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1、六年级英语上册单词拼写往年真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据首字母提示填词,完成短文。Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. We also c_it the “Spring Festival”, It is usually in J_or F_. Before Chinese New Year, we always clean our houses and buy lots of food. On Chinese New Years Eve, we usually have dinner with our family

2、. At twelve oclock in the evening, we say “ happy Chinese New Year!” to each other. We usually l_a lot of fireworks and firecrackers at Chinese New Year. This year, we dont do that, because that makes the air d_. We should keep the air clean and p_our Earth.2. 单词拼写。(1)响铃_ 潮湿的_(2)出故障的_ 挂断电话_(3)帮助_ 拥抱

3、_3. 按要求写单词。1. win(过去分词) 2. second(缩写)3. swim(现在分词) 4. come(过去分词)5. Sun.(完全形式) 6. school sports day(英译汉)7. run(过去分词) 8. did(否定形式)4. 按括号内的要求写出单词。1.willnot(缩写)_ 2.right(同音词)_3.potato(复数)_ 4.save(反义词)_5.take(过去式)_5. 重新排列下列字母,组合成一个新单词并在括号内写出汉语意思。(1) somgethin _( )(2) radgon _( )(3) ltleit _( )(4) fogetr

4、_ ( )(5)pneho _( )6. 按要求写词。(1)good (副词)_(2)interest (形容词)_(3)different (反义词)_(4)run (现在分词)_(5)watch (三单)_(6)bring (过去式)_(7)take (过去式)_(8)put (过去式)_7. 单词拼写。1. Mr. Wang _ (buy) a house in Shanghai in 2010.2. Mary _ (begin) to begin Chinese last year.8. 看图写单词。1. Now he has a_and he can call people anyw

5、here. 2. Were going to make some cakes and_. 3. Were going to watch_in the evening. 4. There is not much coal and oil on_. 5._comes from trees.9. 看图,写出下列单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_10. 根据提示或句意,完成句子,使句意完整,每空一词。1.There are lots of doctors and nurses in a_.2. Where are my_ (眼镜)?一They were in the study just now.3.Wo

6、uld you like_ (watch) a film with me?4.They are from the USA. They speak_.11. 根据英文解释及所给的首字母写出单词。1. a smallbag with money in it w_2. a room for cooking k_3. the firstday of the working weekM_4. your uncles son or daughterc_12. 按括号内要求写出单词。1.Sunday(缩略形式)_2. child(复数)_3.is(过去式)_4.too(同音词)_5.Mike(名词所有格)_

7、6.thats(完全形式)_13. 根据语境和首字母提示将合适的单词拼写在横线上。每空一词。1.Wu Yifan wants to find a post o_to send a p_.2.Turn right here? No, turn l_and then_straight.3.John lives in Canberra. He likes doing word p_and going h_.4.In this cartoon the cat is a p_officer. The mice are a_of him.5.Mikes father is a f_.He works on

8、 a boat. He goes to work_bike.14. 单词拼写。1The rabbit_at home yesterday afternoon.2The cat_TV last weekend.3The rabbit_his clothes last weekend.4Did you_the classroom?Yes, we did.5What did you do last weekend?I_a nice book.15. 按要求写单词。1. child (复数)_2. teachers (名词所有格)_3. good (副词)_ 4. they (物主代词)_5. write (同音词)_6. Canada (缩写形式)_7. America (形容词)_8. cheap (反义词)_9. teach (第三人称)_10. bad (比较级)_4 / 4


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