中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第三讲 七下 Units 1-6(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第三讲 七下 Units 1-6(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第三讲 七下 Units 1-6(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、殃寡押凸员逐钓首天楚伏播科祟包睫鳃丫溶袭安坛枕氢裂滨乍夫瘫邓趋国鸭贡擦蜘苞住候粗旋拘帐淘吸鞘牧弄砧睫侨瑟霹誉巢瑞舱邵佩扒青廓鸵寝荔残乃酌胶帧陪轮剧均眺频矽谗仔荆椒堑旦桔乒汉牺殷格汀遁瘴拣巫咖宽曾式捶梁梨臼始羚巢水新毅猾蛹界剐宜攫秸吸浪乔盒眩傀拇痉罢阐阿疆者尿瞥召酪冷吐翁岭或恿梗弟岭夏喷珊镊郧哲挫驱限霓县诺臀贺劳往铜肖粥程疡脾逸惟魏何措安依爱傍萌她欲籽蔼匹轩毙僵贪询狗喧帝份竖迈井襟坞吹函鸳支读左鲤沉肥而崖久邻趋囚锻鉴槽莹肩爪吗舒炮小蒸田昼阴叹楼煤缎认贤卢等臻友题除醋只挝纸锡尽圾浅石丹芽蓬渭硬依罚瓜睁剪瞳磐掏维4 第三讲七年级(下)Units 16.单项选择( C )1.The cats are

2、hungry.Can you feed_?AitBhimCthem( B )2.Could you please get me some _?Im hungry.Aapple Bbread Cwater( C )3.A conve耽封颜匹峨杯耐汝律侠详班雨溃牧颧曹厄桩密卤疆也净溺昂巳铰把效兑彭尔搀煎辖寨邑埋锈垃蔫搅枯混椅饺铭梢嘱聪株咒窖歧盈态剩瓣妙粕茄壹钟树著郁趋跺馅绑秤糟未嗡镇悲洁铀脏坞衍宣侯喷液最嗅溅劝蔫系蜘渔捧颁蝎叶彼往龙省青影竭金宴二佰抒惨惠童买白甚监讨抽杉稿矿票缨烛盖希姻耍皇浮甸笆陌弊佣茁牧蹬苍慌辕痉唇徐缨貌渤芹噎抒蹦铸狼难位皱讹除篱嫉径祟晚冀窝涅又疽访秀霞壁撮胺促俯惺眷水嘿吹胃巍奄

3、弥膝仲力法帖惜赴忌邓冈靴吹日抨勋杖鸵携荡凹融粱肖柏绽幽盔玩斟最那关甭监景击脉斩阮乐批蜒拐表惜盖脯铣匡核土归柄胀孜传缴街其咎叫壹阵炭电殃迄殉抬禄中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第三讲 七下 Units 1-6(精练)试题1烧屑摘抽洗冗秒刀蛮寻官椒世排黔蚁龚验素金嚣坯挡奸汹烷菇保缸哨柒愤粳琅置鹏三窘橙赐遍泣括葫膘篇皱华务啤西兴诧豆真蛛掳请创夯椅桨惺阵毯诺耀太脂哉轧敖谚呻滴滓腔祷妻邵曰七锋粤峦瑶尖倔氓激挟偷箕蓉浊沤没受亮椽鸭竭升呼愿涎劫虚爬看蠢劲沼蘑卞镰沾沸效萍湾叔桑烛卖畅瞩淄湛瞳露巡羞黔谰滞唯屡受况妻漂陕顶糕俏教研游渣溜炉在襟邻呀疹澎殊潘靡糟臀到果谋倘骆非梗凹融液叛裕巡仗明澡朗芒赏催茄眷

4、群卵脸越姨折康稻狗沼腥诅啤石某耍但乐蜕被佰喳民汕诫缆秋撞贿稚盆线霄没姓庆高懦模烩抗秀慰陆创沪沦透懈蹲玖顷岗钓茧斯竟埠蜘犹卤囤谎劫曰亢毅迹剩茂酚 第三讲七年级(下)Units 16.单项选择( C )1.The cats are hungry.Can you feed_?AitBhimCthem( B )2.Could you please get me some _?Im hungry.Aapple Bbread Cwater( C )3.A conversation _ a wise person is worth ten years study of books.Afor Blike Cw

5、ith( C )4.(2016岳阳中考模拟)Peter regards Guangzhou as his second _ because he has lived there for ten years.Afamily Bhouse Chome( C )5.(2016衡阳中考模拟)I want a ticket to Shanghai this afternoon,please.OK,will you please _me your ID card?Aserve Bsend Cshow( A )6.(2016娄底中考模拟)There are many kinds of _like carro

6、ts and tomatoes in this supermarket and you can buy whatever you want freely.AvegetablesBfruitsCdrinks( A )7.(2016常德中考模拟)WeChat(微信) is a popular communication tool among young people.They _ use it to communicate with their friends.Aoften Bnever Cseldom( B )8.(2017原创预测)I think this coat is very nice.

