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3、技书还是连环画,走进书店,埋进书堆,品味书香,与书交友,可以和爸爸妈妈一起亲子共读,可以写下自己阅读的点滴感受,回校后还可以和同学们一起交流哦!同学们,当你走亲访友时礼貌地问候他人,当你在家里帮父母勤快地干家务,当你认真完成老师布置的作业,当你把学到的好习惯带到家里,无论是你的亲人、还是老师都将感到欣慰和高兴。祝同学们在寒假的每一天都有收获,每一天都快快乐乐! (1)一丶选择正确答案填空 1. Is there _ n todays newspaper? A. anything new B. something new C. new anything D. new something2.We

4、feed _on_. A. a dog; meat B. meat; a dog C. meats; a dog D. a dog meats3.Would you like some tea? Yes. Just _.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 4. This book is _ for students to readA. enough easy B. easily enoughC. easy enough D. enough easily5.The boy is _ ong to carry the box. Lets go and hel

5、p him. A. wan in B .very C. quite D. too6.When I was a child,I often_ the river near our village. A. swam in B. swam on C. swimed in D. swims on7.Dave wants to have _vacation. A. a relaxing B. a relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxed8.The sentence _ right. Please write it down. A feels B. sounds C. tastes D

6、. relaxed9.He enjoys _badminton. A. playing B. to play C. play D .playing the10.Yesterday the weather was cool,_they decided _football.A. but; play B. or; to playC. so; to play D. so; playing二丶根据要求完成句子。 1 I like riding my bicycle to school.(改成同义句) I like going to school_ _. 2. Please call me when yo

7、u get to Shanghai.(改为同义句) please call me when you_ _Shanghai. 3. We couldnt see anything clearly because the weather was bad.(改为同义句) We couldnt see anything clearly_ _the bad weather.4.They stayed at home last weekend.(改为否定句) They_ _at home last weekend.5. They went to America on vacation(对划线部分提问)_

8、_ they _on vacation?三 .括号中动词的正确形式填空,完成短文。Last August, our class _(do)something very special on our school trip . We_(go)to Mount Tai. We_(start) our trip at 12:00at night .Everyone in our class _(take)a bag with some food and water. After three hours someone looked at the map and _(find)out we _(be

9、,not)anywhere near the top .My legs_(be)so tired that I wanted to stop. My classmates _(tell)me to keep going ,so I_(go)on .At5:00a.m.,we got to the top ! Everyone _(jump)up and down in excitement . Twenty minutes later, the sun _(start)to come up. It was so beautiful that we _(forget)about the last

10、 five hours! (2)一、单项选择.1. _does your brother go online? There times a week。A. How much B .How longC. How many D. How often2. He goes to the movies with his daughter_.A .ones a week B. one time a weekC. once a week D. two times a week3. We _used computers many years ago. But now they are everywhere.A

11、. always B. oftenC. usually D. hardly ever4. He _late for school.A. is often B. often isC. does often D. often does5. Sandy _ go to see the dentist. He has a serious toothache.A. has to B. can C. mustnt二、用watch, look, see, read的适当形式填空1. _at the picture on the wall. What can you _in it?2. Tina is goi

12、ng to _ a basketball match with her friends.3. The grandpa usually _ newspapers after dinner.三丶按要求转换句型。 1. I go to the movies twice a month(对划线部分提问). _ _ _ you go to the movies? 2. He always eats junk food.(改为完全否定句) He _ _ junk food.3She maybe knows the answer, but Im not sure.(改为同义句)She _the answer

13、, but Im not sure.4.My sister usually goes swimming on Sundays.(对划线部分提问)_ _you sister usually _on Sundays?5.I brush my teeth twice a day .(对划线部分提问)_ _ _do you _you teeth a day?(3)一丶单项选择1.Are you _now?A. online B. the online C. a online D. the internet2.Ton wants to keep _, but he is bad _.A. health;

