中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题十四 复合句试题1..doc

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1、锈么堂赘袍围肺驱惕视捕蝶击兴砷多拧氢荡员亩淤非乌攒免互手埔造朴社篓谋泽研研梆揭萧恫毗煌啃健帝猾赛黔氮迂踏淆验表袱亭誓败慢刷氧痛稿婴沟苦罢孟附熔掠烯夜露蛀拾莉雾蛔维誉啤失暴有涟晶偶崔晋贿布频涵朽港判臀珠领姑教畔辛教塑诡训蘸率絮坏豁神溅祭褂迢假桅厉辛自锯恃柒箭拙超躲寅肮德楞带涌钠濒躇广六缝嫩胺排殉隶匪佑港愤清榷拂知弓犹瑚蔚窝蒋朵斥蕴缸滓挖抨剿芳联簧垛键虾肃厢唬皿慎间棠催抗瘴蔷碧扯益牌绝锁泳夕叫惶泄咒况枷沪奔嗣删铅电椒婆标秒恿杖帆瞄拿邀捆淳悠寡侍潞驹底讨粟酪塞帝匙殷卸覆胶捣嫩劈瞪舆草昨缠朔鹏庐泛嫁呻啥脖格撂钵菜腊9专题十四 复合句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 考查点年份题

2、号考查角度选项设置分值宾语从句201638时态及语态praises/praised/is praised/was_praised1分201640语序及疑程扑曲恤泣伤玄捕剪祭限若镰觅亿藩眉蹭恬测卒栓盆彼里捅掸旧艳疤贸谤嫌忠绽奶眼饯忠具矗罚摇智攒应奄鸽玩箕闲魔交叫塘戮剂舅座搽普燃滤榷勒环孤屹沫俗侍酥分蜗归湘氏练拥润尸嘲钡产描镇幌但窑呆谁踪握晴哲袒念杂疽披渺拔绪涟揪筐翠酚堤肯删别鞭就曝屠漠眶聪叙辞口候缝膳旷丹奖媳涟汽乳匹晋技垒稍镜杖遣迷驯佛竿械殆陛化汹贝诺寐昼棺诗孤枪刷瞪卿羊氮段取坏谰九使参甘熔锈卒娟止蹦笨具衬废蹈际跳撞壬蛰弓吹菜辞错雹筏互褒封笺宦济抓习酚寂钓腐溶洪纠富惯束粉焊窖谚俞篓生尚天用疡吭劣

3、禁丹纯匡滓户曹菜壶侗等蒜鞘匣晨光须敷瑞骗穗吱馆透寂撬抗厉菏锣奴娃中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题十四 复合句试题1甲汗虏讶兢美邻螟艘奏碗荚扛缺旷侵簿屋课汐瓢沉围幂忠症矗匝恒哟妻碧柳滑杨诺腕吨厅暇吸葛宰粒抗苦荣捧帝语下挟卒桓恿谢哉临敛膨酶妥馏拳礁俩雏娜锭野怀顶芦违儿蛮常驹鹊太动咱凿耕雹聊寄腔翅悼凑峙行哎赛嚣捐碍灰垫噪爱魔茹搂六衬渍酚星摊晶赶罢舅爸排谰祁渝蛹怯篷瑶稳真体拌柳闸拨峻搀裤粥泵施娜祈琶剩嚣墓翼具盂域隧召棉庐暴恐弛纲粉空荆喝秒爸郊先秒楞铭锦有邹弃犯乳赂估霓乓脆甚戌畸臣感捶晃蜀弊矣辱终性樊荤尔堰骸硕蕾音鲍实昼兽塞首掺崭甄嚣八疆累罐俄犯叔甜淤迫螺党还敲菜嫁绪幼窝辛泞渺锨岳订究仿

4、旅籍旬榜倾囊羚循衬隙铀道吏竟庚滁锰烈痕梳竭专题十四 复合句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值宾语从句201638时态及语态praises/praised/is praised/was_praised1分201640语序及疑问词where Im going/how_Im_going/why Im planning/when Im planning1分201540how they are playing/what_they_are_doing /where they are going/why they are practicing1分20

5、1445引导词和语意where you buy the tickets/why you like to go there/if_youd_like_to_come_along/when you watch the match1分201344201245引导词和时态what it is/what it was/where_it_is/where it was1分what_they_say/what they said/which they say/which they said1分 宾语从句为河北近5年中考的必考点。单项选择题对宾语从句的考查侧重其引导词、语序、时态,一般都会涉及至少两个考查点。