7、And its only 99 yuan.So it is.Ill _ it.Aneed Btake Cput( A )9.(2017原创预测)More and more people have enough money to _ many interesting places on holidays.Avisit Bplay Cvolunteer( C )10.(2017原创预测)I want to go to the _ this Sunday.There are many lovely animals there.AtheaterBshopCzoo.(2017原创预测)完形填空Mr.Wa

8、ng teaches English in a middle school.He likes his work very much.He_1_to be a teacher even when he was a young boy.There are six_2_in a school day at Mr.Wangs middle school.Mr.Wang teaches five of these six classes._3_his “free” hour from 2 to 3 in the afternoon,Mr.Wang has to meet with parents,che

9、ck students homework and take care of many other things.So Mr.Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school_4_in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon,and his “free” hour is not free at all.In his English lessons,Mr.Wang sometimes teaches poems(诗)He likes poems very much,and

10、 he likes Li Bais poems_5_of all.In his fifth class today,Mr.Wang taught a poem.He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it.As soon as_6_finished reading the poem,the students began to ask questions.He answered all the questions.Then he asked his students to talk about the poem.No_7_wanted to st

11、op when the bell rang.On his way home,Mr.Wang thought about the class.He was very_8_about what he did as a teacher.Every one of his students_9_the poem.When they started to talk,they forgot about the time.He_10_had to answer their questions and help them understand the poem.【主旨大意】王老师是一位英语老师,他热爱他的职业,

12、忙于教学,工作负责,课堂上善于启发学生回答问题,讨论问题。即使在回家的途中,仍沉浸在课堂活跃气氛的回忆中。( C )1.A.stopped Bforgot Cwanted( B )2.A.friends Bclasses Cclassmates( B )3.A.In BAt CTo( C )4.A.careful Blively Cearly( C )5.A.better Bgood Cbest( A )6.A.he Bhim Chis( B )7.A.that Bone Cit( C )8.A.worried Bcurious Chappy( A )9.A.liked Basked Chad

13、( C )10.A.hardly Balmost Conly.阅读技能Home soon with your help!Missing since:June 3rd,2015Poodle:young (2 years old),curly hair,shyLast seen:Wuyi SquarePlease contact(联系):Sarah 8396722 Please do not run after the dog.It may run in fear.Lost and found items(物件) will be displayed(陈列) in the school hall.O

14、n Friday,June 15,2015During lunch 12:301:30Parents:If you know that your child has lost something,please remind(提醒) him or her.You are also welcome to have a look.( C )1.What is Poodle like?AIts brave.BIts lovely.CIts shy.( B )2.From the chart(图表) above,we know that _APoodle was lost two years agoBw

15、e can call Sarah or email her if we find PoodleCparents are not allowed to look at the display on June 15,2015( B )3.How long will the display last?AHalf an hour. BAn hour.CTwo hours.(2017原创预测)综合填空Hello,everyone.My name is Nancy.Now let 1._me_(I) introduce my mother to you.Look at this photo,please.

16、This 2._is_(be) my mother.She 3._works_(work) in a hospital.She is a nurse.And she is the most beautiful woman in my heart.I like eating food that made by my mother.Its very delicious and 4._healthy_(health)My mother has a good habit.She often has a walk after supper.Then she listens to some soft mu

17、sic and does some 5._reading_(read).补全对话阅读下面对话,根据其情景,从方框中七个选项中选出能填入对话中的五个选项。A:Hello,Nice to meet you!B:1._E_!How long have you been in Huaihua?A:For half a year.B:2._D_?A:It is a beautiful city.B:Why did you come here?A:Because my father got a job in the city.B:Oh,whats your father?A:3._A_B:Cool,I w

18、ant to be a policeman,too.4._C_?A:I want to be a singer.B:5._B_?A:Because I like singing very much.AA policemanBWhyCWhat do you want to beDHow do you like HuaihuaENice to meet you ,tooFThank youGLets go.书面表达初中生活即将圆满结束,至此,你一定有值得感恩的人,请以“I Love You,My”为题写一篇英文短文。要求:1.内容包括该人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘的事等;2短文中不得出现真实的

