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1、外研版初三英语下册短语(M 1)1.by coach 乘客车2.departure lounge 候机厅3.be full of / be filled with 充满4.have quite a good time 玩得很高兴5.go sightseeing 去观光6.take a tour 旅行7.go for a long walk 去散步8.had better do 最好做-9.plenty of 大量10.take place 发生11.with tears in his eyes 眼里含着泪水12.dream about 梦见13.forget to / doing 忘记做某事/

2、做过某事14.be unable to do 不能做-15.at the start of 在-的开端at the end of 在。末端16.hold sb in ones arm 抱住某人17.push sb away推开 / push past sb 挤过18.jump onto 跳到-上19.with interest 饶有兴趣地20.in a strong voice 大声地21.a ticket with that number 有这号码的票22.be far away 离得远23.even if / though 尽管,即使24.drop sth. on the floor 把-

3、扔在地板上25.set off 动身外研版初三英语下册短语(M2)1.worry about 担心2.It was great to see her again . 很高兴再次见到她.3.anything interesting 有趣的事 4.somewhere else 别的地方5.both -and - 两者都- 6.neither - nor -两者都不;既不-也不7.none of (三个或以上)都不8.prefer sth to sth. 比起某事更喜欢某事prefer doing sth. to doing sth 比起做某事更喜欢做某事prefer sb to do sth 宁愿

4、某人做某事prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做-而不愿做-9.be even better than -at sth 比-更擅长-10.get top grades 得高分11.be surprised at 对-感到惊讶12.a secondary school 中学13.a primary school 小学14.be present 出席 15.be absent 缺席16.the main hall 大厅17.make a speech 做演讲 18.have a break 休息19.stand for 代表20.Personal Health and Sa

5、fety Education 个人健康和安全教育21.have (take ) exams in every subject 每学科有考试22.as well as 除了-还有-23.be lucky to do 很幸运做某事24.in my final year 最后一年25.do athletics 做田径运动 26.language society 语言社团27.a parents meeting 家长会28.ask for advice 询问建议29.in addition 另外,加之in addition to 除了-之外, 又-外研版初三英语下册短语(M3)1.What was l

6、ife like in the past? 过去的生活怎样?2.too much free time 太多空闲3.nearly finished ! 快完成啦!4.try / do my best to do 尽力做某事5.talk of free time 提到业余时间6. be better at preventing illness 更善于预防疾病7.stop / keep / prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事8.take as much exercise as 像-做一样多的运动9.all ones life 某人一生 10.a full-time j

7、ob 全职工作11.married women 已婚妇女12.the whole of his working life 他的整个工作生涯13.fall off 从-跌落14.get / be married to sb.和某人结婚 marry sb.嫁给某人/娶了某人15.the whole -/ all the - 整个-, 全部-16.on the other hand 另一方面17.stay healthier 保持更健康18.have a good diet 有好的饮食19.lead busier lives 过忙碌的生活20.(many ) thousands of 成千上万外研版

8、初三英语下册短语(M4)1.suggest doing sth. 建议做-2.be dressed in 穿衣服 3.try on 试穿4.be sure of sth 相信/确信某事be sure to do sth 务必做某事be sure that +从句: 相信5.sb spend some money / time on sth 人在事上花费时间或金钱sb spend some money / time (in) doing sth人在做事上花费时间或金钱sb. pay some money for sth 某人为某物付了钱sth costs sb some money 某物花了某人

9、钱It takes sb .some time to do sth 做某事花费某人时间6.be worth doing sth 价值/ 值得做-7.succeed in doing sth 成功做某事8.fail to do 做不成某事9.look different 看起来与众不同be different from 与-不同be the same as 和-一样10.go for 追求,竞争11.be best-known for 因-而知名/be best-known as 作为-而知名12.above all 更重要的是13.show off 炫耀,卖弄14.put off 推迟 put

10、 on 穿上,上演 put away 把-收好 put out 灭火15.get sb to do sth 让某人做某事16.be popular with 受到欢迎或喜爱17.catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力pay attention to 注意外研版初三英语下册短语(M5)1.keep to 沿着-走2.lead the way 领路,带路lead to doing/sth 导致3.fall asleep 入睡4.reach out 伸手去摸5.in order to do = so as to do sth 为了6.watch out(for) 小心7.on o

