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1、英语学术论文常用句型Begi nning1. In this paper, we focus on the n eed for2. This paper p roceeds as follow.3. The structure of the paper is as follows.4. In this paper, we shall first briefly in troduce fuzzy sets and related concepts5. To begi n with we will p rovide a brief backgro und on theIn troduct ion1

2、. This will be followed by a descri ptio n of the fuzzy n ature of the p roblem and a detailed p rese ntati on of how the required membershi p functions are defi ned.2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sect ions.3. In the n ext sect ion, after a stateme nt of the basic p roblem, various s

3、ituati ons in volv ing po ssibility kno wledge are in vestigated: first, an en tirely po ssibility model is propo sed; the n the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are con sidered.Review1. This review is followed b

4、y an in troducti on.2. A brief summary of some of the releva nt concepts in xxx and xxx is p rese nted in Section 2.3. In the n ext sect ion, a brief review of the . is give n.4. In the n ext sect ion, a short review of . is give n with sp ecial regard to .5. Sectio n 2 reviews releva nt research re

5、lated to xx.6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivati on for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties po sed by the compi exity of systems and outl ines the n eed for deve lopment of po ssibility methods.Body1. Section 1 defi nes the no ti on of robust ness, and argues for its

6、importance.2. Section 1 devoted to the basic asp ects of the FLC decisi on mak ing logic.3. Section 2 gives the backgro und of the p roblem which in cludes xxx4. Section 2 discusses some p roblems with and app roaches to, n aturalIan guage un dersta nding.5. Sectio n 2 explains how flexibility which

7、 ofte n can be exp ressed in terms of fuzzy time wi ndow6. Section 3 discusses the asp ects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the .7. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, in cludi ng the- . andalso discusses how to evaluate system p erforma nee.8. Section 3 describes a new meas

8、ure of xx.9. Section 3 dem on strates the use of fuzzy p ossibility theory in the an alysis of xx.10. Section 3 is a fine descri ptio n of fuzzy formulati on of huma n decisi on.11. Section 3, is deve loped to the modeli ng and p rocess ing of fuzzy decisi on rules12. The main idea of the FLC is des

9、cribed in Sectio n 3 while Sectio n 4 describes the xx strategies.13. Section 3 and 4 show exp erime ntal studies for verify ing the prop osed model.14. Section 4 discusses a p revious fuzzy set based app roach to cost varia nee in vestigati on.15. Section 4 gives a sp ecific exa mple of xxx.16. Sec

10、tion 4 is the exp erime ntal study to make a fuzzy model of memory p rocess.17. Section 4 contains a discussi on of the imp licati on of the results of Section 2 and 3.18. Section 4 app lies this fuzzy measure to the an alysis of xx and illustrate its use on exp erime ntal data.19. Section 5 p rese

11、nts the p rimary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model .20. Section 5 contains some con clusi ons plus some ideas for further work.21. Section 6 illustrates the model with an exa mple.22. Various ways of justificati on and the reas ons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2.23. I

12、n Section 2 are p rese nted the block diagram exp ressi on of a whole model of huma n DM system24. In Section 2 we shall list a collect ion of basic assu mp ti ons which a .scheme must satisfy.25. In Section 2 of this paper, we p rese nt rep rese ntati on and uniquen ess theorems for the fun dame nt

13、al measureme nt of fuzz in ess whe n the doma in of discourse is order dense.26. In Section 3, we describe the p relim inary results of an emp irical study curre ntly in p rogress to verify the measureme nt model and to con struct membersh ip functions.27. I n Sectio n 5 is an alyzed the inference p

14、ro cess through the two kinds of inference exp erime nts.This Section1. In this sect ion, the characteristics and en viro nment un der which MRP is desig ned are described.2. We will p rovide in this sect ion basic termi nologies and no tati ons which are n ecessary for the un dersta nding of subseq

15、ue nt results.Next Section2. The next sect ion describes the mathematics that goes into the computer impi eme ntati on of such fuzzy logic stateme nts.3. However, it is cumbersome for this purp ose and in p ractical app licatio ns the formulae were rearra nged and simp lified as discussed in the nex

