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1、冀教版六年级英语上册单词拼写考前练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全单词。1. s _ _ d种子 2. b _ _ n豆子3. t_ s _ _尝 4. m_ _ nc _ ke月饼5. c _ _ tr _中心2. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。1.Look!Oneofthechildren_(swim)inthelake.2.Lilyismuch_(health)thanhersister.3.They_(fly)totheUK,didntthey?4.Is_(eat)toomuchgoodorbadforyourbody?5.Mr.Lee_(give)usatalkonthehistor

2、yofChinatomorrow,isnthe?3. 照样子,写单词。1. eg:readreadingdance_ write_ sing_play_ do_2. eg:readreadscook_ study_do_watch_go_4. 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Inourschool,wehavemany_(club).2.Helencan_(speak)threelanguages.3.TheWhiteshavefour_(child),twodaughtersandtwosons.4.Mypenpal_(live)inJapan.5.Iwanttoeat_(a)apple.6

3、.Pleasecomeand_(help)me.7.She_(have)adictionary.8.Thereisnt_(some)teainthecup.5. 根据图示,补全下列单词。1footb_ll 2k_ke3gl_e 4d_g5pian_ 6 br_sh7 wr_te 8 b_ll9 envel_pe 10l_f6. 按要求写单词。1.apple(复数形式)-_ 2.buy(现在分词)-_3.thing(复数形式)-_ 4.fly(现在分词)-_5.orange(复数形式)-_ 6.balloon(复数形式)-_7.fall(现在分词)-_ 8.stair(复数形式)-_9.try(

4、现在分词)-_ 10.put(现在分词)-_7. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1.cook_ 2.watch_3.collect_ 4.read_5.write_ 6.eat_7.run_ 8.swim_9.take_ 10.play_8. 按要求写单词。1. is (过去式) _2. she(宾格) _3. big (反义词) _4. you(名词性物主代词) _5. write (同音词)_9. 单词拼写。1. The_(魔术)show is wonderful.2. Its Manchester United, my_(最喜爱的)team.3. Having a_(野餐)in the op

5、en air is cool.4. My family usually go to the park at_(周末).5._(保持)healthy, and you can do the work well.10. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,使句意完整。1. Id like to b_a football for my son.2. She cant go to s_at night at the moment.3. Mr. Dai is the h_of our school.4. Can you m_model planes, David?5. My grandparents are

6、b_teachers.31Is there a yard before your house?Yes,.11. 根据所给音标,完成句子。1.Your_datis as healthy as mine. 2.I usually have_plentof fish. 3.Do you_drka lot of water every day? 4.I eat enough_vedtblzevery day. 5.He would like to have some_fradchicken wings every day. 6.I sometimes eat some_nudlzfor supper.

7、 7.No_drk/ in the reading room.12. 看图写单词。13. 根据首字母提示及上下文完成填空。1.There w_ a parrot s_ in the zoo yesterday. We s_ many interesting birds. We h_ lunch in the zoo. We b_ some bread and honey and some drinks. But there w_ ants on t_. We could not eat them. Then it rained. We were h_ and wet. W_ a day!2.M

8、any years ago, there w_ not many cars in the city. I c_ only ride to school. Now I t_ the metro to school. I also have a c_. I can read an w_ news on the Internet.14. 补全本课出现的单词。1. f_st 2. libr_ 3. com_ter4. _ther 5. t_k(过去式)15. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. We should p_ more trees and help the animals.2. We shouldnt _ (砍伐) more trees.3. There is m_ grass under the tree.4. Its time to _ (关爱) Mother Earth.5. You drink _ (太多) water.4 / 4


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