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1、 Thoughts on the design:本课为阅读教学。教材中提供了两篇阅读文章,篇幅相当,文体相同,内容均涉及在交友过程中出现的问题与烦恼。如果在教学中均匀分配时间,不免重复拖沓。因此在教学中,把第一篇文章作为主阅读,并把阅读策略的指导融于其中。在第二篇文章的处理上,教师指导学生将所学的阅读策略运用其中,快速分析掌握第二篇文章的主旨大意及写作特点。此外,在导入部分教师引导学生以小组为单位写下自己在交友过程中碰到的问题和困惑,然后各小组交换问题。等阅读任务全部完成后,教师指导学生利用所学,为自己的同学解决实际问题,这样整堂课对友谊的探讨就不再只是纸上谈兵,而是有了真正的实际意义。Tea

2、ching aims:1. Students will understand the two passages well;2. Students will know the basic formation of a letter to a magazine advice columnist;3. Students will learn and use the reading strategy: reading to understand feelings;4. Students will learn how to mend a broken friendship and how to make

3、 their friendship last long.Teaching important points and difficult points:1. To read to understand feelings2. To learn how to get along well with othersTeaching procedures:Step 1 lead in (PPT4-7)1. Students do self-reflection: Think of the most recent fight with your friend. What caused it?2. Group

4、 discussion: (1) Students work in a group of four and discuss all the possible reasons leading to a broken friendship. (2) Students think about their puzzles in getting along with friends and write all of them down on a piece of paper. Then different groups exchange the pieces.3. Brainstorming:Who c

5、an we turn to for help when we have problems with our friends?Students express their ideas freely.parents, teachers, magazine advice columnistsIn this way, the topic of the lesson is introduced. Explanation本环节引导学生通过自我反思和小组探讨的形式来思考朋友间产生矛盾的各种原因以及矛盾产生后的求助途径,以学生的真实经历和体会导入阅读课,使学生对即将进行的阅读产生兴趣。另外,此环节中还要求各小

6、组写下在交友过程中的困惑,并与其他小组进行交换。学生在理解完课文后,将利用所学为同学解决实际问题。这样,课堂教学层层推进,首尾照应,学生真正学有所获。Step 2 Reading of Secrets and Lies (PPT 8-14)1. Students read the title of the passage and the first sentence of the first paragraph, and try to predict the main idea of the letter.2. Fast reading: Students are asked to go th

7、rough the whole letter to find out what the secret is and what the lie is.Secret: Sarah got a D in a surprise Maths test.Lie: Hannah denied having let out the secret.3. Careful reading: Students read the letter again, this time carefully and try to answer the following questions:(1) Why do you think

8、 Sarah and Hannah could be good friends before?(2) Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?(3) What might have caused their friendship to break?Keys: (1) They were like each other and had much in common. (2) Because she thought Hannah had told everyone how badly she h

9、ad done in the Maths test. (3) Sarah didnt trust her friend. Hannah may have betrayed her friend. Sarah and Hannah lacked communication.Explanation在教学中以第一封信为主阅读,培养学生预测、速读及查读等阅读技能。在速读阶段,教师引导学生抓住标题中的关键词secrets 和lies,快速掌握文章大意。细读后的三个问题难度设置由浅入深,学生在回答问题的过程中,较好理解文章内容。Step 3 Reading strategy: reading to und

10、erstand emotion (PPT 15-17)1. Teacher guides students to analyze the letter: what is a letter asking for help like?A letter to a magazine columnist usually includes:1) Descriptions of problems2) Descriptions of feelingsWhile reading such a letter, its important to identify the writers feelings towar

11、ds a certain problem and then think about what advice to give him/her.2. Teacher guides students to take Sarahs letter: Secrets and lies for example. In this way students will have a clearing understanding of how to read such a letter.3. A game: Students are encouraged to express different emotions

12、without mentioning the words for the emotions. The choices given are: angry, proud, upset, excited, surprised, ashamed, sad, puzzled, worried.Students are free to choose any one of the emotions to express by using a sentence, different tones, or even body language.For example: To express they are ex

13、cited, students can say: I got full marks in the most difficult maths test!Explanation利用第一封信为范本,让学生感受并找出这类求助信的写作特点,以更好地促进学生的“读”。阅读策略的教学不落痕迹地贯穿其中。另外,此步骤中游戏的引入有两个作用:(1)让学生在“做中学”,使他们明白可以用多种方式来读懂情感,尤其是通过读字里行间的意义,因为并非文章中所有的情感都是直接用一个明确的词来表达的;(2)活跃课堂气氛,使学生在紧张的阅读中暂时放松,让学生感觉到阅读课也可以很有趣。Step 4 Reading of A fri

14、endship in trouble and the practice of Reading strategy(PPT 18-19)1. Students read A friendship in trouble, and try to find out Andrews problem and how he feels about it by filling in the blanks.2. Students work in pairs and in their own words, tell each other what Andrews problem is and what caused

15、 his friendship with Matthew in trouble.Key: Andrew blamed the losing of the match on Matthews bad performance and they had a bitter quarrel with each other. Now they arent talking to each other any more and Matthew seems to want to make friends with another boy. Andrew really shouldnt have blamed M

16、atthew without thinking twice.Explanation本环节是阅读策略的应用实践环节。学生阅读第二封信,并运用所学的阅读策略快速高效地了解Andrew的情感变化,由此掌握问题的来龙去脉,分析问题产生的原因Step 5 Problem solving(PPT 20-22)Students work in a group of four, and try to finish the following two tasks:Task one: 1. Suppose you are the columnist, what advice will you give Sarah

17、 and what to Andrew? Choose one of the topics and try to think of as much advice as possible.2. Write down your advice on the blackboard freely.3. Finish Exercise E on page 5 and get to know what advice it is that the magazine advice columnist actually gives to Sarah and Matthew.Task two:Go through

18、the puzzles your classmates have about getting on with friends and give useful advice to them by writing it down on the back of the paper. Then exchange the piece again.Explanation在最后的解决问题这一环节中,学生要运用所学,并联系旧知,在各小组中,通过合作完成两项任务。任务一着眼于学生所读的两封求助信,学生要充分思考,为两位深感困惑的青少年提出可行的建议。而任务二更具实际意义,各小组为其他小组的成员解决交友中的困惑。

19、通过这一任务,学生间加强了合作,增进了理解,并更进一步明白了与人相处的道理。Step 6 Conclusion (PPT 23-24)Teacher gives all the students the following advice on how to mend a broken friendship:1. You have to talk to your friend. When there is no one around, have an honest talk.2. If your friend doesnt want to talk, you could write a letter.3. Always remember there are three steps to being friends again:Tell your friend how youre feeling;Say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that;Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.Explanation教师的总结为整堂课进行升华。教后感:


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