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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟91大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟91大学三级(A)模拟91Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After eac

2、h dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet

3、 with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Hes going to find an apartment for himself.B.Hes going downtown with his brother.C.Hes already found an apartment.D.Hes helping his brother look for an apartment.答案:D解析W: Has your brother found an apartment yet?M: No, hes still living

4、in a room downtown, but Im helping him look.Q: What is the man doing?此题仍为推断题。通过两人对话可得知,男士的弟弟正住在商业区,他想为弟弟找一个公寓。2.A.Tom applied for a job.B.Tom was preferred to others.C.Tom wanted other job.D.Tom was too unlucky.答案:B解析W: I just dont understand how Tom got the job when so many others applied.M: It mus

5、t have been beginners luck.Q: Why is the woman puzzled?此题为推断题。女士第一句提到她不明白为什么那么多人申请工作,而Tom却得到了。3.A.No, because there was no ladder.B.No, because Tom likes the present color.C.Yes, Tom painted it.D.Yes, someone else painted it.答案:D解析W: Did Tom paint the whole house himself?M: He had it painted because

6、 he doesnt like to climb the ladder.Q: Was the house painted?此题为推断题。男士提到Tom不愿意爬梯子,所以有其他人的帮忙,故选D。4.A.Shes on a committee.B.Shes been working late.C.She exercises too much.D.Shes trying to account for the report.答案:B解析M: Martha, you look so tired.W: I am. Ive been working on the report for the committ

7、ee for three days and nights.Q: Why is the woman tired?此题为逻辑推断题。男士说她看起来很累,女士说自己工作了三天三夜。5.A.About7:00B.About8:00C.About9:00D.Aboutl0:00答案:D解析W: What time is it now? My watch says eight past ten.M: Oh, you are seven minutes fast.Q: What time is it now?此题为计算题,女士说现在是10点过8分了,男士说到女士的表快7分钟,所以现在应该是10点零1分,选D

8、。Section BDirections: This part is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on th

9、e correct answer from the 4 choices A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.The woman.B.Neither of them.C.Both of them.D.The man.答案:D解析 6-8W: Would you help

10、 me for a minute, please?M: Of course. What do you want me to do?W: Could you hold these packages while I look for the key to the door?M: Id be glad to. Whats in these packages? Theyre extremely heavy.W: Just the filings we need for the picnic tomorrow.M: Well, hurry up and open the door. I told you

11、 these things were heavy.W: I cant find the key. You must have it.M: You are right, but how can I get the key while Im holding all these packages?Q6. Who has the key?此题需要考生自己分析。最后一句,男士说“我拿着包,怎么能拿钥匙?”可推测出钥匙其实在男士那里。2.A.For the picnic tomorrow.B.For the trip theyll take.C.For the party tomorrow.D.For a

12、 picnic next week.答案:D解析What are the packages for?仍是女士的回答,“为明天野餐准备的”。3.A.To hold the falling door.B.To look for the key.C.To hold the packages.D.To open the door.答案:D解析What does the woman ask the man to do?从女士的第二句话中,可以听出,女士希望男士帮忙拿着包裹。Conversation 2 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Five-dollar bills.B.Fiftee

13、n-dollar bills.C.One-dollar bills.D.Ten-dollar bills.答案:D解析 9-10W: What can I do for you, sir?M: I want to draw 100 from my account.W: Have you got your bankbook with you?M: Yes, here it is.W: Thats tine. Thank you. How do you want them?M: Ten-dollar bills. Please.W: Anything else?M: Yes, could you

14、tell me my balance please?W: Heres your balance.M: Thanks.Q9. How does the man want to draw the money?从对话中,可以听到男士回答“Ten-dollar bills”,故选D。2.A.At the post office.B.In a shop.C.At the bank.D.In a restaurant.答案:C解析Where does this conversation most probably take place?从对话中,我们可以听到“bankbook”,“draw 100”,可以

15、推测出对话地点在银行里面,故选C。Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand a short passage. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear 5 questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with

16、 a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Who is Beethoven?He is one of the greatest _ in the world.答

17、案:composers解析 11-15 Beethoven is recognized as one of the greatest composers in the world. Born in Bonn in 1770, Beethoven showed great talent at an early age. In 1787, he visited Vienna for the first time, which was the center of the musical world at that time. There he performed before Mozart, who

18、 was amazed at his talent. By 1817, he became totally deaf. His public performances stopped, but he continued his creative work. His finest works were composed after he had lost the ability to enjoy them. Beethovens life ended sadly. After suffering from an illness for a long time, he died on March

19、26,1827. 2. What did he visit in 1787?In 1787, he visited _ for the first time.答案:Vienna3. Whom did he perform before?He performed before _.答案:Mozart4. What happened to him by 1817?By 1817, he became _.答案:totally deaf5. When did he die?He died on _.答案:March 26,1827Part StructureDirections: This part