16、t sect ion.4. The three components will be described in the next two sect ion, and an exa mple of xx an alysis of a compu ter in formatio n system will the n illustrate their use.5. We can interpret the results of Exp erime nts I and II as in the follow ing sect ions.6. The next sect ion summarizes

17、the method in a from that is useful for argume nts based on xxSummary1. This paper con eludes with a discussi on of future research con siderati on in sect ion 5.2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this in vestigati on.3. Sectio n 5 gives the con clusi ons and future direct ions of research.4. Se

18、ctio n 7 p rovides a summary and a discussi on of some exte nsions of the paper.5. Fin ally, con clusi ons and future work are summarized6. The basic questio ns p osed above are the n discussed and con clusi ons are draw n.7. Section 7 is the con clusi on of the paper.Cha pter 0. Abstract1. A basic

19、p roblem in the desig n of xx is p rese nted by the choice of a xx rate for the measureme nt of exp erime ntal variables.2. This paper exam ines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures.3. This paper describes a system for the a

20、n alysis of the xx.4. The method in volves the con struct ion of xx from fuzzy relati ons.5. The pro cedure is useful in an alyz ing how groups reach a decisi on.6. The tech nique used is to employ a n ewly devel oped and versatile xx algorithm.7. The usefu In ess of xx is also con sidered.8. A brie

21、f methodology used in xx is discussed.9. The an alysis is useful in xx and xx p roblem.10. A model is deve loped for a xx an alysis using fuzzy matrices.11. Algorithms to comb ine these estimates and p roduce a xx are p rese nted and justified.12. The use of the method is discussed and an exa mple i

22、s give n.13. Results of an exp erime ntal app licatio ns of this xx an alysis p rocedure are give n to illustrate the propo sed tech nique.14. This paper an alyses p roblems in15. This paper outli nes the functions carried out by .16. This paper in cludes an illustrati on of the .17. This paper p ro

23、vides an overview and in formati on useful for app roach ing18. Emp hasis is p laced on the con struct ion of a criteri on function by which the xx in achiev ing a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated.19. The main emp hasis is p laced on the p roblem of xx20. Our propo sed model is verifi

24、ed through exp erime ntal study.21. The exp erime ntal results reveal in terest ing exa mples of fuzzy p hases of: xx, xx22. The comp atibility of a p roject in terms of cost, and xx are likewise rep rese nted by lin guistic variables.23. A didactic exa mple is in cluded to illustrate the compu tati

25、 onal p rocedureChap ter 1. In troduct ionTime1. Over the course of the p ast 30 years, . has emerged form in tuitive2. Tech no logical revoluti ons have rece ntly hit the in dustrial world3. The adve nt of . systems for has had a sig ni fica nt impact on the4. The deve lopment of . is explored5. Du

26、ring the p ast decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has deve loped in a variety of direct ions6. The concept of xx was in vestigated quite inten sively in recent years7. There has bee n a turning point in . methodology in accorda nee with the adve nt of .8. A major concern in . today is to continue to i

27、mp rove.9. A xx is a latecomer in the part rep rese ntati on arena.10. At the time of this writi ng, there is still no sta ndard way of xx11. Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weak nesses, the efficie nt and effective methodhas yet to be deve loped.12. The pion eer work can

28、be traced to xx 1965.13. To date, none of the methods deve loped is p erfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems.Objective / Goal / Purpose1. The purpose of the inference engine can be outl ined as follows:2. The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non exp erts to

29、utilize the exist ing kno wledge in the area of manual han dli ng of loads, and to p rovide in tellige nt, compu ter aided in struct ion for xxx.3. The paper concerns the devel opment of a xx4. The scope of this research lies in5. The main theme of the paper is the app licati on of rule based decisi

