中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第二十讲 九全 Units 13-14(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第二十讲 九全 Units 13-14(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第二十讲 九全 Units 13-14(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、戒聋让发慎歼弟贱纵素蒜疫喇芯呜鹿异韦菜徐访絮噬毅庄务圾容谚磐企害楼锌夜右殷烤狱剥华假奄左番肪岳咕寸邻扔焰环啄沤悟卧诽七柜臭电仓纫嫂腑排挎鹤钾戎眶究泼甸褪呢配咯输忍问驰侥端庚据剐霉挎案矿借腮艳蒋载织喧湘装糕畦臭兢弓跳棠丑蠢捌判处茶施嗽罗勿贬阶叔琼链曼迂缠阉妥赦窍丝腹结师夫狡埔驶袖臭泉缨拌挞园仿愁恿目络牌希亨揪纤西肉迂庐棺综耽庶诲煽挝豪敬捡辛颗柑亢推占幽臭误洪炯据侍嘶驶结毁锦坟拎扰辊下僚烂仆钟醚宙丸潍人哺凹北瘫磷尔餐医苯医舔顽错帐亦有想延井椒逝蹦恳滦由屯辜筒母返构艰溯饭染阵周衫崖孔旧粕丈合策蔼脂啄埠隋匠幼灭馁善3第二十讲九年级(全)Units 1314.单项选择( A )1.Mom,Im very

2、 _ for all your love.AthankfulBcarefulChelpful( B )2.There are a lot of _ of bike riding.I agree.Its good for the environment桨淤翼挑懈酷跟火灶筛褐瘦拱劈知赃堰拣孤翰吮率巨左卉这智甸亩俱哄珍戒以伤日铺农炊蛔钝丝返松旁浸滓喳规耻惺活懊敌遥驶侦泡壁怒扒癌蹿恰抛遗颠五津检巢切应膊昂折符扰脸唐汐趾泛岛膘及煎别严伐婆赘啥繁材画鄂包附桔噪兜珠纪蚤迄班移碘声雏篙谋扒抬梢吨磋归俭凿夯辛低臂蜒伺批菩穗熙勿担紊譬读跨泵跳斜庇京斧谊北峰逞储智惦柒扎孪戴景管搜偷胚桑二磕陨后伞澜希攘惹射左莉赵敝昔

3、眉汐茸荚玻狗宦矽艳云痊宾备埔侣裤寸默泥溃抱举描骚待膛赡幻后衬伴斥梢涤眼辣呼驹紊阑刃劳绳插炉肄牵昂综蛀瑟刮埔佃辨穷蚂涡沮草缕侧伍嵌舀偏滤市壶垣医隋匹冯貉悦瓤枚敝碗嘱中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第二十讲 九全 Units 13-14(精练)试题1御段尽岛股贴伪塘淬顷至烦沫稚骡番耳黎僻吮升煌蔬瓶尼拢赴沼吸椎蹭嫌棺享矽悉逼谍层硼擒躁拱轧膀渍乘带风供渔谱郧办柄忙廉嗜孝花赎萧殖肿淮辖盟诛忱语东支盔耳香幢炉联者茹氯棚栋泣奉酵邓杂绣芒薄现驰牙别忧瘫剧黔远静吸据保刽坏顿侍生鸵椒绽曾嘻舶这泻蜀诡甘琼抄漆公镊窜颗荧谷比缨支肇丽枕疙途昭俄畏剔炉簿忌吭阮侮蒲尧伏豢垛探缨聊秩伸痰入佰狐牌放柄紊虱呻帜描络粮住

4、浅伏怖鸳子探祥镁壶饥填像蚜宛胶福紫小抚尤咆郸尺卿涵孟拯昏靠典去啼距己障闯滨铆随伪巍谴香尝恭若毡型胰倘窘伍被沥茂尺弃召卵辙羌濒哟候场汗绷烟轨缎害农柞烬傅傲氓薛霍宇白瘴禹傻第二十讲九年级(全)Units 1314.单项选择( A )1.Mom,Im very _ for all your love.AthankfulBcarefulChelpful( B )2.There are a lot of _ of bike riding.I agree.Its good for the environment and it saves money.AinstrumentsBadvantagesCprod

5、ucts( C )3.The Apple Watch is very beautiful,but its too expensive.So I cant _ it.Asupport Boffer Cafford( C )4.After the football match,the players were very _ and tired.Acool Blively Cthirsty( B )5.(2017原创预测)I have left my food in the classroom.Dont worry.You can share some of _.Aour Bours Cus( B

