西方艺术赏析第3套(Third sets of Western art appreciation).doc

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1、西方艺术赏析第3套(Third sets of Western art appreciation)Appreciation of Western ArtThirdYou have been through the set of assignments, please see the correct answer1. Lubensi had a painting typical of Baroque art, this work is: (a)A. by Lucys daughter PhelpsB. the last supperC. Mrs. Arnaud Fanny likeD. the

2、fable of the blindAnswer: A your answer: A-2. the illusion of Saint Liesa statue of the author is: (a)A. CaravaggioB. BelliniC. LubensiD. VelazquezAnswer: the answer to your B: B-3. the Gnome race Bastien the author is: (a)A. CaravaggioB. BelliniC. LubensiD. VelazquezAnswer: D your answer: D-4. whic

3、h of the following points do not belong to the baroque style: (a)Dont A. symmetryDont B. triangular steady structureC. does not distinguish between good and evilThe structure of D. not dynamic, nervousAnswer: D your answer: D-The most famous representative is Bellini and 5. Italy Baroque Art: ()A. C

4、aravaggioB. Da VinciC. LubensiD. VelazquezAnswer: A your answer: A-6. night watch Author: ()A. CaravaggioB. BelliniC. LubensiD. RembrandtAnswer: D your answer: D-7. boat citera is the author of: (a)A. WatteauB. FulagenaerC. LubensiD. VelazquezAnswer: A your answer: A-8. the following works: not Bouc

5、her ()Madame Ponbadu like A.B. Diana after the bathC. wayward womanD. Chinese paintingsAnswer: C your answer: C-9。荡秋千的作者是:()A.华托B.弗拉戈纳尔C.鲁本斯D.布歇参考答案:B您的答案:B-10。下列哪位不是法国洛可可艺术风格的主要代表人物是:()A.弗拉戈纳尔B.委拉斯开兹C.布歇D.华托参考答案:B您的答案:B-11。热尔桑画店的作者是:()A.华托B.弗拉戈纳尔C.鲁本斯D.布歇参考答案:一您的答案:一-12。阿尔卡迪的牧人们的作者是:()A.普桑B.达维特C.提香


7、r: C your answer: C-17. representative works of Angell, known as a classic example of the United States is: (a)A. Sabin by womenB. killed his son BrewsterC. springD. the Horace brothers oathAnswer: C your answer: C-18. the raft of the Medusa is the author of: (a)A. RelikeB. DelacroixC. GoyaD. Turner

8、Answer: A your answer: A-19. Liberty Leading the people forward is the author of: (a)A. RelikeB. DelacroixC. GoyaD. TurnerAnswer: the answer to your B: B-20. May 3, 1808 shot is the author of: (a)A. RelikeB. DelacroixC. GoyaD. TurnerAnswer: C your answer: C-21. as a romantic art produced in: (a)A.17

9、 CenturyB.18 CenturyC.19 CenturyD.20 CenturyAnswer: C your answer: C-22. and the romantic relative is: (a)A. liberalB. classicalC. realismD. of Post ModernismAnswer: the answer to your B: B-23. Liberty Leading the people is the author of _, known as the romantic lion: ()A. TurnerB. DelacroixC. GoyaD

10、. RelikeAnswer: the answer to your B: B-24. fashionable marriage is the author of: (a)A. GainsboroughB. Lei Zi Nobel.C. HogarthD. MillerAnswer: C your answer: C-25. which of the following is not a picture of Courbets works: ()A. play workB. screen wheat womenC. my studioD. seedingAnswer: D your answ

11、er: D-26. Miller three women in the fields after wheat harvest, picking up discarded wheat work is: (a)A. dayB. man on the spadeC. curfewD. seedingAnswer: A your answer: A-The main features of the 27. which of the following points are not realistic: (a)A. heavy realityB. heavy imaginationSevere type

12、 C.D. heavy criticismAnswer: C your answer: B-28. of Millers works to overcome the limitations of the painting and the thought is: (voice)A. play workB. screen wheat womenC. my studioD. curfewAnswer: D your answer: D-Instant performance process through the 29. works of Miller, the space time is famous: ()A. man on the spadeB. Christinas worldC. man on the hoeD.A and CAnswer: D your answer: D-30. dance is the author of: (a)A. PicassoB. MonckC. MatisseD. KandinskyAnswer: C your answer: C


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