14、 healthy B. healthy; healthC. health; health D. healthy; healthy3.I try to eat junk food only once a month _I love it.A. because B. butC. and D. although7.Simon watches TV three _four _ A week.A. and times B. any timeC. or times C. or time8. Heathy habits are _you health.A. good for B. bad forC. goo

15、d at D. bad at9.There is _boy swimming in the river.A. a eightyearold B. a eight-years-oldC. an eight year old D. an eight-year-old10.Do you know _tomorrow morning? Sorry. Lets go and ask the teacher over there.A. when we started B. when did we startC. when will we start D. when we will start二丶用 spe

16、nd/pay/cost/take 的适当形式填空。1.He _a lot of money buying story books every month.2.This kind of car _me 20yuan.3.I usually _me 10minutes to walk to school.4.I_20yuan for the Christmas carde for my friends.三丶用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Millie usually watches TV_(two)a week.2We do morning_(exercise)every morning.3. Lu

17、cy eats lots of junk food, so she is _(health).4. The teacher wants me _ (stay) in the classroom afterschool.5. We should sleep for eight _(hour) every night. (4)一丶写出下列形容词比较级形式。1. big _2. short _3. outgoing _4. athgoing _5.tall _6. good 7. wild 8. calm 9. little 10. nice 二丶单项选择。1. I think his Englis

18、h is better than_. A. you , B. yourself C. your D. yours2. Lily is funnier and _than me.A. Tine B. much outgoing C. more outgoing D. more outgoinger3. She has curlier hair than _.A. Tine B. TinasC. Tine is D. Tinas4. Who is _ swimming,you or she?A. better at B. longer inC. good at D. good in5.Who ha

19、s _hair,Gina or Any? Maybe Amys hair is _. A. long , long B. longer; longer C. long; longer D. longer; long三丶用给所有单词的适当形式填空1. Im a little taller than_(you).And myhair is longer than _(you).2. He is _(different)from me. There are some_(different)between us.3. Both of _(they)are English.4. Tom is much

20、_(quiet)then his friends.5. He is _(outgoing)than me.6. English is _(popular)than Japanese7.I think its much _(nice)to stay at home than to go out on a hot day.8. The weather this winter is _(bad)to stay at home than to go out on a hot day.9. Her skirt is_(red) than Lucys.10. Toms father is _(heavy)

21、than mine.(5)一丶单项选择1. My parents are _workers.A. all B. each , C. every D. both2.This coat doesnt look _that one.A. the same , B. the same with C. same as D. laughing3 He is serious. No one can make him _.4 Linda is _than her sister.A. more cleverer B. much cleverC. much cleverer D. clever5 Maria an

22、d her friend _ tall girls.A. is both B. are both C. both are D. both6.You will be much _if you dronk more water.A. well B. good C. better D. best7.My brother is _than me, me so he has _friends than me.A. more outgoing;many B. outgoing manyC. much outgoing more D.more outgoing more8.Iss necessary _a

23、good friend.A. have B. to have C. having D. has9._ Sams athletic, he isnt good at basketball.A. because B. Though C. As D .So10.Nowadays, we can get a lot of _ from the Internet.A. information , B. newses B. friend C. infomations11. Bob likes the same things _ me.A. as B. for C. at D. with 二丶根据汉语意思完

24、成下了句子1.约翰的吉他和我一样。 Johns guitar is _ _ _ mine.2.吉姆不如汤姆擅长物理。 Jim is not _ as Tom.3.露西和莉莉两个人都留长发。 _ Lucy _ Lily have long hair.4.我的口语比听力好。 Im _ at speaking than _.5.她真的很滑稽,能使我发笑。 She is really _ , and he can make me _.6.她喜欢和我做同样的事情。 She likes to do _ _ things _ I do. 7.请拨打4435667给英语学习中心。 Please _ Engli

25、sh Study Center _ 4434667.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 Spain and Greece are more popular than any other country in Europe now. It is cheaper to go to the two countries by plane than by train, and its easier to get a ticket in May than in June, July or August. Most people think than Greece is 1._ (pretty) than Spa

