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1、Foreign company Business Communication SkillsA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for University StudybyXXXSupervisor: LI ManCollege of Textile and GarmentGuangzhou UniversityMarch 2015AbstractAccelerate the process of global economic integration among countries that make busi

2、ness activities have become increasingly frequent, and therefore more and more foreign business communication plays a pivotal role. In order to communicate successfully, to avoid communication barriers, to master the correct communication skills is particularly important. This paper emphasizes the i

3、mportance of foreign business in communication, followed by analysis of the communication barriers, and finally give some overall business communication skills.Keywords:foreign business communication; communication disorders; communication skills摘 要国际经济全球化进程的加快使各国之间的商务活动日益频繁,因此涉外商务沟通越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。因为

4、这是维持商务往来的必要条件,是商务谈判得以成功的前提基础,是经济贸易发展的必经之路,为了更好的在商务谈判中取得优胜的地位,我们必须了解和抓住商务贸易沟通在商务谈判中的运用,因为一笔生意的达成,并不仅仅因为一方独天得厚的优势,沟通也占了很重要的一部分,很多的商务贸易失败的原因,都是因为没有很好的沟通造成的。为了使沟通顺利进行,避免沟通障碍,掌握正确的沟通技巧尤为重要。本文首先强调了涉外商务中沟通的重要性,其次分析了沟通中的障碍,最后总给出一些商务沟通技巧。关键词:涉外商务沟通;沟通障碍;沟通技巧ContentsAbstractI摘 要II1. Introduction12.The importa

5、nce of business communication32.1The importance of business communication32.2 Foreign business communication skills43.Business Communication disorders occur74.Foreign business communication skills104.1 understand the communication object104.1.1 Understand their sense of time.104.1.2 Etiquette104.1.3

6、 Attitude104.1.4 Is a matter of religious belief and taboos have to be considered114.2 Instrument deportment114.3 Manner of speaking114.4 appropriate use of non-verbal124.4.1 Aress124.4.2 Facial expressions134.4.3 Posture134.4.4 Body distance134.4.5 Gesture134.4.6 Eye contact134.5 Cause the other in

7、terest144.6 Effective listening144.7 Communication problems155. Conclusion16Bibliography:17Acknowledgement18III1. IntroductionWith Chinas entry into WTO and the continuous acceleration of economic globalization, Chinas position in the international economy increasing, with the worlds economic and tr

8、ade activities between countries become more frequent. Foreign business has increasingly shown its importance in the social, political and economic life. China in recent years in science and technology, economic interests and others have great progress, which are closely related with foreign busines

9、s. It brings to our rapid development, so that our growing, continue to move forward. Foreign business always affect us, it is important to us. However, foreign business can not do without communication, effective communication will make foreign business smoothly. Therefore, in todays increasingly c

10、ompetitive society, foreign business communication is particularly important, communication skills is a top priority.In English, communicationThe word translated as either communicate, you can also act as communication, communication, communication, communication, transportation, and dissemination.

11、Although these words are slightly different, but they essentially involve the exchange of information on the use of Chinese or exchange, its basic meaning is to share common information with others. The foreign business communication is communication consultations across borders belong to different

12、countries to achieve their principal business activities of mutual interest between conducted. Foreign business communication not only in international business activities occupied a large proportion, and communicate success is directly related to the effects of the international business activities

13、. Therefore, the master good communication skills are essential. In foreign business activities, as a result of business people come from all over the world, there are all kinds of differences, such as in culture, communication, the concept of time and space, differences in the decision-making struc

14、tures and legal. To solve the above problems, this paper to introduce foreign business communication skills, so that more people understand the importance of foreign business communication skills.2.The importance of business communication2.1The importance of business communication The so-called busi

15、ness communication is the business environment in a certain way with each other, exchange information, meaning between people with visual, symbolic, telephone, telegraph, radio, television or other media tools, and exchange information. As an economic behavior, business communication in foreign busi

16、ness activities nothing is there. Philosopher Pascal said: Human vulnerability as a reed-like, but after several thousands of years, so soft and brittle to create culture, and different from other animals, its so so, due to the importance of mutual cooperation department of human movement. Man has d

17、uly obtained the co-operation between people, to establish good interpersonal relations is inseparable speak. Speak to communicate effectively. Communication brings understanding, understanding brings cooperation. If you can not communicate well, you can not understand each others intentions, can no

18、t understand each others intentions can not be effective cooperation, which is www.biyezuopin.cc particularly important for managers.1) Effective communication can make all employees feel true happiness and performance of communication.2) To strengthen internal communication, both can make managemen

19、t easier.3) Effective business communication can also make a substantial increase employee job performance, but also can enhance the cohesion and competitiveness.4) To strengthen communication between enterprises can deepen understanding of each others grasp each others needs, find the interests of

20、both sides to prepare for the signing.5) Effective Business Communication also can establish a good corporate image and reputation that.2.2 Foreign business communication skills Non-verbal communication is the means to transmit information through the media rather than some speech or writing, it can

21、 be through eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and movements and other forms of communication to achieve. We should deeply understand the meaning of these forms, in order to achieve good results in communication.1) eye contact The eye is called the windows of the soul. Sustained eye contact,

22、said the trust and respect; and brief eye contact is showing timid or feel pressured. Different cultures have different ways of eye contact, in some cultures, staring at someone, it will be seen as impolite. Westerners such as India or Arab-style look into feeling very uncomfortable, they feel this

23、way too strong for some. But one does not see the other side might make you not a charity. For example, the United States occurred in a department store theft, the store manager asked one employee - the girl from Spain, she did not dare to look at the managers eyes. The manager believes that this gi

24、rl is suspected, then fired her. Later, he learned that a well-educated Spanish girl is not going to maintain eye contact with men outside of relatives. Eye contact can sometimes make each other on a better understanding of you, but the customs and culture of different countries, resulting in eye co

25、ntact on a different meaning. We should seize the opportunity and good eye contact, as the time to make better use of the silent language of eye contact.2) facial expressions According to the researchers estimated that the human face can make more than 250,000 kinds of different expressions. Most pe

26、ople will be their feelings - emotions written on his face. For example, two businessmen from different countries in the negotiations, a person that talk about his plans, while another person listening to him talk, the always frowning, which shows that he was not quite agree with each others ideas.

