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1、二年级 第 一 学期 英语 学科 课题: M2U1 I can swim 教学设计真如文英中心小学设计者 林玲 执教 林玲 资源开发 二年级英语组 课时 1 学习内容Oxford English 2A Module 2 Unit 1 I can swim Period 1本课的主题是:I can swim 话题是:Whos the boss?在Whos the boss?的语境中,学习本课时核心词汇和句型。在皇冠和小黄人的对话中帮助学生知晓Can you?这一核心句型的含义并能根据实际情况用Yes, I can. 回答,并渗透No, I can 的答句,为下一课时的教学进行铺垫。学习重难点:正

2、确朗读run, fly, swim, 并能在句型Can you? Yes, / No中进行问答;学习目标知识与技能:1. 单词:朗读并识记单词:fly, run, swim;2. 词组:了解核心词汇fly, run, swim所引伸的相关词组:up and down, run like a tiger, swim very fast,能正确朗读;3. 句型:能在语境中运用Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I can正确问答;4. 理解本课时语用文本内容,能正确朗读。过程与方法:1. 在Chant中复习旧知,引入新课;2. 借助媒体,创设情景,以Whos the boss?为话

3、题推进整堂课的教学,并在语境中操练核心词汇和句型;情感态度价值观:挖掘自身的才能,培养健康的竞争意识,并能善于发现别人的长处,在取长补短中完善自己。了解国内的最新体育形势,弘扬积极向上的民族精神。导学环节教师引导学生活动练习设计视听导入揭示话题引入Chant,复现旧知:Can you sing? Draw? Dance? Read?导入问题 引发思考What else can you do?诵读儿歌,复习旧知Sing, sing, I can sing.I can sing a little song.Draw, draw, I can draw.I can draw a little tre

4、e.Read, read, I can read.I can read a little book.Dance, dance, I can dance.I can do a little dance.积极思考,踊跃发言Ps: I can 见整合资源1语境学习文本贯穿1. 插播视频,揭示话题Whos the boss?2. 提出问题,揭示新词What can you do, Stuart?3. 出示单词,指导拼读fl-y-fly4. 揭示对话,引出新句Can you fly, Stuart?5. 问题质疑,再揭新词Kevin, what can you do?6. 播放视频,弘扬精神What c

5、an he do?(Liu Xiang, Su Bingtian can run like the wind. They can run very fast.)7. 画面跟进,再揭新词And look, Ning Zetao can swim fast.Yes, he can swim fast, like a fish.8. 回转话题,语境跟进In our story, who can swim fast like a fish?9. 再创语境,鼓励问答a) Go and ask 3 friends.欣赏视频,捕捉信息Ps: Whos the boss?观察思考,感知词意P: Fly, fl

6、y, I can fly. I can fly, up and down.朗读单词,识记读音两两对话,操练句型P1: Can you fly?P2: Yes, I can. I can fly, up and down.P1: Super!Chant and dialogue观察思考,理解句意P: I can run, run like a _.观察理解,激发情感P: _ can run, run like the wind. He can run very fast. 视频感知,理解新词P:swim fast.理解感悟,再学新词P: sw-i-m-swim观察思考,问答练习P:_, can

7、you swim? Yes, I can. I can swim like a fish.问答调查,操练句型P1: Can you swim?P2: Yes, I can _. No, I can (run, play, skip, draw, )见整合资源2见整合资源3见整合资源3见整合资源4朗读巩固交流运用1. 问题质疑,复现情境2. 指导朗读,升华主题 Why is Supergirl the boss? Read the passage and answer.积极思考,踊跃发言Ps: _, what can you do?P1: I can _. Im the boss.P2: I can _. Im the boss.P3: I can _. Im the boss.识记句型,朗读文本P: She can fly, run and swim. So shes the boss.见整合资源 5见整合资源 6整合资源情境见整合资源 1见整合资源 2见整合资源 3见整合资源 4见整合资源 5见整合资源 6板书设计学生作业:4


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