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1、三年级英语下册当堂训练 Module1 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、把字母的大小写对应连线,并按字母表的顺序正确写在四线格里。 (12 分) D F H A C G E B I c e j i b f d h a 二根据字母表判断下列每组字母的顺序是否正确,用“”或“”表示。 1.ADC 2.LMN 3.zoy 4.JIK 5.cde ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6.fhg 7.GFI 8.mno 9.EFG 10.ace ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、将下列对话正确连线。 Whats your name ? Its a panda. How old are you

2、 ? Its the ABC song. Whats that ? Im nine. Whats your favourite song? My name is Amy. How are you ? Im fine. 三年级英语下册当堂训练 Module 1 Unit 2 班级 姓名 一. 听音,选择正确的字母。 ( )1. A.O B.P C.R ( )2. A.D B.H C.I ( )3. A.F B.V C.S ( )4. A.T B.Y C.W ( )5. A.m B.n C.p ( )6. A.f B.d C.t ( )7. A.a B.f C.g ( )8. A.c B.q C.

3、p ( )9. A.u B.y C.e ( )10. A.n B.j C.k 二、选择,将序号填在前面的括号里。 ( ) 1. A: What s your favourite colour? B: . A. Its the ABC Song. B. My favourite colour is blue. C. Its a book. ( ) 2. A: Whats this ? B: _ a bird. A. Its B. Im C. ( ) 3. Its _ elephant. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 4. A: What colour ? B: _. A. Its

4、red B. Im a boy. C. She is a girl. ( ) 5. Point _ the black dog. A. to B. in C. on 三年级英语下册当堂训练 Module 2 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、为下面小动物找名字。 Monkey bird panda cat dog 二读一读,选一选。 1.Hello,boys and girls. A.Yes,I am. B. Hello,Ms momkey. C.Goodbye. 2. are they ? They are monkeys. A.Who. B. What C.When 3.What is thi

5、s ? Its elephant. A.a. B.an. C. 4.Is it can ? No, a tiger. A.I am. B.They are. C. It is. 三年级英语下册当堂训练 Module 2 Unit 2 班级 姓名 一. 找出画线单词的、反义词。 1. What is this ? ( ) Its a tiger. Its big. A.small. B.fat. C. thin. 2. What is that ? ( ) Its a lion. Its fat. A.small. B.short. C. thin. 3. What are they ? ( )

6、 They are dogs. They are tall. A.short. B.fat. C. thin. 4. What are these ? ( ) They are cats. They are small. A.small. B.fat. C. thin. 二、给图片选择正确答案连线。 1.Its a cat. 2. Its a panda. 3.This is a monkey. 4.That is a. dog 5. This is a bird . 三年级英语下册当堂训练 Module3 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、将下列英语单词或短语与对应的汉语意思连线。 1、foot

7、ball 2、basketball 3、table tennis 4、morning exercise A、早操 B、足球 C、篮球 D、乒乓球 二、情景选择。 1、如果你喜欢踢足球,可以说:( ) A、I like basketball. B、I like football. 2、如果你喜欢打乒乓球,可以说:( ) A、I dont like table tennis. B、I like table tennis. 3、如果你不喜欢打篮球,可以说:( ) A、I dont like football. B、I dont like basketball. 4、如果你喜欢做早操,可以说:( )

8、A、I like morning exercise. B、I like morning . 5、如果喜欢红颜色,我们这样说:( ) A、I like blue. B、I like green . C、I like red 6、如果喜欢绿颜色,我们这样说:( ) A、I like yellow. B、I like green . C、I like black. 三、听一听,勾一勾。 A: A: B: B: A: A: B: B: 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module3 Unit 2 班级 姓名 一、一、听录音,选择正确的句子。 ()1. A. Im Lili. B. Good afternoon

9、. C.I like the English song. ()2. A. They are thin . B. Its red. C. Its a black dog. ()3. A. How many monkeys? B. Its eleven. C. Its a tiger. ()4. A. Heres your present. B. Its red. C. Here you are. ()5. A. Stand up. B. Sit down. C. Pass me the rice. 二二. . 选出每组中不同类别的词。 ()1.A.nine B. eleven C. man ()

10、2.A.tiger B. monkey C. black ()3.A.teacher B. lion C. elephant ()4.A.brother B. sister C. zoo ()5.A.football B. basketball C. colour 三.读一读,选一选。 ()1.They are monkeys. I like _ all. A. it B. them C. they ()2.I dont like football, but I _ basketball. A. like B. not like C. dont like ()3.I _ swimming. A

11、. am B. not like C. dont like ()4.Elephants are _. A. big B. short C. thin ()5.I like _ my bike. A. riding B. swimming C. skipping 四翻译下列句子。 1、He is fat. _ 2、What are they? _ 3、It is an elephant._ 4、They are tigers._ 5、I like swimming and skipping._ 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module4 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、听一听,选一选。 ( )1.Do

12、 you like _? Yes,I do. A.pear B.banana C.apples ( )2.Whats this? Its_ oranges. A.a B.an C.the ( )3._ Sam like meat? No,he_. A.Does;doesnt B.Do;dont C.Does;do ( )4.Does he like oranges? _,He likes apples. A.Yes,he does B.No,he doesnt C.Sorry,I dont know 二、选词填空。 1._(Do/Does)your mother like pears? Yes

