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1、Section DThe main activities are 1, 4 and 5.本课重点活动是1, 4和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the phonetics:/h/,/r/,/w/,/j/2.(1)Review the prepositions:in, on, beside, behind, under, near, next to, in front of(2)Review the sentences of there be:There is a small garden in front of my house.There

2、 is a lamp, a mirror and some books on it.Is there a computer in your study?Yes, there is.No, there isnt.Are there any books about Harry Potter?Yes, there are.No, there arent.Whats on the plate?There are some chopsticks on it.There arent any trees in it.How many pairs are there?. Important point:2.

3、Teaching aids教具 录音机Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1. Words competition.(单词归类,全班抢答。)T: Well done! This time lets have a quick answer.Who knows, you can stand up and answer quickly.Yeah, begin!(必答单词如下:)bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, study, garden, flower, lamp, mirror, clock, key, chopsticks, CD, chair, key

4、board, behind, under, second, floor, cousin, wall, model, beautiful, large, drawer,抢答词、词组如下:dining room, living room, in front of, bathroom, put away, look after,(通过单词的必答和抢答,巩固词汇,融入竞争意识,激励政策,调动学习气氛。)2.阅读四个音标:h,r,w,j,说出音标词。Example:Group 1: w, where, what, which, work, worker, watch, woman, women.Grou

5、p 2: h, hi, his, he, her, here, have, has, home, house, head, Group 3: j, yes, year, yellow, young, you, your, yours, yourself.Group 4: r, rice, red, right, ruler, round, room, river.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1.(让学生听1部分的录音并跟读。)T: Listen to the tape.2. T: Listen and read after the tape.Step 3

6、 Practice 第三步 练习(时间:15分钟)1.(1)(让学生做2。)T: Listen and draw.(可以先写下关键词,录音停再画。)(2)(老师核对完答案,选出最佳图画,张贴在教室里,接着要求学生看图写出刚才听到的句子,以巩固所学介词及there be句型。)T: Please write the sentences that you heard just now.2.(用所学的介词及there be句型,让学生完成4。)T: Write a letter to your friend about your house.Step4 Project 第四步 综合探究活动(时间:1

7、2分钟)1. (自主归纳整理本topic重点,四人一组,进行自主学习,每人负责归纳整理一个section的重点句型与词组。最后四人将总结的结果合并到一起,向全班同学汇报,与全班共享Topic 1的重点句型与词组,并与课本3a和3b对照。)2.(四人一组,自己的房间里有什么东西,先做个汇报)T: Report to the classmates, use the sentences like this.There is.There isnt.There are.There arent.Its oninbehindin front of.Theyre oninbehindin front of.4. Homework:My study.教学反思:


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