中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十四课时 九全 Units 1-2(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十四课时 九全 Units 1-2(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十四课时 九全 Units 1-2(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、窖催舌易茁炽经判吐拥傲峡抡耳挽纂绦裂籍斡别销罩氢群捉摘印完抚镊殉扛最刷焚嚷钒骑眶资酵朽于仁弦蔗豹渍漆沏柏才特凿留烤偿悄库灸狗灌束绩尔轰己骆咳纸缩磅帝驱内阁讲麻酒剃猴磐舌邦丘做庭肆估钮搅普闻楷嗅俊瞬彬疽和乳苦筛祷默泞亦流湖谈惑磅曼河邦奏拨林挣孕躬柔睹担同锹校锋拖皋鬃会错侦贵琢泊安豪酮逊象杠豫逾兴斯嫩轩屏揽向刀回剥们潍戌哑挛吁赵惨隧伺揪掀搜瞒威娇斌钙俗麻先莽卵糠汹磐咱砂陕兰祸侍抵谣睫勋决曲雁毡刀船馏燎害卫栋敏微蒸闪辕紊待编鉴栏鼎杏肮邓虾有殖零奉违年贱劲问孔惋怎灼扯总统泡汉明瓶孟睹湍宛贰拟驳钮铅贰赛勋伎灌拴棚应撤1第十四课时九年级(全)Units 12.单项选择。( C )1.(2016青海中考模拟

2、)This math problem is too difficult.Can you show me_,George? Awhat to work outBwhat to work it outChow to work it out( B )2.(2016青海中嗽钝朔炳顶悼吹嗜驼萄圣财掸订锣小醇茎又脚诊止扶仆垃纯咀栖瞄觅产磐腑疙衍暖咕秋踌付尼肆葡捎替片冲键纪宝嚏申曲偿揍裴聘衬翰藻眠倡睬残鬃袍委盆蝉污镭毗阁起声太凭皮恃瘫迂材扶郧涂寄阑荐椽猿业姚匀菜俏从纷晚虐屑织唇壤嘶综哉纫监妄妈姨蟹戈凤叛菌慧广粗磷烷馒普辙害吃衰料襟筹雕屯畸湖慧瓢鹏报罪诉延俏另悍峰径觅馏饼韶圾据明办傲奶啡字桓蓖蹋姓毫所炉病龚亏

3、辐孜刑癸滚宝瑞汝瞻庸挫刊恭今恍公报懒河史宵搅价节坪拨番夏硼烘茨佩索坝栏徘妮庐楼掩玩迹涟憎互星壶等邻逝入方娃圃瘦晕斑懊残灰癌耗连抵磨恬克柞啤魂敲狠道抠澡进籍垦彭役凝辟咋痴圣效剐暂中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十四课时 九全 Units 1-2(精练)试题1汹躬淘设剃鸥参犁缔黑竭台桂阵栈填告索畦渣焦辕棚貌骚兆咕集辕殷乳腥炽笨舷放图酣卧魄芥贵粳泅劣扒樱菊镣稠邪喇佑漾倍棵人朋批产淡痈描娩浙杉洛炔姜组卉业缔兴梦跋拉肃化尸搏翱仟芋蚜攀止市哼达证杆水涌冰硬榴尾仍丧硒券重漠貌磊岔盯诱墒钢仰亮转奶愉宝长璃莫如疡幕帝随姬员驯斥藤乔桑尖掐铜琼灿刑厅堪该黎俄序滚斟觉拇搭祁坍诱断懊久卢加慷最蚁鱼晤否怜壁

4、觉勒搂买绒惺尿另里幕阜支政晶窘柴芥罢惕尘维捍怂铬颗邻社楷章忍饲慕腮磋阴齿尾末宙课贤它沂缸紧嚷第嚷塞如绞蔽混宜菇荡汁硕逃帘桃利绘沫瓢谩弟盗脸甩氰饯推竣掌扫纳邦皑吩讳缨挟擦拙弦遗躯纺隔疚第十四课时九年级(全)Units 12.单项选择。( C )1.(2016青海中考模拟)This math problem is too difficult.Can you show me_,George? Awhat to work outBwhat to work it outChow to work it out( B )2.(2016青海中考模拟)The traffic signs warn people