11、nes own= by oneself 靠自己;独立8.get lost 迷路9.tidy up 整理( 拓展:call up 给某人打电话put up 举起,张贴come up with 提出cheer up 使-振奋set up 建立give up 放弃 stay up 熬夜10.hang on=hold on=wait a moment 稍等11.allow doing sth 允许做某事allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做某事be allowed to dosth. 被允许做某事外研版初三英语下册短语(M6)1.have an accident出事故 2.have a f

12、ever发烧3.have a pain in the chest 胸口疼4.in pain痛苦地5.have a ache in his head 头痛6.be missing 不见7.be wounded in the arm 手臂受伤8.catch up ( with ) 赶上9.catch the bus赶公共汽车10.catch sb by the arm 抓住某人的手臂11.trip over 绊倒12.expect to do sth 期望做某事13.It is thought that -认为14.sbs hundredth birthday某人百岁生日15.the oncomi

13、ng traffic 迎面而来的车辆16.go up 上升e down 下沉18.require sb to do / that - 要求做 require doing sth要求(被)做19.a large amount of +不可数n. :大量20.watch your diet 注意饮食21.see sth as 把-看作22.now and then 偶尔,有时23.put on weight 增加体重24.rest up 休息,休养25.not -, but -不是-而是26.take drugs 吸毒27.say no to sb./ sth 拒绝28.have an effec

14、t on sb / sth 对-有影响29.from side to side 从一边到另一边30.get an electric shock被电击31.pull sb away把某人推开32.take a sudden interest in 对-突然感兴趣33.take up 开始养成-的习惯;占用 34.in other words换句话说35.as a result结果 36.give in屈服,让步give up放弃37.ask sb for help 向某人请求帮助38.die of 死于疾病、饥饿、寒冷等 die from死于创伤、过度疲劳、饮食过度等die away 逐渐消失d

15、ie out 完全灭绝39.the smell of -的气味、味道40.have an effect/ influence on 对.有影响外研版初三英语下册短语(M7)1.heat up 加热2.worry about 担忧3.instead of 代替4.as soon as 一就5.not.any more 不再6.serve sth to sb 端上,给提供7.invite sb to do 邀请去做8.There is no saying 很难说,说不准9.Help oneself to sth. 随便吃/用.10.explain to sb 向某人解释11.generally s

16、peaking 一般来说外研版初三英语下册短语(M7)1.play the role of 扮演.角色2.in the open air 在户外3.be proud of 以.而自豪4.be famous for 因某事而出名5.such as 例如6.find out 查明7.the capital of8.a great place to(visit/ to live in) 一个值得.的好地方9.wish sb to do sth 希望某人做.10.hope to do 希望做11.be pleased to do 高兴做.12.it is + adj. + for sb / of sb

17、+ to do sth 对.来说做某事13.take pride in= be proud of 对.骄傲14.agree to do 同意去做agree with sb 同意某人(某人说的)agree on sth. 就某事达成一致外研版初三英语下册短语(M9)1.reach a level 达到一定水平2.make progress 取得进步3.require a certain effort 需要一定努力4.continue to do sth 继续做某事5.fairly low 相当低6.no matter how 无论如何municate with 同.交流8.be based on

18、 以.为根据9.be used for 用于做10.be used by 被.使用11.be used to do 被用于做.12.be used to doing 习惯于.13.used to do 过去常常.14.a quarter of 四分之一15.either.or 或或16.as.as 和一样17.in place of 代替18.at least 至少19.belong to 属于20.not.at all 根本不21.in all 总共22.be good at= do well in 擅长于23.think out 仔细考虑24.think over 考虑25.think o

19、f 想26.need doing= need to be done (某物)需要被.外研版初三英语下册短语(M10)1.stay in touch 保持联系2.pay back 偿还3.role model 楷模4.say goodbye to 向.告别5.grow up 长大6.go on 继续7.be patient with 对.有耐心8.be strict with 对严格9.a bit/ a little 一点10.not a bit 一点也不11.not a little 很多12.offer to do 主动提出13.offer sth to sb 对.提出14.offer sb sth15.provide sth for sb 为某人提供16.be strict with sb 对某人严格17.be strict in sth 对某事严格18.decide to do sth 决定去做19.prepare for 为.准备20.be ready to do 准备做.21.be ready for sth 做好的准备22.get ready 准备好23.haveoff= takeoff 在休息;请假


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