, the middle East and Europe.(3)While doing these kind of exercise, explain somewords such as track ”.4. Try to know more science knowledge through reading the text carefully (1)To present

15、question 4The Black Death spread rapidly in Asia and Europe becauseA It was the terrible bubonic plague that returned.B There were so many people in these areas.C At that time, people didnt know how to treat it.D People suffered from the bad climate , the war and hunger. There wereso many people and

16、 they didnt have daily health care.(2)To show a picture to demonstrate(3) To answer more questions about science knowledgeWhydo wesay epidemics have been with us for thousands of years? (ppt) Why was bubonic plague one of the key cause in the fall of the Roman Empire?How did SARS spread from Hong Ko

17、ng to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore? Why did many doctors and nurses become 川 with SARS ?5. To figure out the development of the text(1)To introduce sequencing exercise (ppt )(2)To present question 5Readthe whole text and match the five paragraph(A-E) with gaps 2,4,7,9 and 11 in the text(3) Read the

18、 text with gaps to get the general idea and see howit develops(4)To analyze the beginning and ending words of each paragraphbeginning wordsending wordsParagraph 1history, causes and effects ofParagraph 2 (E)-historicalaccounts,Justinian s plague-swept through-Paragraph 3-nowthink Justinian sPlague,

19、bubonic plague-causes of the fall of the RomanParagraph 4 (C)-bubonic plague returned-the disease(Black Death) spread worldwideParagraph 5-was lost to the Black DeathParagraph 6It( the Spanish flu ) struckParagraph 7 (A)It (-)be the most acute epidemic in history Che flu-has been forgottenbyhistoryP

20、aragraph 8Havent forgotten, SARS-spread the disease to-Paragraph 9 (D)Over 9months-globalcases-the outbreak alarming for-Paragraph 10No one really knew much-harmful,-hospitalstaff-made up -Paragraph11 (B)Although -SARS quickly expand-experts-stop the virusesin its track6. ConclusionRead (Find ) the

21、title carefullyRead the text fast and get the general ideaRead the text carefully and understand related science termsTry to know more science knowledge through reading the text carefully To figure out the development of the textStep 4:Read the text again and give your own questions using the strate

22、gies we have learnt1. Show an example about giving questions Questions about general ideaWhat can be inferred from the text?A. Epidemics develops with the development of human beingsB. An old epidemic will cause another oneC. Epidemics may disappear one day due to the development of medical scienceD

23、. Epidemics can cause a lot of deaths.2. Show the Ss ways to ask questions The purpose of the writer is to- The story tells us that- According to the text,It can be learned from the text that- The best title for the text would be- Which of the following statement is true (false)? Arrange the event i

24、n the text according to the correct order. After reading the text, we know that- The word - in the text meansWhats the Chinese meaning of these words?The word - can be replaced by- Why- ?5欢在下载精品文档What is the reason for?What is?We learn from the text that 3. The Ss are asked to give out their own que

25、stions in groups Group 1-2: questions about basic details in the text Group 3-4: questions about wordsGroup 5-6: questions about science knowledgeGroup 7-8: questions about sequencing4. Ask the Ss to change their questions and answer it. Good question: 1o score Good answer: 6 score Ordinary question

26、: 7 score Ordinary answer : 4 score Bad question: 4 score Wrong answer: 2 scoreStep 5: HomeworkRead another science article and give 5 questions of your ownTears in HeavenWould you know my nameheaven.if I saw you in heaven?Would you feel the same if I saw you in heaven?I must be strong and carry on

27、Cause I know I dont belong here in heaven.Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?Ill find my way through night and day Cause I know I just cant stay here in heaven.Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees Time can break your heart, have

28、you begging please , begging please.Beyond the door theres peace Im sure And I know therell be no more tears in6欢迎下载 。精品文档中学教考阈i.工 Ngw.Bin2歌手简介:出生于英国萨里郡的瑞普雷在演出过程中逐渐形成了自己的 .五十多岁方育得一子,然造化弄人,稚龄爱子竟从纽约数十50岁的Eric Clapton 将他思1945 年 3 月 30 日 Eric Patrick Clapton 蓝调风格,是摇滚乐坛中首屈一指的吉他大师 层高的公寓阳台意外摔下身亡,这个打击几乎让他再度

29、一蹶不振,不过将近念之苦寄情歌中,于是产生Tears In Heaven这首歌,它首先被收录于电影迷途枷锁(Rush)的原声带中,他的歌声苍凉悲壮却又柔情似水,能够净化人的灵魂。歌词、句型分析1. Tear in heaven :天堂泪或泪洒天堂。heaven :天堂在西方社会有两重含义。其一,是指上帝与众神居住的地方。其二,好人死后灵魂归去的极乐世界。2. Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?=Would you recall me if I saw you in heaven?假如在天堂相遇,你是否会认得我?would:要是,假使,(

30、表示虚拟,假设,条件等)例如:If you had come earlier, you would have seen him.彳民若你早来些,就会看到他了。3. Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?=Would everything don t be changed if I saw you in heaven?假如在天堂相遇,一切都没有改变吧?句中it应指everything 包才you和me4. Ill find my way through night and day.= Ill find my way all the time.我要

31、日夜不停地找寻方向。through :从头到尾,(指时间)经过例如:He works hard all through the year.他整年都在努力工作。5. Time can break your heart, have you begging please.=Time can break your heart, and times have you begging please.时间会让你心碎,时间会让你乞求。 break ones heart :使心碎,使极为伤心例如:The bad boy broke his mothers heart.这坏孩子使他妈的心伤透了。6. Beyond the door, theres peace.beyond: 超过,在那一边。例如:The river is beyond the hill.山的那一边有条河。The quesion is beyond my power.那个问题是我力所不及的。下面有两个问题留给大家7、I must be strong and carry on.carry on 是什么意思?8、Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees.bring down 是什么意思?7欢迎下载


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