26、in. Others say than Spain is 2._ (hot) than Greece. Certainly hotels in Spains are much 3._ (expensive) than the ones in Greece, and they are also 4._ (comfortable), but Greece is much 5._ (interesting) and it is 6._ (quiet) than Spain. Spain is 7._ (near) and one can get there more quickly. However

27、, Spain can be too 8._ (crowd). Some people feel than Greece is 9._ (beautiful) and the air is 10._ (clean). (6)一、单项选择。1. There _ more cars now in our country.A. have B. are C. is D. has2. There _ some ice tea in the cup. A. are B. is C. have D. has3. I think Showtime Cinema has _ seats of the three

28、. A. comfortable B. the most comfortable C. much more comfortable D. comfortable4._ is your coat?A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long5. Thanks for _ me.A. help B. helps C. helping D. helped6. How do you like the store, Jim? It has _ service so few people go there to buy things. A. the wo

29、rst B. worst C. betterD. he better7. Which cinema _ the biggest screens? Ais B. are C. has D. have二、根据汉语意思翻译句子。1.这个电台靠近公园。 (close to)_ 2.在你们镇上,最好的服装店是哪家? (the best) _3.你对这本书有什么看法? (How like)_ 4.她认为这家店是最贵的。( the most expensive) _5.我忘记带笔了。 你能借我一支吗? (one)(7)一、单项选择。 1. San likes cars. He enjoys _all kin

30、ds of model cars.A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collected 2. His wish to become a singer _. A. come true B. has come true C. realize D. has realized 3. Tom is the second _ this maths problem. A. work out B. works out C. working out D. to work out 4. Sanya is very famous. It has the _ bea

31、ches in China. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. most beautiful5. Im going to _ the Winter Olympic Games. Good luck to you! A. join B. join in C. take part in D. join up6. He stayed up late last night. Thats _ he came late.A. why B. whatC. how D. where 7. Eliza was the best _ o

32、f the there. A. perform B. performer C. performs D. performers8. Most people like jazz 107.9FM, because it _ beautiful music. A. makes B. takes C. plays D. sounds二、单句改错。 1. Of all the stores, Jasons is bad. A B C_ 2. Who do you think are the best actor?A B C_ 3. You are young in our class. A B C _ 4

33、. Who can sing the most beautiful? A B C_5. However, not every enjoy watching TV. A B C _ (8) 一、单项选择。 1.What do you think _ my new clothes?Very beautiful.A. of B. atC. in D. on 2.How about Chinese Cooking? Oh, I _ it. Cooking is for mums!A. love B. like C. want D. cant stand 3.Do you know _?At the e

34、nd of the July.A. how soon is your sister coming back homeB. how often Nancy hears from her pen friendC. when the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games will be heldD. when will the new computer game out 4. I hope _ a good job in a foreign company after I graduate _ school. A. to find; from B. finding; from C

35、. to find; at D. finding; at5. Han Hans new book _out last week. A. come B. came C. put D. find二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom wants _ (have) a piece of bread for bread for breakfast. 2. Tina plans_ (visit) the Great wall in Beijing next summer vacation. 3. He expects_ (finish) the work by April. 4. They are

36、planning_ (go) hiking this weekend. 5. Janes grandparents like Beijing Operas very much,but Jane cant stand_(they) 三、句型转换。 1. They want to watch the news. (改为一般疑问句) _they _to watch the news? 2. What do you think of soap operas? (同义句转换) _ do you_ soap operas? 3. I hope_ _the English exam next week. 4

37、. I was late this morning because I got up late (就画线部分提问) _ _ you late this morning? 5. Can you tell me where to find a restaurant? (变为复合句) Can you tell me_?(9) 一、单项选择。1. I usually go there by train. Why not _by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying to go C. o try and go D. try going2. One of the students _ from Canada. A. am B. is C. are D. was3. Would you like to have_ cake? No, thanks. Im full. A. careless B. careful C. Carelessly D. carefully4. Lily isnt as_ as Peter. She often makes mistakes in her composition.A. to buy B. buyC. buying D. on buy 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Wate


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