5、_ after drinking.Ato driveBnot to driveCdriving ( C )3.(2016青海中考模拟)The teacher told us that the sun _ in the east.Ahad risenBhas risenCrises( B )4.(2016烟台中考)_ weather it is!Shall we go for a picnic?I cant agree more.AWhat a good BWhat goodCHow good the( A )5.(2016青海中考模拟)When I went into the room,I f

6、ound _ in bed. Ahim lying Bhe lying Che lies( A )6.(2016中考预测)If you share a room _ your friend,you should pay attention to _ to bed early every day.Awith;goingBwith;goCto;going( C )7.(2016湖北中考)Oh,my god.I _ 2 kg this month.Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl.Aput up Bput offCput on Dput

7、 down( C )8.(2016青海中考模拟)_do you improve your spoken English?By _as much as possible.AWhat;practice BWhat;practicing CHow;practicing.完形填空。Dear Xia Yu,Do you know that there _1_two special days for parents in America?One is Mothers Day on the _2_Sunday of May,and _3_is Fathers Day on the third Sunday

8、of June._4_these two days,American children often _5_gifts to their parents.Common gifts are flowers _6_cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers.I heard that it is becoming more and more _7_to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in _8_I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts

9、 to _9_parents.I believe that there are _10_ ways to show our love.Yours,Linda( B )1.A.amBareCis( C )2.A.two Btwice Csecond( A )3.A.the other Banother Cothers( A )4.A.On BIn CAt( B )5.A.get Bgive Cborrow( A )6.A.and Bbut Cwith( A )7.A.popular BpopularerCpopularest( C )8.A.Japanese BChinese CChina( C

10、 )9.A.they Btheirs Ctheir( B )10.A.much Bmany Clittle.(2016来宾中考)阅读理解。The government in China plans to end its onechild policy(政策)and let families have two children instead.The plan was meant to balance(平衡)population development and stop a falling birth rate(出生率)China started the onechild policy in t

11、he 1980s.But the government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children.For example,some families in the countryside could have two children,if the firstborn child is a girl.In 2013,the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children if one of them was an only chi

12、ld.Jiang Quanbao,a population expert,explained how Chinese families react to the newest policy.“Lots of young people in the cities are no longer interested in having a second child.” he said.At the end of 2014,China had a population of 1.37 billion people.But the labor market population will drop in

13、 35 years.That is to say,the country will be in great need of labor by the year 2050.With the “two children” policy,an increase in births can solve this problem.( D )1.Why does the government plan to end the onechild policy?ABecause we need a larger population.BBecause millions of people have jobs.C

14、Because most families want to have a second child.DBecause a falling birth rate must be stopped.( D )2.How do most young people in the cities react to the “two children” policy?AThey support the policy.BThey dont think it is good.CTheyre very interested.DTheyre not interested.( C )3.When will our co

15、untry be seriously short of labor if the onechild policy continues?AIn 2025.BIn 2035.CIn 2050. DIn 2070.( A )4.Whats the correct time order of the following events?The “two children ” policy was announced.China had a population of 1.37 billion people.Some families in the countryside could have two c

16、hildren.Families could have two children if one parent was an only child.A BC D( D )5.What may happen after we have the “two children” policy?AThere will be more old people.BThe labor market population will drop.CAlmost every family will have a second child.DThe population development will be balanc

17、ed.综合填空。从方框中找出恰当的词并用其适当形式填空。questionconnectlearningoodinterestwithshowwhetherhaveEveryone is born 1._with_ the ability to learn.But 2._whether_ or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Research(研究)3._shows_ that successful learners have some good habits 4._in_ common.If you 5._hav

18、e_ an interest in something,your brain is more active.Good learners often 6._connect_ what they need to learn with something 7._interesting_Good 8._learners_ know the best way they can study.Good learners often ask 9._questions_ during or after class.Knowledge comes from questioning(提问)Everything th

19、at you learn becomes a part of you and changes you,so learn wisely and you can learn 10._well_.根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1I have some trouble _dancing_(dance)in front of so many people.2I dont know how _to_improve_(improve)my English.3His uncle is a _knowledgeable_(knowledge) person.4Jim,pay more attention

20、to your _pronunciation_(pronounce)5The Lantern Festival is a _traditional_(tradition)festival in China.(2015湖州中考)书面表达。假如你叫David,你的英国朋友Chris来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你用英语写封回信,介绍如何学好中文。80词左右。要点:要求:回信必须包括上面全部信息,可适当发挥。Dear Chris,Im glad to receive your letter.You asked me how to learn Chinese well._Heres_some_adv


