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1、高三英语第一轮复习:Module 2 Unit 4&5 Module 2 Unit 4&5人教实验版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:高三第一轮复习:Module 2 Unit 4&5 Module 2 Unit 4&5二. 重点单词与短语1. suggest vt.(1)建议 后接名词、动名词或宾语从句,宾语从句中的谓语动词需用should +动词原形,should可省略。I suggest you (should) apply Li Yangs method to your study.注明:suggest不能用于suggest sb. to do sth.(2)suggest作“暗示”;“

2、表明”;“使人想起”时其后的宾语从句中的谓语动词用陈述语气。The black clouds suggest it is going to rain.拓展:巧记十个虚拟动词: “一、二、三、四”法一个“坚持”: insist 两个“命令”:order, command 三个“建议”suggest, propose, advise 四个“要求”:demand, require, request, ask考点例题:_ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggest B. Who you suggest that should C. Do you sugges

3、t who should D. Do you suggest whom shouldHis smiling face suggested that he _ really satisfied with all this.A. had beenB. wasC. beD. should be2. contain v.包含;容纳区分contain 与includecontain强调主语含有某种成分或装有某物。如:Beer contains alcohol.The bottle contains water.include强调主语包含的人或物是主语的一部分。所以include常译为“包括”。inclu

4、ding“包括”,是十分常见的表达形式。The list included his name.考点例题:There are 40 people on the bus, _ two children. =There are 40 people on the bus, two children _.3. affect v.影响;感动;侵袭 区分: affect v. effect n. effective a.有效的联想记忆:have an effect/influence on对有影响bring/put sth. into effect使某物开始使用come into effect (尤指法律规

5、章制度)开始实施take effect产生预期效果;生效The medicine quickly took effect.考点例题:翻译:电视和电脑对我们有重大的影响。_4. stick (1)vt.粘贴;刺;固定在某处;被难住 stick a fork into a potato把叉子插进土豆stick a stamp on a letter把邮票贴在信上The bus was stuck in the mud.公共汽车陷在泥里动不了了。The teacher was stuck by the problem.老师被难题卡住了。(2)vi.坚持stick to sth.坚持;不放弃stick

6、 to a post坚守岗位stick to ones words遵守诺言stick sth. out把伸出来,坚持到底(3) n.棍;棒a walking stick拐杖chopsticks n. 筷子考一考:翻译1)不要把头伸出车窗外!_2)无论发生什么,我都将坚持我的计划。_5. unknown a.未知的;不详的;不出名的an unknown disease一种尚未搞清的疾病an unknown artist一个默默无闻的艺术家联想记忆:as is well known众所周知it is well known to all that众所周知be unknown to sb.不为某人所知

7、Mr. Smith, would you please make yourself known to us? Smith 先生你能向我们自我介绍一下吗?考点例题:_ is known to us, China is developing faster and faster.A. ItB. That C. What D. As三. 重点短语:1. as a result结果联想记忆:as a result of因为without result毫无结果地result from(动词短语)产生;发生result in(动词短语)导致Nothing has _ _ his efforts.他的努力终成

8、泡影。Acting before thinking always _ _ failure.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。2. die out(指物种)死光;灭绝(of species=become distinct),火慢慢熄灭联想记忆: die away减弱(以至觉察不到);淡化 die down逐渐降低;减弱 be dying 垂死的 be dying for/to do sth.渴望 die of 死于(饥饿;病) die from死于(外界引起的) die hard很难改变;顽固Old habits die hard.旧习难改。Ex. In Britain one in four peop

9、le _ smoking too much.A. die ofB. die from C. die forD. die inI _ a racing bicycle when I was at middle school. A. died forB. was anxious toC. dreamt D. was dying for3. come into being形成;产生(不可用于被动语态或进行时态)Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.千

10、百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。联想记忆:come into effect实施come into use投入使用come into power上台执政Ex. Before the computer _, people could never imagine it could bring about such great changes to human life.A. came into beingB. was discoveredC. was come into beingD. was formed 4. be concerned about(for)为担心/忧虑I be

11、lieve that you are concerned about animals and plants disappearing.我相信你们为动植物的消失而担心。联想记忆:be concerned with与.有关as far asbe concerned关于;至于;就而言The car is fine as far as the engine is concerned. As far as Im concerned you can do what you like.Ex. Parents _ the matters _ the education of the children.A. s

12、how great concern about; concernedB . are concerned about; concerning C. concern; concerning D. are concerned about; concerning about 5. dream of梦想dream of /about (doing) sth.dream of/about sb./sth梦见某人/某物dream ones life away虚度光阴联想记忆: wish for/hope for sth.希望得到 wish/hope/except/desire to do sth.希望做 l

13、ong for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事 be anxious for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事 be eager for/to do sth.渴望得到/做某事6. break up分裂;解体;打碎;结束The crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。The company top meeting didnt break up until midnight.公司高层会议到半夜才结束。联想记忆:break away from摆脱;脱

