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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟241大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟241大学三级(B)分类模拟241Writing问题:1. 说 明:根据下列信息写一封求职信。写信人:洪欣,毕业于东南职业技术学院,主修会计学(Accounting), 曾在CTS公司任财务经理3年。写信日期:2005年5月10日内 容:在4月28日的“中国日报”上看到GTS公司招聘财务主管(Finance Director)的广告,去信应聘。答案:May 10th, 2005Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to apply for the position as Fina

2、nce Director which was advertised in China Daily of April 28. I graduated from Dongnan Professional College in Accounting. I have been employed as Manager of Finance Department of CTS Company for three years and I trust I am qualified to fill your position. I am enclosing my brief resume and some re

3、levant document as you requested. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application. Yours faithfully Hong Xin 问题:2. Directions: This Part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Notice according to the following instructions

4、given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. The first sentence has been done for you. 说明:以办公室名义写一份有关会议室的使用须知。 内容如下: (1)保持会议室整洁。 (2)会后请带走您的文件和私人用品,关闭所有电器(请举例),关闭会议室所有门窗。 (3)其他注意事项(内容自加)。 (4)表示感谢。 (5)日期:2010年6月20日。 Notice The conference room is available to all,

5、 but we need your help to follow the rules listed below: _ 答案: Notice The conference room is available to all, but we need your help to follow the rules listed below: First, keep tidy in the conference room. Nobody is allowed to throw any rubbish to the ground. Second, after meetings all your docume

6、nts and personal goods are advised to take away with you. Please shut all the electric appliances, including the lights, air-conditioners, and the computers. Please close all the doors and windows in the room. Third, please protect all the properties in the room. If anyone damages them no matter on

7、purpose or not, he is required to pay for them. Thanks for your cooperation and following the above rules. The office June 20th, 2010 问题:3. 说明: 你叫刘劲,申请一家公司的副经理职位。 个人情况:1982年生于浙江,2009年毕业于复旦大学经管系,参加过一些社会活动。四、六级英语考试成绩优异,并通过口语考试。爱好音乐、足球、绘画等。 写信日期:2012年10月15日。 答案: October 5, 2012 Dear Sir or Madam, I hav

8、e seen in the newspaper that your company is in need of an assistant manager. I am interested in the position and Id like to introduce myself. My name is Liu Jim. I was born in 1982 in Zhejiang. In 2009 I graduated from Fudan University majoring in business administration. I took part in some social

9、 activities while studying. I did well in both CET Band 4 and 6 and passed the oral tests as well. Besides professional expertise, I am also interested in music, football and painting. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours truly, Liu Jim解析 称呼要正式,通常用Dear Sir or Madam;注意尽可能使用求职信的套语。 问题:

10、4. 写一封投诉信和一封回信。 刘小明3月5日买了一台空调。使用后不久,发现空调噪音很大,昨天干脆不启动了。要求厂家立刻派修理人员上门服务。 厂家的售后服务部经理郑新收到投诉信后表示了歉意,并答应马上派服务人员进行维修。 Words for reference: 空调:air conditioner 修理人员:repairman 答案: March 10, 2013Dear Sir, I am happy that the air conditioner I bought on March 5 has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that I

11、 find there is something wrong with it. Soon after I used it, I found that the noise made by the air-conditioner was very loud, and to my disappointment, it didnt work yesterday. So I had to stop using it. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible? I ho

12、pe that my problem will get your kind consideration. Yours faithfully, Liu Xiaoming March 12, 2013 Dear Mr. Liu, We have received your letter of 10th March, informing us that the air conditioner cannot work in a good condition. Upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate att

13、ention, but we dont know what exactly caused the present bad condition. We are very sorry for any inconvenience it brought to you. We will send a repairman to your door to have it checked. Yours faithfully, Li Hong manager of after-sale service 问题:5. Directions: This part is to test your ability to

14、do practical writing. You are required to write a lost notice according to the instructions given in Chinese below. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 寻物启事 说明:假如你叫Mike,5月6日星期五在食堂丢失了一只黑色皮质书包。书包内有一本英语书、一个MP3、一个NOKIA5230手机和一串钥匙。东西非常重要,请拾到者与你联系,电话号码是58909856,有100元酬谢。 Words for re

15、ference:食堂dining-hall 酬金reward 答案:参考范文 May 6th, 2011 LOST In the dining-hall, on Friday of May 6th, I lost a black-leathered schoolbag. There is an English book, an MP3, a NOKIA5230 cell phone, and a bunch of keys. Those things are very important to me, especially the phone numbers in the mobile phone. Will the finder please call me? My telephone number is 58909856. I will be very thankful and provide the finder with a reward of 100. Thanks a lot. Mike 7 / 7


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