13、,She likes them very much. 2.Does Mike like elephants? No,he _(does/doesnt).He likes pandas. 3.Whats this? This is a _(apple/banana) 。 4.Please pass me an _(pear/orange). Ok,Here you are. 三、读一读,根据句子内容在图片下面标上序号。 1.I like oranges. 2.I like apple. 3.I like bananas. 4.I dont like pear. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三

14、年级下册英语当堂训练 Module4 Unit 2 班级 姓名 一:选出下列短语的汉语意思,并将题号填在题前括号内。 1.skip A:去上学 2:swim B:踢足球 3:go to shool C:跳绳 4:morning exercises D:游泳 5:play football E:早操 二:读一读,按要求完成下列各题。 1.Do you like meat?(做肯定回答) _ 2.Do you like noodles?(做否定回答) _ 3.如果别人递给你某物品,你应该对别人说:_ A。Here you are. B.Thank you. 4:如果想问对方是否喜欢肉,你可以说:_

15、 A。Do you like meat? B.I like meat. 三:选择正确的单词补全句子。( do does) 1._daming like meat? 2.I_not like rice. 3._your sister like noodles? 4.Tom,_your like fish? 5._your friends like fish? 四:找出下列各句的正确答语,并将序号填在题前的括号里。 1.Does Amy like apples? A.yes,he does. 2.Do you like pears? B.Ilike swimming,too. 3.does Sam

16、 like bananas? C.Here you are. 4.Ilike swimming. D.Yes,I do. 5.Pass me the oranges,please. E.No,she doest. 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module 5 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、听录音,选择听到的语句。(30 分) 1. A:Do you like noodles? B:Do you like noodles on Mondays? 2. A:I am on the phone with my mother. B:He is on the phone with his mother. 3

17、. A:You go to school on Mondays. B:She goes to school on Mondays. 4. A:Whats that? Its a tiger. B:Whos that? Its my brother. 5. A:Do you play football? B:Does he play football? 二、按要求完成下列各题。 (40 分) 1. I like playing table tennis.(改为否定句) I_ _ _ table tennis. 2. I dont play basketball.(改为肯定句) I _ baske

18、tball. 3. He plays football.(改为否定句) He _ _ football. 4. I like riding bikes. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ like riding bikes. 5. He likes swimming.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ swimming? 三、选择正确的答案。(30 分) 1.Amy 喜欢吃肉,应该说: A: Amy likes meat. B:Amy like meat. 2. 我每周一去学校,应该说: A:I go to school on Mondays. B: I goes to school on Monda

19、ys. 3.他每周一打篮球,应该说: A: He plays basketball Mondays. B: He plays basketball on Mondays. 4.我喜欢在每周一跳绳。 A: I like skipping on Mondays. B: I like skip on Mondays. 5.我十岁,他也十岁了。应该说: A: I am ten year old, he is ten year old too. B: I am ten years old, he is ten years old too. 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module5 Unit 2 班级 姓名

20、 一、抄写下列字母。(大小写)(30 分) b d g I J K L M 2、翻译下列短语。(30 分) 1、go to work_ 2、go shopping_ 3、at home_ 4、go to school_ 5、play football_ 6、like swimming_ 7、play basketball_ 8、5 years old_ 9、like skipping_ 10、on the phone_ 三、选择正确的选项填到横线上。(40 分) 1、He _ at home. A、 is B、 are C、 am 2、I _ work on Mondays. A、 goes

21、B、 go to C、 go 3、They _ shopping on Saturdays. A、 goes B、 go to C、 go 4、My mother _ shopping on Saturdays. A、 goes B、 go to C、 go 5、Daming _ basketball on Saturdays. A、 play B、 plays C、 like 6、Does Tom go to school on Mondays? A、Yes, he doesnt. B、No, he does. C、No, he doesnt. 7、如果说 Tom 也喜欢牛奶,应该说:_.

22、A、Tom likes milk too. B、Tom like milk too. C、Tom likes milks too. 8、我爸爸每周一踢足球。应该说_. A、My dad plays football on Mondays. B、My dad plays football. C、My dad play football on Mondays. 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? 班级: 姓名: 一、选出下列单词的汉语意思,并将题号填在括号内。 ( ) 1.do A. 吃 ( ) 2.sleep B. 做,干

23、( ) 3.watch C. 睡觉 ( ) 4.eat D. 星期日 ( ) 5.Sunday E. 观看 二、将下列单词连线,组成准确的短语。 go in on watch Sunday TV swimming the morning 三、看图片,为下列图片选择相符的句子。 ( ) 1. A. I sleep in afternoon ( ) 2. B. I go swimming in the morning. ( ) 3. C. I ride my bike in the morning. ( ) 4. D. I watch TV in the afternoon. 四、为下列英文句子选