27、Other say he opposed such an approach works much better than him directly from the mouth. Because they come from different countries, different customs and naturally some direct denial, sometimes amicable. Facial expressions are generally common to all countries (except for a minority), this silent

28、language, avoid some conflict over language.3) postures and movements Posture can reflect a persons social status, self-confidence, shyness and so on. In foreign communication, if the body has a tendency towards the other direction, suggesting that he was interested in each others words and recoiled

29、 motionless or fearful that he does not believe, even disgust. The action is more able to express the meaning of what you want to display vividly. But pay attention to the meaning of these actions in the local customs, it will not be easy to get into trouble. For example, Americans labeled OK gestur

30、e, which means smooth, successful; and some places in South America and Germany, this gesture is meant dirty shameless. There is such a practical example: A representative of the United States and Japan, a business enterprise for the first time very happy, after consultation, because the Japanese th

31、roughout the negotiations have been nodding, there is no objection to any proposal. However, the next day, the Japanese rejected the entire plan. Americans thought the Japanese nodded mean - thats the same as with the customs of their country. As a result, they made the classic mistake. A nod to the

32、 Japanese is just plain mean. Therefore, we must understand that each countrys posture and movements of meaning, we can make business communication smoothly.4) The spatial distance Spatial distance is maintained between the communication gap in peoples bodies. In foreign business activities, we must

33、 pay attention to the space when talking distance. General social spatial distance is between about 1.2 to 3.6 m. Space have different communication distances at different countries. White Americans, Britons and Swedes when farther than communication station. Southern Europe at the time of intercour

34、se stand closer. Arabs, Pakistanis and South American exchanges when the nearest station. Once out of such a joke: a man standing North America and a conversation, which is constantly moving backwards, while the former to maintain the same speed forward closing in, the results from one side of the h

35、all, forced to the other side. Therefore, the spatial distance in international business communication can not be ignored.From the above foreign business communication verbal and nonverbal aspects of this, we know that communication skills in foreign business activities is how important it is, it ca

36、n reduce cultural barriers make communication go smoothly. Good communication skills mastered can make more effective business communication.3.Business Communication disorders occur In foreign business activities, business communication plays an important role, but due to lack of communication or a

37、communication causing undue tension between employees, distrust, and do not unite, organizational cohesion decline, decreasing the efficiency of the phenomenon often occurs. This phenomenon is to bring serious crisis. In todays era of global media covering every corner of the news coverage 24 hours,

38、 once the company problems, external media will exaggerate their seriousness, so that investors lose confidence in the company into disrepute, suppliers and business partners retreat, consumer persons and the public fear, companies will face bankruptcy or even subvert. So in business activities, in

39、order to effectively conduct business communication, it is necessary to recognize the existence of communication barriers. Misuse of words, the use of incomprehensible jargon or technical terms and difficult to understand a foreign language or dialect, and some ambiguous word or image so that the in

40、formation itself loses its meaning. Use words fuzziness. For example, quickly as soon as possible, may, and so on. Different people have different interpretations, these words will bring misunderstanding. The external environment will become an obstacle to communication, the environment noisy, unabl

41、e to communicate with each other to concentrate, resulting in little or leak listen listen. During communication, speed too fast, too much content, leading to the receiver can not receive timely understanding. Restricted communication between cultural knowledge, language proficiency, the parties can

42、 not communicate with each other, let alone understand. Communication too rigid single, not of interest to the other side. Do not understand each others religion, social background violated other taboos. Formal dress is not enough time to communicate, process, casually rude to interrupt someone talk

43、ing, interrupting others ideas.To communicate the message of intent due to various reasons and contradictions, to bring losses. International business negotiations can actually be said to be exchanges between people. Interaction between people must meet certain etiquette. In business negotiations, n

44、ecessary to understand the etiquette and manners, negotiations must have the basic quality. If the violation of etiquette, not only will affect the formation of harmonious relations between the two sides, but also affect the other side of their evaluation in terms of training, identity, ability, and

45、 even affect the results of the negotiations. When business negotiations with foreigners, because of their living in different social and cultural backgrounds, and therefore, their culture, customs and rituals, and differences were poor. Etiquette plays an important role in peoples communication pro

46、cess. First, it can communicate feelings between people, feelings of personality dignity, and enhance peoples sense of dignity; secondly, it helps with the development of our people around the world, the friendship of the people of each region. In the foreign exchanges, to comply with international

47、conventions and a certain etiquette, is conducive to Chinas opening-up will help to show the Chinese style ceremonies; finally, healthy, necessary rituals can win peoples respect and love, make friends, avoid alienation and resentment. If a person in everyday life, work, polite, treat people appropr

48、iately, sincere, humble, kind, surely by the peoples respect. International social occasions, dress and casual clothing roughly divided. Formal, grand, solemn occasion with dark dress (tuxedo or a suit), generally can be a casual occasion. At present,Except as otherwise provided in individual countries (such as ceremonial, prohibiting women from wearin


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