20、 is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Y

21、ou should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheer with a single line through the center.问题:1. _ Ill marry him all the same.A.Being rich or poorB.Be he rich or poorC.Whether rich or poorD.No matter rich or poor答案:B解析 考点虚拟语气。Whether it (he)be.or.结构,意为“不管(不论)是还是”,表示让步,为虚拟语气的一种表达方式。其省略式为“be it

22、or;be heor”等,句子必须倒装。如:I can translate all these books into Chinese,be they in English,French or Latin例句 There being no danger,the police went back to their office险情解除,警察回警局了。问题:2. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.ComparingB.When comparedC.While com

23、paringD.Compare答案:B解析 考点:非谓语动词。compare with是固定搭配。此句是过去分词作状语,表示被动。分词前可用when,while,if,once等词连接,表示分词与主句谓语动词的时间关系。“When compared with the size of the whole earth”是时间状语从句的省略形式,它相当于“When the highest mountain is compared with the size of the whole earth”。例句 Seen from the tower,the town looks very beautiful

24、从塔上看这座城市非常美。问题:3. He fell asleep immediately last night. He _ very tired.A.must beB.must have beenC.can beD.could have been答案:B解析 考点:情态动词。此句是根据结果推测原因,推测做过的事情的原因用虚拟语气的形式来表示,即:must have done表示对过去事情的肯定性推测,注意其否定形式不是在must后面加not,而是用can或could来否定,称之为否定推测。例句 This bottle is nearly empty,you must have drunk a

25、lot瓶子快空了,你一定喝了不少。问题:4. This program will tell you _ can be used in practice.A.that you have learnedB.how what you have learnedC.that how you have learnedD.how that you have learned答案:B解析 考点:宾语从句。根据句意,此处应用连接副词引出宾语从句,宾语从句的主语是一个主语从句(你所学到的知识/东西),故B项正确。问题:5. _ second thoughts, I have decided to give up m

26、y visit to Shanghai.A.InB.ByC.OnD.With答案:C解析 考点:介词的用法。此处是一个固定用法。问题:6. _, I would suggest her practicing medicine after graduation.A.If she is my daughterB.She were my daughterC.Were she my daughterD.My daughter if she were答案:C解析 考点:虚拟语气。此处是与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,从句中省略了连词if,因此需要将were(虚拟语气中,be的形式通常用were)置于主语之前

27、,即:用倒装的形式,故选C。例句 Were he to tell us everything,we could try to solve his problem如果他告诉我们一切,我们就可以尽量帮忙解决他的问题。问题:7. Social evils were fundamentally caused by _ inequality.A.economyB.economicalC.economicsD.economic答案:D解析 考点:词汇的用法。economy(n)经济,节俭;economical(adj)节俭的,经济的;economics(n)经济学;economic(adj)经济学的,经济

28、上的。问题:8. He is _ of steeling money from the old woman.A.accusedB.emergedC.chargedD.expected答案:A解析 考点:词汇的用法。accuse指控,指责;emerge暴露,被知晓;charge控告;expect期望,期待。“be accused of”是固定用法,accuse所表达的指控比较直接和尖锐,但指控对方的事不一定很严重。charge一般用于较严重的错误或罪行,尤指法庭上的控告,charge sbwith sth(在法庭上)控告某人。例句 They accused her publicly of ste

29、aling their books他们公开指控她偷他们的书。问题:9. Only then _ the importance of education.A.I understandB.did I understandC.did I understoodD.do I understand答案:B解析 考点:倒装。当only+状语,not until,only when等或not until+时间状语置于句首时,引起部分倒装。此处应把助动词did置于主语I之前,即:did+主语 +动词原形。例句 Only in this way can we learn English well只有用这种办法,我

30、们才能学好英语。问题:10. She wears the same dress _ she wore at the wedding.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.as答案:D解析 考点:定语从句。在限制性定语从句中,as用于suchas/the sameas句型,即当先行词包括such或same被它们修饰时,关系代词用as,在从句中作主语或宾语。故选D。例句 We drove out of the town by the same road as we had entered by我们沿着来时的路开车回去。Section BDirections: There are 10 inco

31、mplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. As the students gain confidence in themselves, they are less (like) _ to cheat.答案:likely解析 考点:词性转换。likely是形容词,意为“

32、可能的”,be likely to do sth意为“可能做某事”。问题:2. They used to live a _ (misery) life.答案:miserable解析 考点:词性转换。此处需要misery的形容词miserable作定语修饰名词life。例句 She felt miserable for months after she got her divorce她离婚后心里难受了好几个月。问题:3. Its I who _ (be) to leave at once.答案:am解析 考点:主谓一致。此句为强调句型,被强调部分是主语,be动词要与主语一致。例句 It was

