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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟162大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟162大学三级(B)分类模拟162Writing问题:1. Directions: This Part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete an email message for room reservations. Some information and the e-mail form are given to you. Remember to write the message

2、in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 写信人:Li Qiang 写信时间:2003年12月20日 收信单位:Reservation Office 电子邮件网址: 入住时间:2003年12月25日至27日 预订房间:一个带浴室的单人房间,三个带浴室的双人房间。将于12月26日下午租用会议室一间,进行业务洽谈。请尽早回复,告之是否有空房、房价是多少及是否需要预付押金等。 答案:From: Li Qiang Date: 2003.12.20 To: groupsales aston.corn Suject:

3、Room Reservation Reservation Office, I would like to book a single room with a bath and three standard rooms with bath from Dec. 25 to 27. And I also want to rent a room to hold a business meeting on the afternoon of Dec. 26. Please write back as soon as possible, and let me know if the rooms are av

4、ailable, what the price is and if I should pay the deposit. Thank you. 问题:2. Directions: This Part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is I.O.U.in Chinese You are required to put in to English according to the information in Chinese given below. Remember to write it on the

5、 Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:假设你是吴明,给李东先生写一张借条。 (1)借款额为人民币叁仟伍佰元整。 (2)借款时间为2013年5月26日。 (3)借条内容为,“我承诺在开票后六个月之内归还李东先生人民币叁仟伍佰元整,并付利息百分之三。” 答案: IOU May 26, 2013 Borrowed from Mr. Li Dong the sum of three thousand and five hundred yuan to be paid with interest at three percent (3%), six months after

6、 date, for value received. Wu Ming 问题:3. Directions:This Part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is an Invitation Letter in Chinese. You are required to put it into English according to the information in Chinese given below. Remember to write it on the Translation/Compos

7、ition Sheet.亲爱的王教授: 我们学校欲邀请您做一次关于毕业后出国的讲座。相信我校全体师生都会通过您的讲座受益良多。 我们深知您时间有限,但真诚地希望您能抽出时间在10月底来我校做一次讲座,我们将不胜感激。 不管您是否能够接受我们的邀请,务必请您尽快于办公时间与我联系。 刘敏 北华大学校长秘书 20091018 答案:Dear Prof. Wang, Our university would like you to give a lecture on Going Abroad After Graduation. All the students will benefit a grea

8、t deal from your lecture. We know the free time in your schedule is limited. We would sincerely hope that you can spend one day giving this lecture in our university at the end of October. Well be grateful. Whether you accept our invitation or not, please contact me at office time as soon as possibl

9、e. Yours truly, Liu Min 问题:4. Directions:This Part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is an Invitation Reply in Chinese. You are required to put it into English according to the information in Chinese given below. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.

10、您好,主办方: 感谢你方6月14日的来信,邀请我公司参加2013国际商品交易会。我们高兴地接受邀请并计划像前几年一样参展我们的电器产品。 李先生将于7月2至7日到你们城市做具体的安排,对于你们的帮助我们不胜感激。 您最忠实的 简 答案:Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your letter of June 14 inviting our company to participate in 2013 Export Commodities Fair. We are very pleased to accept your invitation and will pl

11、an to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years. Mr Li will be in your city from July 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and well be much grateful to get assistance from your side and expect to have further cooperation in the future. Yours faithfully, Jane 问题:5. Directions:This

12、 Part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is an Invitation Letter in Chinese. You are required to put it into English according to the information in Chinese given below. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明: 你是一家公司的总经理,王志明。当地的一所技术学院6月18日给你部门写信,询问是

13、否能考虑赞助他们将在今年夏天举办的为期一周的艺术节。 今天(2014年6月24日)你给该校的校长写封回信,对他们的艺术节表示感兴趣并理解他们的需要,但是因为你们有固定的赞助预算,到明年才能考虑。建议明年再来信联系。最后预祝艺术节成功。 答案:June 24, 2012Dear Principal, I am glad to receive your letter of June 18. I am very interested in your One-week Art Festival, which will be held this summer, and I understand your needs. Unfortunately, I am unable to help you and the new items will not be considered until next year, because our company has a fixed budget for sponsorship. I suggest you contact us next year. I hope your festival will be a success. Yours sincerely, Wang Zhiming 6 / 6


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