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1、Unit 4 What would you do? (Section A 3a4) 主备人:谢宏艳 编码: 2012YY9123English Proverb:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Class Group Name Day Date Weather 【抽测】抽测完后,请给你的学习伙伴一个评价。抽测得满分者,可获得;抽测得满分且书写工整漂亮者,可获得。【学习目标】Learning Aims and Demands.1、能准确读出并默写下列词汇和短语: get pimple, get nervous, help with this problem, take a

2、long walk, look terrible/friendly.2、能找出并背诵下列句子: I dont know what to say or do. The foods you eat could help with this problem. Im too tired to do well. If I were you, Id talk to someone who looks friendly.【预习导学】Preview1.翻译下列短语,若在课前完成得好,可获得。Can you find them? Lets have a try!起疹子 考试前夜 对这个问题有帮助 睡觉前 太累而

3、做不好 散长时间的步 【基础知识】Basic Knowledge. Self-study. (独学) 1. Complete 3a. (完成3a)学法指导:Read the sentences, and match each problem with the correct advice.(读句子,搭配问题和建议)2. Underline the phrases and sentences that you dont know. (划出不会的短语和句子) Pairwork and groupwork. (对学与群学)【展示提升】Show Lets do it in front of the c

4、lass. Go! Go! Go! Everybody! (让我们在大家面前大胆地展示自己吧!快!快!块!)【深入探究】Further Learning.在汉语中,我们常常用“要是”来表达一种不可能实现的愿望或与事实相反的情况。在英语中,也有特殊的结构来表达这类空想,我们称之为“虚拟语气”。在本单元中,我们只学习与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。它的句型结构如下: 条件从句 主句If主语过去式(系动词be多用were) 主语should/would/could动原活学巧用:1. If he (be) younger, he would climb over that wall quickly.2. W

5、here they (go) if it rained right now.3. I would tell them what to do if I (know) the reporter.4. If your friend (take) your clothes without permission, what would you do?5. If it (not rain) tomorrow, well go to the park.6. If I (be) a bird, I (fly) to the south of our China.【家庭作业】完美句意,翻译下列句子. 1. 我要

6、是你的话,我就不会帮他做着件事.If I you, I him with it. 2. 如果他能来这里的话,我们就可以得救了。If he here, all of us saved.3. 假如她喜欢音乐的话,我们就是音乐俱乐部的会员了If she music, we on the music club.4. 如果我和他交朋友,我就会做我介绍的。If I friends with him, I introduce myself to him.5. 如果有人问我这个问题,我不会回答。If someone me this question, I him.【整理与评价】Summing-up and Assessment.1. 请把以上内容补充好,把笔记整理好,若还有问题,请向同学或老师请教。2. 反思一下这节课你的表现;若你做到了,可获得;若你做得很好,可在后面的括号中画上。这节课我学会了新知识。 ( )这节课我展示了。 ( ) 这节课我帮助了同学。 ( )这节课我质疑、补充、点评了。( )这节课我按时完成了练习。 ( )这节课我共得 颗学科组长签字


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