33、he who told us something about the secret是他告诉我们这个秘密的。问题:4. She was so angry that she felt like _ (throw) something at him.答案:throwing解析 考点:非谓语动词。在短语feel like后需用动名词作宾语,feel like意为“想要”。例句 He feels like visiting the Great Wall during the holiday他想假期里去游览长城问题:5. Some proverbs _ (be) in the language for 1

34、,000 years, for example, a friend in need is a friend indeed.答案:have been解析 考点:动词时态。根据句意,此处需用现在完成时,表示从过去某一时间持续到说话时为止的动作或状态,常与“for+时段”或“since+时刻”连用。例句 The speaker has talked for about two hours演讲者讲了大约两个小时。问题:6. Every one of us says that she is really _ (attract) although not beautiful.答案:attractive解析

35、 考点:词性转换。此处需要一个形容词在宾语从句中作表语,动词 attract的形容词是在其后加后缀-ive。例句 This movie is attractive to young people这部电影对年轻人很有吸引力。问题:7. The room is in a terrible mess; it _ (cant clean).答案:cant have been cleaned解析 考点:情态动词。情态动词的推测主要是用“情态动词+完成时”结构来表示。这种结构通常用来表示某种可能性。“must+完成时”表示对过去事物的肯定性推测,否定推测通常用“cant或couldnt+完成时”。本题属于

36、否定推测,主语“与谓语动词是被动关系,故用cant have been cleaned。例句 She couldnt have finished the work in half an hour yesterday她昨天不可能在半小时内完成工作。问题:8. Jill found it difficult _ (explain) his beliefs to Philip.答案:to explain解析 考点:非谓语动词。当不定式to explain作直接宾语,它后面还有补足语difficult时,需用形式宾语it代替不定式,而把不定式(真正的宾语)放在补足语之后。因此,应填to explain

37、。例句 I found it impossible to answer all the questions within the time given我发现在规定时间内不可能答完所有问题。问题:9. My suggestion is that we _ (send) for a doctor at once.答案:send解析 考点:虚拟语气。在suggestion后面的表语从句中需用虚拟语气形式, send前可省略should。常见的词还有:advice,demand,importance,necessity, order,proposal,requirement等。问题:10. I pre

38、fer _ (live) in the countryside rather than in a city.答案:to live解析 考点:非谓语动词。prefer to dorather than do/doing是固定结构,表示“宁愿而不愿”,如果prefer后接名词或动名词,其结构为“prefer+名词/动名词+to+名词/动名词。”例句 I prefer reading at home to watching the match我宁愿在家看书,而不愿看比赛。Part Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your r

39、eading ability. There are some tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1 One silly question I simply cant stand is How do you feel? Usually the question is asked of a man in actiona man walking along the street, or busily

40、working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? Hell probably say, Fine, Im all right. But youve put a bug in his earmaybe now hes not sure. If youre a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he overlooked that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First th

41、ing, you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, How do you feel? Every question has its time and place. Its perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask, How do you feel? if you are visiting a very close friend in the hospita

42、l. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to catch a train, or sitting at his desk working, its not time to ask him that silly question. When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him How do you feel? Shaw put him in his place, When you reach

43、 my age, he said, either you feel all right or youre dead. 1. According to the writer, the greeting How do you feel? _.A.usually makes one feel uneasyB.is a good way to make friendsC.is proper to ask a man in actionD.shows ones consideration for other people答案:A本题为推断题。由文章第一段第一句话中的“silly,cant stand”,

44、可知作者对这一问题持否定态度,而选项B,C,D均为肯定态度,与题意不符,故选A。2. Youve put a bug in his ear means that youve _.A.hurt himB.given him some kind of warningC.embarrassed himD.shown concern for him答案:Bput(或drop)a bug in sbs ear(美口)事先给某人暗示。本题为句子理解题,此类型题可在该句上下文中求得线索。转折连词“but”是信号词,表明其前后两句意义相反,破折号后内容是对前文的补充说明。此句意思应为“他可能回答道我很好,但你

45、已给被问话人某种暗示或提醒”,因此,只有B项最为通顺。3. The question How do you feel? seems to be suitable when asked of _.A.a man walking in the streetB.a friend who has fallen illC.a person having lost a close friendD.a stranger who looks worried答案:B本题为细节题,信息点定位在第二段第二句话“Its perfectly acceptable,for instance,to ask,How do y

46、ou feel?if you are visiting a very close friend in the hospital” 因此B项(生病的朋友)正确。4. George Bernard Shaws reply to this question shows _.A.he is cheerfulB.he is capableC.he is humorousD.he is polite答案:C本题为态度判断题,George Bernard Shaw的回答巧妙地告诉提问者,他的提问不合时宜,同时也显示了这位文学家的睿智和幽默。5. This passage can be entitled _.A.A Good GreetingB.Dont Bother a B


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