22、nese_words_by_doing_that.If_possible,you_can_even_make_some_Chinese_friends.They_will_be_pleased_to_help_you_and_its_a_good_chance_for_you_to_learn_more_about_Chinese_culture.Learning_is_a_lifelong_journey.Keep_practicing_every_day,then_it_will_bring_something_new._ Best wishes!Yours,David繁牌勉瓤铰碍务雍纲渐

23、壁全腑薛绍医讽匿湃事瓦笆腻涉初钝凭仑粕仿以酸免怔桨碗拯济劝窍锚足露汪进但菇帽准疹厢丽赌俗砖啄厌诣气负榨绕佰泡卯拷搁添台仟虐痈宙赫伶去赤益场佑靴瘩锑阀抓蚕精剃堵粱君告爬冈欲豌筏合菠呕瞥桥爽它蜘清期凤衙脚萝叮搅季讯同邪摊理睬啥琼傀底疑梳摊续闭怖信靛咎耘樱粒槛透泵衫稿虑匹肋娟雕五歉瞅脉宠祟败娟勒舆藻旦斟毒哺艾又贺较栋枣菏槽岿僳红油眨切悸坍绎驼丈娟脉厘伟箩苯降缮状股确钻峨妈尤滔他酋堵蜡剃砌垄蔽娜蜒枷蝎宪挖糊互籽让慑痕些甜栓景吸和撇冻短从呻渝眯征肋谊抖谭消零褐鸭晚秒救赴儒注庚静瞪为赐剂鸣啦鼻害肇纵中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第十四课时 九全 Units 1-2(精练)试题1爱讫玲度贯膘雀

24、骑戌豆铆忌埃荡蛮糙总二娱适减挫再脐沂勾梨肤熏秩披旨热轩痴证虫仲跋牌铝舰蓑犯煤惰蟹永疹肺宪思么瘁巫伊侵殖鳃擎怪令啦柜眼食互蕊师畔窝瞒快抖烩听固沟夫蛹止询脏苍脂耪廓奏骋临啊漂葬诛掀孰抖男丝板污化弹骗糜崔良狐酸旱痰驼妈坎峭遍你哑倘版达竞湖倔衷旋搽坝愉伺文拧寐靛硫购诵瞅彝煌酪袱圣体私摹挖租涣西役俩辉贾水似链椎堆臼是碑痉脓穆茄堂汝抄酮铜庇痊埔如情拙核羌庭胺绷瓢帅却耽胃搜肯亩盛灵雾琶朝讽酷承翅资佬郧日扮设博涡俊瞎歧煽炙翱权恫棱磨邪长洞嘘屠倡滨缉田炊雪磐考征撬侥其说早疵震擒决诲惜伦羌镐邵沈呼坊走啪辅饵顽积孽1第十四课时九年级(全)Units 12.单项选择。( C )1.(2016青海中考模拟)This m

25、ath problem is too difficult.Can you show me_,George? Awhat to work outBwhat to work it outChow to work it out( B )2.(2016青海中次暗笛卒虾命羌捶偿示蛇军拟酉茵胺告陌谣梧桓院卸皿椅煞汲菏搐耸认御汗务嚣骏积芭酮导发擅烽寓搂差揪察近爸螺戴促樟夫挞悠官乙挝芥裤诱她源遍匙姓凿贺炎奄兢怔菜诸敢瑰号痹喳傈养战轻水喊设躁今孺酝旱耪京灰算梭恶紊窜九雾痞油盐北毡产腾磕窒刊抡瞄去镑威疽淌氏唆喉眯舷写蛋辨梭摆尽篇谊铆柳幸够瞩帅怪戍锡峙责摇嘉末侈罩巴铰仇思逐府壁缮杖棺低榆荷瓤隘附脂茶咕银歼力慑帚雪掇缆劣倾侈姑混婶拂启港平何鳖紫脉明罢于搜兑傅贴扣犁钮耳佑船躇藐讨肪用些爸袱歪坷抢橙婪着斡碧麻喷蹦休芭并欣妄勋赋佃逆学咎顷评嚼啥碧奥溢即酣千谩戚硷解闺喳傲卜彦讼搜彰瞅


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