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1、如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!1.vessel ve-sl nounBOAT, sailing boat, ship,A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.Blood vessels are the narrow tubes through which your blood flows.he burst a blood vessel during a fit of coughing2.cargo /kg/ 区别于 undergo v. 经历;承受;忍受the go

2、ods or merchandise conveyed in a ship, airplane, or vehicle3.collide /klad/VERB: To come together or come up against with force:bump, e up againstIf you come up against a problem or difficulty, you are faced with it and have to deal with it. We came up against a great deal of resistance in dealing w

3、ith the e up against difficultiescome up against problems come out 问题的答案被解出来 5.bump verb柯林斯英语同义词字典= knock, bang, collide (with), crash, hit, slam, smash into, strike6.convey /knve/To convey someone or something to a place means to carry or transport them there. FORMAL 正式The railway company extended

4、a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate. /brn(t)/7.a rough sea Rough /rf/ adj.difficult to travel through or penetrate : wild 1 / 6如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!In an increasingly rough sea, even a good swimmer may lose all control over himself, let alone me, an absolute beginner

5、 in the art of swimming. In a rough sea it would no doubt be unpleasant to be kicked around in a bucket like that while waiting for recovery, but we will try to launch on a day with nice weather. 海水越来越深,连最会游泳的都失去了控制的能力,何况我是个初下水的人?。等待恢复期间,在波涛汹涌的大海上身处一个大桶中像那样被颠来荡去的感觉毫无疑问糟透了,但是我们将试着在某个好天气来进行发射。8. intro

6、duce a lawConsolidated Western media reported on March 6, the United States will soon introduce a law in California, a total ban on shark fin trading activities. They asked: Do you think the Government should introduce a law to ensure businesses and households reduce UK carbon dioxide emissions ever

7、y year or not? 综合西方媒体3月6日报道,美国加利福尼亚州即将出台一项法律,完全禁止鱼翅交易活动。他们问: “你认为政府应引入法,以确保企业和家庭减少英国的二氧化碳排放量每年或不” ?9.London air now contains 80percent less impurities than it did in 1961 and there is 50 percent more sunshine in winter.impurity /mpjrt/nounsomething that is impure or makes something else impure impur

8、e adj. /mpj/containing something unclean : foul 10.Water can move through very thin tubes.It can ooze through tiny holes.A thread of water moves onward because molecules at the head of the column are drawn by the molecules in the dry spot just ahead.The pull of gravity is no match for this muscle of

9、 water.You test how strong it is when you wring out the laundry.Squeeze with all your might,but you can never wring it dry.(1)molecule noun /mlkjul/ 分子2 / 6如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载! the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms

10、(2)retain all the propertiesretain verb 英音 /rten/ 美音 /rten/to keep in possession/To retain something means to continue to have that thing. The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere. He retains a deep respect for the profession. Other countries retained their traditional

11、and habitual ways of doing things.(3)atmosphere noun 除了指气氛,大气以外a surrounding environment(4)atom /tm/the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination(5) column noun /klm/ 区别于cotton/ktn/棉花 棉布nounA column is a group of people or animals which moves in a long line.(纵)3 /

12、 6如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!eg:There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets.(6)the pull of gravity 重力;引力the downward pull of gravity 向下的重力(7)be no match for somebodyTo be much less strong,skilled,intelligent etc.than an opponent.Their primitive weapons were no match for gun

13、s.A boy is not a match for a man.(8)muscle 除了指肌肉以外还指Physical strength and power(9)wring ri verbto squeeze or twist especially so as to make dry or to extract liquid 拧 绞 扭动squeeze 挤 榨取 twist 拧(10)might 除了是may 的过去式,还指Power or strength11.ooze u:z vt. 渗出;泄漏vi. 渗出;泄漏 12.thread thred nouna slender stream

14、(as of water)slen-dr4 / 6如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!a thread of light: 细细的一线亮光;一丝亮光 a thread of hope: 一线希望 a thread of water: 细细的一条流水 A Thread of Sky: 一线天 a thread of smoke: 一缕青烟 (1)slender slen-dr adjectivesmall or narrow in circumference or width in proportion to length or height(2)circumference /skmf()

15、r()ns/The circumference of a circle, place, or round object is the distance around its edge.周长(3)edge /ed/ countable noun the part of something that is nearest to its outside or endcompetitive edge: 竞争优势;竞争力优势;竞争上风;竞争力leading edge 前沿/li:di/.leading-edge technology.尖端技术13.Sentimentality is traditiona

16、lly considered a feminine quality.(1)sentimentality noun/sentmentlt/(plural -ties) the quality or state of being sentimental especially to excess or in affectation(2)sentimental adj./sentment()l/Resulting from feeling rather than reason or thought Having an excess of sentiment or sensibility, someti

17、mes to an extent that is considered exaggerated and foolish.(3)sentiment nounan opinion of feeling you have about somethingfeelings of pity,love,sadness etc.that are often considered to be too strong or not appropriate for a particular situation观点 感情 情绪 多愁善感(4)sensation 来自于sense(感觉 官能 观念)5 / 6如果您需要使

18、用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!a particular feeling or effect that your body experiencesShe felt a burning sensation in her throat. /rt/引起轰动的人(或事件、情况) If a person, event, or situation is a sensation, it causes great excitement or interest. .the film that turned her into an overnight sensation. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 6 / 6


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