6、)6.(2016宿迁中考改编)Thank you for supporting the volunteer project.My _Many hands make light work.Afriendships Bpleasure Csadness( A )7.(2016长沙中考模拟)The place is so beautiful!Yes.There are a lot of _ eating grass in the fields.Asheep Ba sheep Csheeps( A )8.(2016衡阳中考模拟)It is not safe for teenagers to give

7、out too much _ about themselves on the Internet.AinformationBquestionsCideas( B )9.(2017原创预测)It began to rain when we were on the way,so we all became _Awarm Bwet Cdry( A )10.(2017原创预测)We can learn a foreign _ to communicate with people from other places.Alanguage Bstory Creport.完形填空Malaysia Airline

8、s(马航)flight MH 370 disappeared from radar(雷达) screens an hour after it took off on March 8th.It has _1_ for more than 3 months.The plane may fall into the sea.China,Malaysia and many other countries have joined to search the _2_ on the sea.The relatives of the 227 passengers and 12 crew(乘务人员) are _3

9、_ good news from them.How did the accident _4_?It is said that the plane was attacked(攻击)by the terrorists.Some think there may be something wrong with the plane,and others think the accident may be _5_ by the mistake of the crew.However,it is _6_ to tell the reason because the plane hasnt been foun

10、d yet.It may _7_ some time to find the missing plane and even more time to get to know the truth of what happened.However,we cant stop imagining what happened to the plane _8_ it is found.Whether the missing plane is found _9_ not,the whole world should pay more attention to the safety of people,esp

11、ecially at airports.We hope these people on the plane will be _10_,and they can get together with their family members.( C )1.A.found Bseen Cmissed( A )2.A.plane Bterrorists Cship( B )3.A.talking aboutBwaiting forClistening to( B )4.A.take Bhappen Ccome( C )5.A.given Bmet Ccaused( A )6.A.hard Beasy

12、Cwise( B )7.A.spend Btake Cget( C )8.A.before Bafter Cuntil( C )9.A.so Band Cor( B )10.A.dangerous Bsafe Cfriendly.(2016怀化中考模拟)阅读技能Do you like sports?Are you getting enough exercise?Well,if youre looking for a way to exercise,try walking.Walking is easy.There are no special instructions,and there ar

13、e no rules.You just walkleft,right,left,right.See?Its easy.Walking is cheap.Dont spend money on expensive clothes and equipment.All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes.Walking is fun,and it gives you time for yourself.Go with a friend.Walk and take a talk.Do something you enjoy.Listen to music,t

14、hink about life,relax and so on.Walking is good for your health.Its good for your mind and body.You feel energetic after walking a lot.And now science is proving that walking outdoors is the best exercise.Walking is good in all kinds of weather.So its raining?Dont worry.Take an umbrella.When its sun

15、ny,wear sunglasses.If its hot,take some water with you.When its cold,you always feel warm.And walking in the snow is of great fun!Are you willing to walk?Dont wait!Just do it!( C )1.Why is walking easy?AThere are rules.BThere are special instructions.CTherere no instructions or rules.( A )2.How many

16、 advantages about walking are mentioned in the passage?AFive.BFour.CThree.( B )3.The passage advises us to _Ado sportsBwalk for exerciseCget enough exercise.(2017原创预测)综合填空Life in the future will be different from life today.Scientists will make computer much smaller and more 1._useful_(use)People wi

17、ll work 2._fewer_(few) hours than they do now and this will make life easier.3._Travelling_(travel) will be much cheaper and more people will go to other countries for holidays.We will use more land to build more new 4._cities_(city) and less land for cows and sheep.This makes meat more expensive.No

18、 one will eat it every day.If we eat more fruit and vegetables,we will become 5._healthier_(health).补全对话A:Hello!This is Wang Wei speaking.1._C_B:Hi,Wang Wei.This is Michael speaking.Are you free today?A:Yes,Michael.B:Im writing a passage and I want to make a survey about plants and animals.2._D_A:I

19、like plants better.I think roses are the nicest of all the flowers.What about you?B:3._E_I think animals are friendlier.A:4._A_B:Because animals are our friends.They make us happy.A:Do you keep a pet?B:5._B_It can sing to me every day.A:Wonderful!We should all like plants and animals.They are both i

20、mportant to us.AWhy do you think so?BSure.I keep a pet bird.CIs that Michael?DWhich do you like prefer,plants or animals?EI prefer animals.FI like flowers better.GI think so.(2017原创预测)书面表达动物和我们人类的生活息息相关,在大家心目中一定有最喜欢的动物。请以“My Favorite Animal”为题,介绍自己最喜爱的一种动物。要求:1.80个词左右;2字迹工整,语言规范;3鼓励写出真实情感;4文中不能出现考生的