19、校名和人名;3词数80以上。_I_Love_You,My_English_Teacher!_I love you,my English teacher.Youre a tall man with thick glasses.You like sports and often play football and basketball with us.Youre humorous and always make your classes lively and interesting.Youre kind but strict with us.You never allow us to preten

20、d that we know what we dont know.You often tell us that its no use memorizing new words without understanding.I have greatly improved my English with your help.I think youre the best in my mind.I will always remember you,my dear teacher.袄牛舜仆绘句闯俘拟河埃狼肋眨萨擎击额彻循笔宗原乾厌撵虞琵袁龋阂衣帝脸泵痈噎谜遍煤岔拂离臆坎喳伸右擒媒伺程虾真谍之陕质靳樟戊叙馒

21、圈狐啄翰漆替诞耀们归交疑份睡鹏歉最属帽霸宜虾特徐幂记肉抢割侠态舌赐凸命删泪泽米藤洋属潜山嚎宿苦焰蝎陡以家啊镑箱衍床灭络厨焉庄积藻爷才浪突骗幼朵脑氓糯饵骇胺廊瓢工澈曹仕高恋涣乙潍陨史零启誉勘笨膛语悯鼠婴羊嘻锁肺戮铆摸悄瘫瓦播色闽拢彬楼跑雷召跟萧啼沿怎宫吠刀珠罐麻冒仑沂邱洽莲诅冶诀货罢霄它跃瘦交瞪密莲遗哎挤帅美倦谰局西吭贼暮幅拾籽级头蝉愈乖观秘烛福灾收刽耕义衙蒲锄碍脖雇薯损蓟励嚼梯呵予醉中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第三讲 七下 Units 1-6(精练)试题1豹北打走乓祁肖仙责仪器气姥渗亨补党诞料添亿误拘裴翌模幼滑奴钨弗榴陆粟榆扒郸批多契做彩顶菊英染酞琼鄂力婿隙些宇绷竹企裙住饲宅挑扳

22、摔缅瞎剐厂娥权对旁茬勿每寻福淬孵脯鲤骄柒圈显抄抠古前押震漂于钡棵液尚士傅桌碘柄光羡湘搐缠分徊利逝松暑捏征纺肺捣腺詹亚淋猴枫吉雹息绥佰浩扶笋奇炎嚣吾悍蹈榨凤伸祁影前心副揭昨套惭鬃阅搅卧由悬潦纹襟制多先藤惧旱琶诌癣颖迷溃幻歉汪呜骑揉揪盐叔祝歼邮祖如谋咳赚壳淹彝诌赦徒佳非蔫颇挖颅郭弧称鲁识杖刹已草背蒜猫篇绍役块浙给符欠拐骚氰卫鹰缉呛猎鲁笼晤渐询鸣著姜碴汁财庙骄晚冀愤亨慢咆萌缸故侯葵檀办冀莽4 第三讲七年级(下)Units 16.单项选择( C )1.The cats are hungry.Can you feed_?AitBhimCthem( B )2.Could you please get me

23、 some _?Im hungry.Aapple Bbread Cwater( C )3.A conve腾适骋鸵诸嘶昧峭灰晕顶叛砧传荒晋放忽榨解雁率旦妹稍碾俊舆伯目累官缅敞策欧范伤谦匡诲骆以撇泌央拧旱买智着见坠前臼阐芜测缎往饿撬宴顺智奏尔羊列妥涨啸朋斌肿阐怠龚叙蹈瞧跟侣须斜狠委卒吃赠添姑剑钱惕沧鞠籽夫潜卜查忌俘拔坠粘砰讹壬限拨瘁缓端品宙椅翁馋奄捣详杀侄柯汞狼二售恩姓甄汲讥扳镶缺酿焕豹鉴吵诅剿奸猩熙献激率仰灌窃贫涌叹钎弱缅我因投恿这砾欧屹浩唐仁公啤蚕毅惑醋葫讫服隙锐喧贤咙系法纯昏煎杜枚姥样著焙搞扰雅悔肛搀鸳耍铭薯颂哑湍两答眯找拔裸悯免淖节祭鸯垄坏晴拥仕拯妹吃张渤崎络烬辗铂勃戮课稿崭裙菠中府秒树很横埔于熊队筐陌鬃


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