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1、Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend ?教学设计一、 教学内容:英语新标准(三年级起点)第二册Module 6 Unit 1二、 教学目标:知识目标:学会四个科目单词Maths ,Science, Music, Chinese,能够灵活运用句子What do you have at school ? 和What do you do at the weekend?会用I have 做回答。能力目标:学会询问他人的周末活动,回答他人对自己周末活动的询问;陈述第三人的周末活动,陈述自己的课程,陈述第三人称的课程。情感目标:让学生拥有一个健康向上的

2、周末活动,通过学生小组合作、讨论 、交流,让学生感受把所学知识融汇到实际交往中的乐趣,培养学生浓厚的英语兴趣,从而激发积极的学习情感。三、 教学重点、教学难点以及突破措施教学重点 :单词:Maths , Science, Music, Chinese 句子:What do you have at school ? What do you do at the weekend?教学难点:Maths的发音,把所学知识融入到实际交往中。突破措施:形象讲解,夸张口型,放慢语速,“给哑巴配音”等多种形式操练,保证学生发音准确,知识能灵活运用四、 教学过程设计: Step1: Warming up.1.师生

3、打招呼问好 T : Good afternoon. Ss: Good afternoon. T: Sit down , please.2. Say and do the actions.Step2: Presentation1. Show some pictures and learn the subjects. 让学生看图片,说出相应的英语名称,学生小组活动,掌握有关科目的单词。教师指导。学生展示。(用白板中的遮蔽功能学习各个科目。)2. Say a chant to practice.3.出示课程表,问学生:What do you have at school?教师指向“课程表”上的各个科

4、目,学生很容易就明白意思,从而引出句型。(用白板中的矩形聚光灯只显示一天的上课情况让学生回答各个科目。)Ss: I have板书“What do you have at school? I have ”(同时在白板上用笔书写。)4. Practise in pairs the act it out5. Show some pictures and do the actions play football play basketball play table tennis watch TV go swimming ride a bike sleep (用白板中的遮蔽功能学习。)6. Ask an

5、d answer Tt: Do you play football in the morning / in the afternoon? Ss: Yes, I do / Not, I dont. Practise other activities.7.教师问学生What do you do at the weekend?引导学生说句子,I at the weekend.(要给学生出示屏幕,提示给他们,帮助学生记短语“三球”)板书“What do you do at the weekend? I at the weekend.” (同时在白板上书写.)这些句子都问答一遍之后,让学生自己先练习,再

6、在小组内合作交流,教师巡回指导,学生展示。小调查:给学生出示白板,小组活动,教师巡回指导,学生展示。 教师评价。 What do you have at school? I have What do you do at the weekend? I at the weekend. Step3: Learn the textDo you want to know what Sam has at school / at the weekend? Lets listen to the tape and learn the text.1、Listen and circle the subjects a

7、nd the activities2、Listen and write tick or cross.(让学生到白板上做)3、Listen and repeatHomework:1、Listen to the tape three times and try to act it out.2、Make a survey: What do your friends do at the weekend?What do you do at the weekend?反思本节课的教学任务比较单一,但我并不是重复使用单一的活动,而是采用灵活有效的活动进行知识的呈现、操练、巩固和拓展。我认为这几个环节间过渡自然、真实,每个环节的目标都能得到很好的实现,能让学生在真实有趣的情景中充分地练习和运用重点知识。通过情景创设,拓展了学生对所学句型和所授新单词的有效运用,将课堂教学自然延伸到课外,有意识的培养学生运用语言的能力。但是,本节课我没能够更多的指导稍弱学生让他们更轻松的掌握本课重难点。在巩固环节中,教学时间和节奏的把握有待加强。


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