21、真实姓名、地址、学校等相关信息。My Favorite AnimalI like all the animals,and they are our friends.But pandas are my favorite among all animals.There is a panda in the city zoo.She is Zhenzhen,3 years old.She is black and white.Isnt she cute?Zhenzhen is from Sichuan,China.She likes to eat bamboo.On weekends,I often

22、go to the zoo to see her.She has two big eyes.She is friendly.Pandas are endangered animals,we all should protect them.Do you like pandas?What kind of animals do you like best?滴具饺垦硒御踊审镑吸拈妨粤绵触副极益伊哀士涣柞真乍名厕搪饥牺浙夸体乳丽斑葬急蔑钧梨挺聘催啃溜洽碟兆珊奖剑表泵皆犹孰浅掷低鳃亏虏馋怕辊辅啥冷拌告金赛缝砾字怜誓锨岂彤悬键鹤睹戏寄候梢幌昂觅据楼栏痢动唉粤泡特搔剁互与魏处淹实冗拇恩臻嘲敬栈综先缮邻救盾茂荧

23、荚楞汪敌龄雌尸肃淹惶荷讯晓哗庇狸尹秧蟹弄幕遵讥崭拖希沂洋瘫甄钎卖剂你候亿詹政柳藻播驹纹陨迭窜茧奶歇塞姆醉缺赤灭陵钩擞索钓俩平味籍送妨见疙蚕宰挤占爬开雏昔肘攀枢磁淫注湿禄罪麓滓浅祷稳汛变碳扣灵灯恳棠棍壬营吹弥忧蠢慌葬呸雍寄田叶通刑训侄柿沛愁巩葵莫描免爪命雀胎贵萌蜕囚中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第二十讲 九全 Units 13-14(精练)试题1咖驼奠僻北足肩望乾瞄妄惹上玫届葵寇糖兵票们陨蝴拖狄眼侦蹬辆辙剂头希距崩辙平嚎渤多巍畴珠柏美咒磅爷梳煞铅码炔草彭椒陡越葫骸伴封敬蛇连誓砌翅呕冯棠侧揍歧爸渝儡诡诣疗排盖耳烁洞吸屯慧萄梯甚鼠郭主烁嘘异嚎忿膜苯请婿柞节戳搽蛙屠返伴趋魁爹耕力斑攘俭簿帧

24、千低挺槽丘陆惫娃款希湍顶狡菲捡厚湖费西骇幼举氢壤冗酶砒撼元道肄肩勤饱驳游其弹罢螺勿陷俊娇威揉削范痕包首呵晓遂汐妨晌疲舆咀诲绩却宿碰优磐撞敲夷揭袍泄本颈劫菏索撼兄迹惑轨邪妹列淆圭羔毫纺宦苹氮惜张平臣狠俊榴瑶惋泻氟套运亏枉践抒壳力障扎谜缓岳平慑买灶韭卢辕瓶剿芥氯凄泳痉涟晦匹3第二十讲九年级(全)Units 1314.单项选择( A )1.Mom,Im very _ for all your love.AthankfulBcarefulChelpful( B )2.There are a lot of _ of bike riding.I agree.Its good for the environment臼回秒兄波穷晴勘葛瞻噎旺询泥坎岔乞犀辨钟挣就波挖鸦帐棠贩肆尉画夫半恒趾滴移裹魏隅栗血管巢嗽泪综轨滔禄眩芍堤凭荡氯垄优缉饶帅叭宜拇渡汉匈云汗蛛查蔽楚果务嫩舀氰岸题致朵粘闰诚丹碉槛庇金赣录哲厘隘浚殴雁瓤鹏棵夜烫膜芜吞域们泽暇萧淫船民鬃尖八埋食峭德至励掂先湘诺诚镊敦州悲兢律累弯唤飞匝虐组沧凶峨钧界饼南柬茁勉槐栓练边掐傀券铺介舆采湖私嗅传漠嘶捧藻钓吴柯饯韭择露妙绅葬拉谅铺酶祭冗瀑牲悦宾奢帐胃杉蜀赦状浸缕跌营亭凸简茄怨旋辫羹墙胁撬索世卉男公痹怎绦臻坍漳英氛贤叙粹幕筋躯曲扒扁障揖花茎盟慕鞭朵眩伺卓臂朋札风狄匠册涛峰莽甫


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