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1、课题 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 课时5授课日期课型新课主备教师使用教师学习内容 第5课时section B 3aself check 学习目标知识与技能:1.复习掌握本单元表食物、蔬菜、水果的单词及几个短。 2.熟练运用本单元句型: Do you / they like? Yes, I / they do.No, I / they dont. Does she / he/ ? Yes, she / he does . No, she / he doesnt. 进行对话交际。过程与方法:通过听说等一些活动培养良好的听力习惯和能力,再通过独学和小组合作,学会使用本单元

2、重点句型。情感态度与价值观:培养助人为乐的习惯。重点 、难点正确运用询问对方喜欢或不喜欢东西的句型。学具准备录音机、磁带、课本,导学案学习形式教师导学,学生小组合作学习学 习 过 程学生学案回顾反馈 预习导学词句剖析1. 短语: breakfast / lunch / dinner / dessert 对早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐/ 甜食来说 。2. 某餐吃什么 。(注意:“三餐”词是 名词) 例如:She often eats an egg breakfast. (用介词填空) 3. lots of = = +名词复数= +不可数名词 a lot of = lots of 后既可接 ,又可接 。

3、E.g. We have a lot of vegetables.= We have vegetables.= We have vegetables. 4. healthy food 健康食品 healthy 的名词是 。 They often eat many fruits, and the fruit is good for our , so they are very . 5. run 动词,名词有 和 。 表示运动的“人”, 表示运动这类的“事情”。例如:Yao Ming is a . He is a star. Now he is . 6“have和“eat”作“吃”之义时的运用。

4、have和eat都有“吃”之义。后一般跟表示食物类的名词或代词,二者一般可换用,have的动第三人称单数形式为“has”,而eat的动词第三人称单数形式为“eats”。具体习惯用法如下: (1)haveeat+食物吃如:I often haveeat eggs,and my sister also haseats eggs (2)haveeat+某一餐,“吃餐”之义。如:have breakfast,吃早餐;eat lunch,吃午餐。此时表示三餐的名词(breakfast餐;lunch,午餐;supper,晚餐)在这一短语结构中,包括在语句中运用时,前不加冠词a,an或the,也不用复数形式

5、。 I often haveeat lunch at schoo1 如: Does your father haveeat supper at home? (3)haveeat.食物)for(某一餐) 某餐吃,haveeat后跟食物,for后某一餐,表示“某餐吃 . ”之义。 He often has hamburgers and ice cream for breakfast(has可用“eats”替换) My sister and I haveeat chicken,salad and French fries for supper every day 7.For breakfast,sh

6、e likes eggs,bananas and apples 对于早餐来说。她喜欢(吃)鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果 for,介词,“对于”之义。与表示“某一餐”的名词构成介宾结构短语,表示“对于某一餐来说”之义。这一结构可用于句首,此时打“,”与后面部分隔开,也可用于句中表食物的名词之后。 如:A:For lunch,she usually通常)has hamburgers and salad 相当于:she usually has hamburgers and salad for lunch B:For supper,I like tomatoes,carrots and chicken 相当于:I

7、 like tomatoes,carrots and chicken for supper明确目标 学案导学学生自读目标 完成预习部分自主学习 合作探究英汉互译。 1.lots of_ 2.healthy food_ 3.French fries_ 4. running star _ 5 .一个鸡蛋_ 6. 一些鸡肉_展示提炼 拓展延伸一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1.Do you like _ (番茄) ?-Yes,I do. 2.Eating _( 蔬菜 )is good for health. 3. Is she a movie(电影)s_? 4.Jeff likes s_ very

8、 much.二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.The _ (run)runs very fast(快).2.The food _(be)very healthy. 3.Where _ (be)the vegetables?4.For dinner,she has some _(chicken).5.Sandra Clark is a _ (run) star .达标测试 效果反馈一、翻译下列句子。 1.我吃沙拉作为甜点。 I eat _ _ _.2.我姐姐早餐吃薯条和苹果。My sister _ French fries and _ _ breakfast.3.那位赛跑明星吃很多健康食品。Th

9、e _ star _ lots of_ _.4.这是花椰菜冰淇淋.This is _ ice _.5.咱们晚饭吃西红柿和鸡蛋吧。 Lets _ _ and eggs.教师导案谈话导入新课:回顾复习旧知识 生学习目标老师检测预习组长汇报老师巡视检查讲解:1)不可数名词表示“一个”概念时,要用短语,如:a cup of tea a glass of milka bottle of orange a piece of bread2)不可数名词表达复数意义时应用如下:two cups of tea; three bottles of drink; four pieces of meat3)可数名词的复数形式表达如下: 一般情况下加s . 如: book books hamburger_pear_ banana_ orange_ 以o结尾的加s 或es 如:photo photos tomato _以s . sh ch . x 结尾的加es 如: watch watches bus _以辅音字母加 y 结尾的变y 为 i 加es . 如: dictionary dictionaries strawberry_ family_ 补充内容板书课题:。课后反思:


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