14、离break down出故障;分解;break into破门而入break out爆发break through突破考一考:用break的相关短语填空1)The bus _ on the way to school, so I was late.2)The ship hit a large rock and _.3)The Chinese government will never allow Taiwan _ our motherland.4)Scientists say theyre beginning to _ in fighting against cancer.5)I dont kn

15、ow how to complete such a large project?I suggest you _ it _ into several steps and get them down one by one.6)We were discussing an important issue when the guard _ the meeting room.四. 重点句型1. She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.她转过身看到一只羚羊带着忧郁的神色望着她。此句可改成:She t

16、urned around and there was an antelope which was looking at her with a sad face.“with a sad face looking at her” 为with的复合结构,即with +名词、代词(介词宾语)+v.-ing(宾补)。可充当宾补的还有分词、不定式、形容词、副词及介词短语。简单总结为:with +宾语+-v.-ed /v.-ing /to do)作伴随状语或定语考点例题:With some students _(follow) behind , he came in.With a lot of thing

17、_ (solve), the new boss worried a lot.2. They set the number of animals to be hunted. 他们拨出一定数量的动物供人们捕猎。to be hunted为动词不定式的被动式,在此作animals的后置定语。不定式作定语时,在句中如果能找到不定式动作的执行者,常用不定式的主动式,找不到时常用不定式的被动式。试比较:The first thing to be done is to tidy up the office.The first thing for you to do is to tidy up the offi

18、ce.3. They may play to passer-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,以便有一些额外收入。so that= in order that引导目的状语从句。so that也可引导状语从句。其区别在于so that引导目的状语从句时,从句中的谓语常含有can, could, be able to等情态动词,而结果状语从句中没有,另外结果状语从句常用逗号与主句隔开,但目的状语从句一般不用。so that引导目的状语从句在许多情况下可改写为so a

19、s to或in order to引起的不定式短语。考点例题:完成句子:He said in a loud voice _.(结果大家听到了那个信息)He said in a loud voice _.(以便大家都能听到那个信息)【模拟试题】(一)用框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子(其中两个是多余的) in peace; as a result ; by chance; stick to; above all; be honest with; in danger; play a jokes on; dream of; pay attention to; or so; sort out 1. T

20、he daughter asked her father to _ his health.2. He slipped and broke his leg. _, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.3. Make sure you _ the same story when you are questioned a second time.4. He spent a happy afternoon _ his coins and stamps.5. I met him _ on the way home yes

21、terday afternoon.6. He knew the man he _ did not exist.7. My father was warned by the neighbors that we were _.8. The boys _ James. They hid his shoes and he could not find them.9. After such a busy life I would like to settle in the country, where I can live_.10. It is reported that there are thirt

22、y students _ in the classroom.(二)根据句子意思写出括号内所给单词的恰当形式。1. In the school play Dora gave a good _(perform) last weekend.2. Jealousy is a very _(power) emotion.3. The childs reading _(able) was satisfactory for his age level.4. As an _(know) author, it isnt easy to get your work published.5. Mother aske

23、d the little girl to hold the bird neither too _(loose) nor too firmly.6. It is _(kind) of you to say such things that made her unhappy.7. More _(recent), banks had offered customers the opportunity to change to PC or telephone banking.8. Vitamin C provides some _(protect) against minor illnesses.9.

24、 The Sunday papers are full of _(advertise) for cars.10. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” is an old _(say).(三)根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。1. 这个调皮的男孩喜欢开别人的玩笑。(play jokes on )2. 她戴着墨镜,以保护眼睛不受太阳的损害。(protectfrom)3. 首先,我想告诉你们一个好消息,我们要举办一个英语联欢会。(above all)4. 老师要同学们多注意发音。(pay attention to)5. 他们到达一座农舍,农舍前

25、面坐着一个小男孩。(非限制性定语从句)6. 他起床晚了,结果没赶上早班汽车。(as a result)7. 这位女售货员建议他改天再来。(suggest)8. 这台计算机正在由一位年轻的工人修理。(用现在进行时的被动语态)【试题答案】(一)1. pay attention to2. As a result 3. stick to4. sorting out5. by chance 6. dreamed of 7. in danger8. played a joke on9. in peace10. or so(二)1. perfomance 2. powerful3. ability4. un

26、known5. loosely6. unkind7. recently8. protection9. advertisements10.saying (三)1.The naughty boy likes playing jokes on others.2. She is wearing a pair of dark glasses to protect her eyes from the sun.3. Above all, Id like to tell you a piece of good news that we are going to have an English Party.4.

27、The teacher asked their students to pay more attention to their pronunciation.5.They arrived at the farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy.6.He got up late. As a result, he didnt catch the early bus.7.The saleswoman suggested that he should come another day.8.The computer is being repaired by a young worker.用心 爱心 专心


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