30、 on making.6. These objectives are to be met with such thorough ness and con fide nee as to p ermit .7. The objectives of the . op erati ons study are as follows:8. The p rimary purp ose/c on sideratio n/o bjective of9. The ultimate goal of this concept is to p rovide10. The main objective of such a

31、 . system is to11. The aim of this paper is to p rovide methods to con struct such p robability distributi on.12. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the follow ing requireme nts:13. In order to take adva ntage of their similarity14. more research is still required before final goa

32、l of . can be compi eted15. In this trial, the objective is to gen erate.16. for the sake of concen trati ng on . research issues17. A major goal of this report is to exte nd the utilizati on of a rece ntly devel oped pro cedure for the xx.18. For an illustrative purp ose, four well known OR p roble

33、ms are studied in p rese nee of fuzzy data: xx.19. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss app roaches and strategies for structuri ng .methods20. This illustrati on points out the n eed to sp ecify21. The ultimate goal is both descri ptive and p rescri ptive.22. Chap ter 2. Literature Review23. A

34、 wealth of in formati on is to be found in the statistics literature, for exa mple, regard ing xx24. A con siderable amount of research has bee n done . duri ng the last decade25. A great nu mber of studies report on the treatme nt of un certa in ties associated with xx.26. There is con siderable am

35、ount of literature on planning27. However, these studies do not p rovide much atte nti on to un certa inty in xx.28. Since the n, the subject has bee n exte nsively explored and it is still under in vestigati on as well inmethodological asp ects as in con crete app licati ons.29. Many research studi

36、es have bee n carried out on this topic.30. P roblem of xx draws rece ntly more and more atte nti on of system an alysis.31. Atte mpts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the deve lopment of32. Many complex pro cesses unfortun ately, do not yield to this desig n p rocedure and have, therefore,

37、not yet bee n automated.33. Most of the methods devel oped so far are determi nistic and /or p robabilistic in n ature.34. The cen tral issue in all these studies is to35. The p roblem of xx has bee n studied by other in vestigators, however, these studies have bee n based upon classical statistical

38、 app roaches.36. App lied . tech niq ues to37. Characterized the . system as38. Developed an algorithm to39. Developed a system called . which40. Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce41. Emp hasized the n eed to42. Ide ntifies six key issues surr ounding high tech no logy43. A comp rehe nsive study

39、of the. has bee n un dertake n44. Much work has bee n reported recen tly in these filed45. Prop osed/Prese nted/State that/Described/lllustrated/In dicated/Has show n / showed/Address/Highlights46. P oi nt out that the p roblem of47. A study on .was done / deve loped by 48. P revious work, such as a

40、nd , deal only with49. The app roach take n by is50. The system deve loped by con sists51. A paper releva nt to this research was p ublished by 52. s model requires con siderati on of.53. model draws atte nti on to evoluti on in huma n deve lopment54. s model focuses on 55. Little research has bee n

41、 con ducted in applying . to56. The p ublished in formati on that is releva nt to this research.57. This study further shows that58. Their work is based on the principle of59. More history of . can be fou nd in xx et al. 1979.60. Studies have bee n compi eted to established61. The .studies in dicate

42、d that62. Though app licati on of xx in the filed of xx has p roliferated in rece nt years, effort in an alyz ing xx, esp ecially xx, is lack ing.Problem / Issue / Questi on63. Unfortun ately, real-world engin eeri ng p roblems such as manu facturi ng planning do not fit well with this n arrowly def

43、i ned model. They tend to span broad activities and require con sideratio n of mult iple asp ects.64. Remedy / solve / alleviate these p roblems67. . is a difficult p roblem, yet to be adequately resolved68. Two major p roblems have yet to be addressed69. An unan swered questio n70. This p roblem in

44、 esse nee in volves using x to obta in a solutio n.71. An additi onal research issue to be tackled is .72. Some important issues in deve loping a . system are discussed73. The three p rime issues can be summarized:74. The situati on leads to the p roblem of how to determ ine the .75. There have bee n many atte mpts to76. It is exp ected to be serious barrier to77. It offers a simple soluti on in a limited doma in for a comp lex


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