8B Unit1 Past and present短语和句型整理背诵.doc

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1、常州市北郊初级中学八年级英语备课组 Unit1 Past and present 短语荟萃 主备人:王咏皓8B Unit1 Past and present Unit1 重点短语1. 一小时前 an hour ago2. 过去常常和我分享食物 used to share food with me3. 太多人 too many people4. 自从我出生以来 since I was born5. 搬家 move house6. 住在城镇北部 live in the northern part of town7. 多年前 years ago8. 在镇中心 in the town center9.

2、 把变成 turn into10. 结婚 get married11. 自从那时开始 since then12. 改变许多 change a lot13. 一家钢厂 a steel factory14. 把废料排入河中 put the waste into the river15. 意识到这个问题 realize the problem16. 采取行动改善这种情况 take action to improve the situation17. 在某种程度上 in some ways18. 拥有一个美丽的现代化城镇 have a beautiful modern town19. 打牌和下中国象棋

3、 play cards and Chinese chess20. 偶尔感到有点寂寞 feel a bit lonely from time to time21. 尽可能经常 as often as possible22. 在过去 in the past23. 从父母那搬走 move away from their parents24. 某人的一生 all ones life25. 搬到两个街区以外的另一套公寓里 move to another flat two blocks away26. 教给我们许多中国历史方面的知识 teach us a lot about the history of

4、China27. 坐公车来往于小镇 travel to and from the town by bus28. 从美国回来 return from the USA29. 出国 go abroad30. 互相保持联系 keep in touch with each other31. 主要用电邮交流 mainly communicate by email32. 使交流容易得多 make communication much easier33. 到处都是青山 green hills all around34. 有更多功课要学 have more subjects to learn35. 很快适应生活

5、的变化 get used to the changes of life quickly36. 独自乘公交车去上学 go to school by bus on ones own37. 狭窄肮脏的道路 narrow and dirty roads38. 一些开阔的空地 large open spaces39. 乘出租车四处旋转 go around by taxi40. 这学期转入一所新学校 move to a new school this term41. 居住条件 living conditions42. 在过去几年里/一个世纪里 over the years/ the past centur

6、y3常州市北郊初级中学八年级英语备课组 Unit1 Past and present 佳句集结 主备人:王咏皓Unit1 重点句子1. 你看到我的食物了吗?是的,我刚把它吃了。Have you seen my food? Yes, Ive just eaten it.2. 你也变了。你过去一直对我很好。Youve change too. You used to be so kind to me.3. 你过去常和我分享食物。You used to share food with me.4. 我是学生时常骑自行车去上学。I used to go to school by bike when I w

7、as a student.5. 过去公交车上总有太多的人,等下一班要花很长时间。There were always too many people on the bus, and it took a long time to wait for the next one.6. 你对阳光镇很了解吗?Do you know Sunshine Town very well?7. 你曾经搬过家吗? Have you ever moved house?8. 当我1965年结婚时,我和妻子搬到两个街区以外,此后一直住在这个地区。When I got married in 1965, my wife and

8、I moved two blocks away and weve lived in this area since then.9. 这些年来小镇改变了许多吗? Has the town changed a lot over the years?10. 政府已经把镇中心的一部分变成了一个新公园。The government has turned part of the town center into a new park11. 阳光河边过去有一个钢铁厂。 There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River.12. 后来,政府意识到了这个

9、问题并采取措施改善这种情况。Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation.13. 然而,我的大多数老朋友已经搬走了。 However, most of my old friends have moved away.14. 对于我们来说像以前一样经常看到对方已经不可能了。It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.15. 我们过去常一起打牌、下中国象棋。 现在,我不时地觉得有点孤单。

10、We used to play cards and Chinese chess together. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time.16. 不管怎么样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化还是不错的。Anyway, its good to see the amazing changes in the town.17. 这个镇过去是什么样子的?What was the town like in the past?18. 我看过这本书好多遍。I have already read this book many times.19. 她还没有到。She ha

11、snt arrived yet.20. 他们已经完成了作业。They have finished their homework already.21. 你近来看过电影吗? 不,没有。Have you seen any films recently? No, I havent.22. 从这部电影中,我了解到更多北京的过去和现在。From this film, I have learnt more about Beijings past and present.23. 另一个大变化是镇上的许多高楼。Another big change is the many tall buildings in t

12、he town.24. 当地人过去住在老房子里,但是现在,他们大多数搬进了新公寓。Local people used to live in old houses, but now, most of them have into new flats.25. 她刚从美国回来。Shes just returned from the USA.26. 你们上一次见到对方是什么时候? When did you see each other?27. 从那时起,我们就没见过面了。We havent seen each other since then.28. 你上小学时你们是如何保持联系的?How did y

13、ou keep in touch with each other when you were still at primary school?29. 互联网使交流更容易。The Internet makes communication much easier.30. 要快速适应生活的变化是不容易的。It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.31. 这些年月光镇发生变化。Many changes have taken place in Moonlight Town over the years.32. 过去小镇上只有又窄又

14、脏的马路。到处都是垃圾。In the past, there were only narrow and dirty roads in the small town. There was rubbish everywhere.33. 现在街道宽敞干净两边绿树成荫。Now the streets are wide and clean,with many green trees.34. 他们过去常在空闲时间听收音机或看电视。They used to listen to music or watch TV in their free time.35. 现在人们在享受着舒适的生活。Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.


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