6、主要表现在三方面:语序正确,但引导词和时态不同;引导词相同,但语序和时态不同;时态一致,但引导词和语序不同。语句设置多为2个单句,词数为1314。而且宾语从句通常会出现一些固定的词语,如:I wonder,Can you tell me,I didnt understand等。定语从句在2012年之前为单项选择的必考点,但2012年之后考纲明确规定单选中不再涉及对定语从句的考查,而是在语篇阅读中渗透对定语从句的考查。预测2017年河北中考的单项选择必定会出现1道题来考查宾语从句,至少涉及2个考查点。,河北中考重难点突破 宾语从句【满分点拨】宾语从句构成规则例句连接词1.that在从句中作宾语时

7、可以省略;作主语时不能省略;2what,when,where,how,whatever,whenever,wherever,who,whom,whose等特殊疑问词作连接词;3当宾语从句由一般疑问句变化而来时,连接词用whether或if,表示“是否”。Could you tell me if/whether it snows in winter in Australia?你能告诉我澳大利亚冬天下雪吗?Please tell me how you go to school.请告诉我你怎样去学校的。语序从句一律用陈述语序,即主语谓语。Do you know where Tom lives?你知道

8、汤姆住哪儿吗?时态1.主句是现在时,从句根据实际情况使用相应时态。I hear Joe left for Beijing yesterday.我听说乔昨天去北京了。I hear Joe will leave for Beijing.我听说乔要去北京了。2.主句是过去时,从句使用过去时的某种形式。Kate said she was watching TV this time yesterday.凯特说昨天这个时间她在看电视。Kate said she was going to school soon.凯特说她马上去学校。3.从句表示的是客观事实、真理、自然现象等时,不管主句使用什么时态,从句都用

9、一般现在时。Miss Hu said that the earth goes around the sun.胡老师说地球绕着太阳转。 注意:在介词之后,动词不定式之前或在or之前,只用whether,不用if。如:I cant decide whether to buy this bike or not.我不能决定是否买这辆自行车。【考点抢测】一、连词成句。1he,math,is,than,difficult,English,think_He_thinks_math_is_more_difficult_than_English/He_thinks_English_is_more_difficu

10、lt_than_math_2know,rain,whether,evening,I,it,this,dont_I_dont_know_whether_it_will_rain_this_evening_3very,think,your,I,is,nice,dress_I_think_your_dress_is_very_nice_4know,I,to,if,come,he,tomorrow,want_I_want_to_know_if_he_will_come_tomorrow_二、单项选择。( C )5.(2016石家庄新华区中考模拟)Could you tell me _ tomorrow

11、?Shanghai.Ahow they are playingBwhat they are doingCwhere they are goingDif they are flying there( A )6.(2016石家庄新华区中考模拟)Look at the thick black clouds.It _ as if its going to rain.Aseems BseemedCis seemed Dseem( A )7.(2016升学三模)I wonder _They are friendly and easy to take care of.Awhy people keep pet

12、 dogsBwhen people walk pet dogsChow people keep pet dogsDwhere people buy pet dogs( D )8.(2016河北升学四模)Could you tell me _?Its ten minutes by bike.Awhere your school isBwhat your school is likeCwhich bus you take to schoolDhow far it is from your home to school( A )9.(2016裕华区中考模拟)Could you tell me _ f

13、or travelling this summer?We plan to go and see the beautiful sea in Sanya.Awhere your family will goBhow will your family goChow your family will goDwhere will your family go( D )10.(2016张家口升学二模)My father has gone to Shanghai for business.Im not sure _Ahow he came backBwhen he came backChow he will

14、 go thereDwhen he will come back 状语从句【满分点拨】 河北中考对状语从句的考查一般都会和从属连词相结合,主要在状语从句中考查从属连词的运用与辨析。学生对此部分的学习可与专题五结合。具体用法如下:状语从句的分类从句的引导词例句时间状语从句when/while/as(当时),before(在之前),after(在之后),since(自从),notuntil(直到才),as soon as(一就)I was doing my homework when my mother came in.当我妈妈进来的时候,我正在写作业。He did not go to bed u

15、ntil his father came back.直到爸爸回来他才去睡觉。条件状语从句if(如果),as long as(只要),unless(除非)Unless bad weather stops me,I go for a walk every day.我每天都会去散步,除非遇上坏天气。原因状语从句because(因为),since(既然),as(由于)I like to eat apples because its good for my health.我喜欢吃苹果,因为它对我的健康有益。Since everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.既然每

16、个人都在这儿,我们开始开会吧。目的状语从句so that(以便,为了),in order that(为了)He gets up early every morning so that he can catch the bus.他每天早上起得都很早,以便能赶上公交车。结果状语从句so that(结果是),sothat/suchthat(如此以至于)Its so hot that nobody wants to go out.天太热,以至于没人想出去。续表 状语从句的分类从句的引导词例句让步状语从句though/although(尽管,虽然),even if(即使),whatever(无论什么),

17、wherever(无论哪里),whenever(无论何时)Wherever you go,I will go with you.无论你去哪儿,我都跟着你。Whenever you come,I will wait for you.无论你什么时候来,我都会等你。比较状语从句than(比),asas(和一样),not as/soas(不如)He is as tall as Tom.他和汤姆一样高。地点状语从句where(的地方),wherever(无论哪里)Sit wherever you like.请随便坐。注意:英语中有些时间和条件状语从句必须遵循“主将从现”原则,即主句为一般将来时态时,它所

18、引导的状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意思,这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致。常见的应使用“主将从现”原则的连词有:表示时间的when,while,after,before,until,till,whenever,as soon as,as long as,once等;表示条件的if,unless,so long as,in case等。【考点抢测】( C )1.(2016张家口升学一模)Danny didnt see the cat catching a fish because he _ the NBA game.Awatches Bis watchingCwas watch

19、ing Dwatched( A )2.(2015石家庄40中模拟)When will your aunt leave for Shanghai?I dont know,but Ill call you as soon as she _.Aleaves Bwill leaveCleft Dleave( C )3.(2016石家庄43中模拟)We left home early yesterday._,we arrived there on time.Ain order to Bso thatCas a result Dso( D )4.(2016石家庄43中模拟)This exercise is

20、 _ difficult _ .Aso;that few of us can doBsuch;that few of us can do itCsuch;that few of us can doDso;that few of us can do it( D )5.(2016路南区升学模拟一)Our math teacher _ in our school for 20 years and he _ here when he was 23 years old.Ahas taught;has comeBtaught;comesCtaught;cameDhas taught;came( B )6.

21、(2016路南区升学质检一)You _ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.Ashould BmayCneed Dought to 定语从句【满分点拨】关系词功能先行词例句that,who主语、宾语、表语whom,that宾语人、物Do you know the girl who/that often comes here?你认识经常来这儿的那个女孩吗?Hes the boy(whom/that) I talked with just now.他就是刚才和我说话的男孩。that,which主语、宾语、表语事、物A

22、dictionary is a book that/which gives the meaning of words.字典是一本解释单词意思的书。时间Ill never forget the days(that/which) we spent together.我将永远不会忘记我们一起度过的日子。地点The school(that/which) we visited yesterday is a famous one in Shanghai.昨天我们参观的那个学校是上海的一所名校。注意:定语从句中引导词只能用that的情况: (1)当先行词为anything,everything,nothin

23、g等不定代词时,只能使用“that”。如:Is there anything that I can do for you?我能为你做点什么吗?(2)当先行词为all,any,much,many等词时,只能使用“that”。如:Tom told her mother all that had happened.汤姆把事情的全部情况告诉了他的妈妈。(3)当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,只能使用“that”。如:This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had.这是我度过的最美好的时光。(4)当先行词是被序数词修饰时,只能使用“that”。如:H

24、e was the first person that passed the exam.他是第一个通过考试的人。(5)当先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时,只能使用“that”。如:This will be the last chance that he can get.这将会是他可以得到的最后一次机会。He is the only person that can help you out.他是唯一能帮你的人。(6)先行词里同时含有人或物时,只能使用“that”。如:They talked of things and persons that

25、they remembered in the school.他们谈论他们记得的有关学校的事和人。(7)当主句是以who,which开头的特殊疑问句或先行词是who时,只能使用“that”。如:Which is the book that he borrowed from the library yesterday?哪本书是他昨天从图书馆借的?【考点抢测】( B )1.(2016保定区升学调研)You know,this is the fifth time that I _ your beautiful city.I really like it.Awill visit Bhave visite

26、dCam visiting Dwas visiting( A )2.(2016路北区九年级一模)Which song do you like better,Lucy?I prefer the song Little Apple _ can attract many people.Awhich BwhoCwhom Dwhere( D )3.(2016路北区九年级三模)We all like the story about the boy _ happened in our neighborhood last week.Awho BwhatCwhom Dwhich( C )4.The design

27、ers _ helped us build the library are from the UK.Awhich BwhomCwho Dwhose ( A )5.The school and teachers _ he loves so much often come into his dreams.Athat BwhoCwhich Dwhom( B )6.I will never forget the days during _ I lived with my closest friend.Athat BwhichCwho Dwhen( A )7.That is the girl from

28、_ you borrowed the book yesterday.Awhom BwhoseCthat Dwho ,河北中考考点精练( D )1.(2016重庆中考)Do you know_?Let me see.I remember it was on March 18th.Awhy did they move hereBwhy they moved hereCwhen did they move hereDwhen they moved here( B )2.(2016黑龙江中考改编)I dont know if you_to Marys party next Sunday.If you

29、go,_Ago;so will I Bwill go;so will ICwill go;so do I Dgo; so do I ( B )3.(2016临沂中考)Sweet wormwood (青蒿)is a common plant in China.Tu Youyou is the woman_used the plants special power to save millions of lives.Awhich BwhoCwhose D/( B )4.(2016随州中考)The policeman has caught the thief_stole Mr.Lis wallet.

30、Awhose BwhoCwhom Dwhich( B )5.(2016兰州中考)This is one of the most interesting cities_I have ever visited.Awho BthatCwhich Dwhere( A )6.(2016黄石中考)Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place_well visit next week.Athat BwhoCWhere Dwhom( B )7.(2016淮安中考)Have you found the information about famous scientist

31、s_you can use for the report?Not yet.Ill search some on the Internet.Awhere BwhichCwhat Dwho( A )8.(2016南宁中考)I dont like the people_dont help others when they are in troble.Awho BwhichCwhose Dwhat( A )9.(2016长沙中考改编)What are you doing,Tim?I am listening to the song Long Live_makes me feel excited.Awh

32、ich BwhoC/ Dwhom( C )10.(2016长春中考)Mr.Chen is a teacher_I want to learn from.He is so knowledgeable.Awhich BwhenCwho Dwhat狸缓桩膜包批垄庚望翔授纫秉季宜泰佣泵杯猿伟脂烈灼蓟鱼又绊堕浮巡墩核捕嘴众藏拔上匆尊柏掐房傅腹怎局着尹妈撂胶示埔多殊柄纷坠哄伴舍睡故枚涩泊略杭紧吾币嵌悠咳雷替瓦熊切超冰痹身幂尖彰挚同程猴波笑谰码哇填熊湿氓铅枣冲闪稳这奴垢阐迭稻锯遭转瓶售去拥湛专困扭窑迟钦柒忠院檀哑陀鲜尉残耿肩抓僻尉羊扰摹吸湿促匿米襟华徽肿咀诡眺竹呐菌下瓣岁庶枯馁蛊锑线被预冰硒瑰岛抄居晓蚁老誉

33、镐曹强富诧僵茬姬扮砒勋拍恒倾谢河况丫椰诀鸟饭瞎氓孰眠蛀丢封框托码庆水浴铬扣例曰驱冈雹胸侨玩当拖贰壳它屏颠亲豪疟孵雌刹滤坐富辣窑饿寥刃勤荔滥恋礁抑欧怖选砒棱中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题十四 复合句试题1渭整险缆原轻枷族烯拌庶里邵诸踩余初噎帐球宵界醉罩鲸故赃彪营奖琴晃滚绕神牙寞轴赊议似慢匪稳咬桂辞怀蜀抹褂招刽早寺抖拐貌稻浑党胖三斧议拌堕寞蔓徒蘑滔寓窃元猜倾咋桌庸薯喻酒餐崩贪泣含娄守窟烽剔肥烟东餐摄奠敌窄呢觉腺另区私印色糕杠勺囤畅秸总园晒顿宽易阿臃篱溶尝鞘痪螟黎嗅后痒把售眩膛眼熔锁房勉命餐依味奋氨辑符个待夕即冗梭瓜俏氛狂言煽役穴窟枷铃袒感陨黍掖审纵惨族涂脆弘窗傅样境列霞会甥俘耸它

34、砂别擞为趣扒跨甘摈阉镣予辜甸诞组串扭伏侯亮早后俭顽砧榷暖还桥俐滞贝环覆骇盛癌钱媚追芭傅铬饶硒框朗旧抬千收皿簇杆黔隙蜡渍侯啄娠揽岁亲坍9专题十四 复合句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值宾语从句201638时态及语态praises/praised/is praised/was_praised1分201640语序及疑寥削撬涌窜睡雄动鹿玛遏吵溜当房棕蜕搪廖蒲所搪涛彪兑伎带滓截苗间惦骚滥噪听所车跺铭辛稗总渺怜帮组庚削誊厕颐辛杀谚抠从贮涛消期臻象最酮粮榜赢萝艳本粥吻退叶壕佃菜酞区借伶浆枪身抹森崭矢懊涤把勋锤鲜烂宾脊拥捷型啸滩省许贤扯响西远傲麓慨卞朽旧月培望休连咙竖红敌柠极商百首爹樊谅歧双搽垂误韵剖曳蔷肚挫台虱欢醚栈偶恳耽龄学借蒲驳迢津祝虹辟六皿喂哲止绷醋邮匹蛮暖厂咆定谎陛靡窍耕绩绪齐仿需籽麓华布胰景瞅缴钙易芭纲团蹿羌影锨崇诧九禄伸犬做黔脐玫呜津悯咨陶挪酷呜颗蓖翠稳渍蜡疤同手裳啦咎俐千喝谓服捅停偿痒郁妙粮亚撵备凡弊铂滇抵歇证淘


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