24、择正确的英文翻译。 ( ) 1. Do you swimming on Sundays? A. 你在星期日游泳吗? B. 你在星期一游泳吗?( )2. What do you do on Mondays? A. 你在星期一是你什么? B. 你在星期一做什么( )3. Do you play football in the morning? A.你在下午踢足球吗? B. 你在上午踢足球吗? ( )4. I ride my bike on Sundays. A. 我在星期日骑自行车。 B. 我在星期日去游泳。 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module6 Unit 2 What does Linglin

25、g have at school 班级: 姓名: 一、在四线三格上正确抄写下列字母的大小写形式。 Li Mm Nn _ 二、读一读,圈出正确的单词,并抄写在下面的横线上。 1. ehaved 2. otodaye 3. deSciencee _ 4. byclassrf 5. cMathsgs 6. aArtcd _ 三、下列句子被分开了,你来连一连。 1. What do you have A. she has Chinese, English and Chinese 2. In the morning B. on Sundays. 3. I have PE C. at school? 4.

26、 I ride my bike D. in the afternoon. 五、连词成句。 1. classes have I _ 2. the I TV watch in afternoon _ 3. today have do What you _ 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module 7 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、听录音,按听到的句子画出相应的 或 (20 分) 1spring ( ) 2.summer ( ) 3.autumn ( ) 4.winter( ) 二、翻译下列语句。 (30 分) 1.I dont like summer. _. 2.My mother likes aut

27、umn, its cool. _. 3.Daming goes skating with his friend. _. 4.Daming and his friend go swimming in summer. _. 5.We fly kites in spring. _. 三、对下列短语进行连线。 (30 分) 1.fly kite A.去游泳 2.go swimming B.去滑冰 3.play football C.骑自行车 4.go skating D.踢足球 5.ride bikes E.放风筝 四、正确抄写下列语句。 (20 分) 1.I like winter, its col

28、d. 2.We fly kites in spring. 3.My father goes skating in winter. 4.My favourite season is autumn. 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module 7 Unit 2 班级 姓名 一、听录音,将下列图片排序。(30 分) 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、读一读,选一选。(20 分) 1、_do you do in autumn? I watch TV. A. Where B. What C. How 2、It is cold today, but it i

29、s _. A. sunny B. snowing C. windy 3、In _,it is warm, and we fly kites. A. spring B. summer C. winter 4、My favourite season is _.Its hot. A. red B. winter C. summer 5、I like all seasons, theyre spring, summer,_ and winter. A. autumn B. Autumn C. autumns 三、根据本地季节特点进行连线。(20 分) 1.In spring, A. its cold

30、2.In summer, B. its warm 3.In autumn, C. its hot 4.In winter, D. its cool 四、将下列语句进行排序。(30 分) ()Good morning, Lingling. ()My favourite season is summer, its hot. And you ? ()Bye-bye, Lingling. ()I like winter, its cold. Goodbye, Sam. ()Good morning, Sam. Whats your favourite season? 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Modul

31、e8 Unit 1 Its on your desk 班级: 姓名: 一、读一读,选一选。 ( ) 1. -_ is my toy car? -Its on your desk. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 2. -Where is my pen? -_ A. Here you are B. Its in your box C. Its my pen ( ) 3.This is a present _ you. A. on B. at C. for ( ) 4.-Where is your cat? -Its _the floor (地板). A. on B. un

32、der C. behind ( ) 5.I sleep in my _on Sundays. A. box B. classroom C. bedroom 二、根据图片选择正确的答案。 ( )1.Look, my cat is _ the chair. A. In B. on C. under ( ) 2. -Where are the cats? -They are _the_. A. on; box B. under; toy C. in; box ( ) 3.This is my_. A. bus B. box C. toy car 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module 8 Unit 2

33、 Daming flies a kite in the park. 班级: 姓名: 一、读一读,选一选。 ( )1. This is my friend. She_ a kite in the park. A. fly B. flies C. to fly ( )2. In autumn, he goes_ under the tree. A. fish B. to fish C. fishing ( )3. I_ school. My home is near my school. A. take a car B. ride a bike C. walk to ( )4. My brothe

34、r sleeps_ the tree. Its cool. A. under B. on C. in 二、选词填空。 1. - _ (Where / What) is your book? - Its in the bag. 2. In autumn, my sister_ (fly / flies) kites in the park. 3. -Are some apples_ (in / on) the tree? -Yes, they are. 4. In summer, he swims in the_(lake / park). 5. In_(spring / winter), he

35、 walks in the snow. 三、连词成句。 1. is, ruler, Where, your ( ? ) _ _ 2、goes, the, tree, fishing, My, brother, under (.) _ _ 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module 9 Unit 1 班级 姓名 一、 默写 26 个字母的大小写(50 分) 二、选择填空:(50 分) ( ) 1.Sam has got _. A. bike B. the bike C. a bike ( ) 2.He goes to work _. . A.by car B.by a car C.by the car

36、 ( ) 3.I have got a new book. Its _ animals A. for B. about C. of ( ) 4._ a new book, Amy? A. Have got you B. Have you got C. Do you got ( ) 5.Ms Smart _ a car. A. doesnt have got B. hasnt got C. havent got ( ) 6.She_to work. A. walks B. walk C. by walk ()7.In windy days, I _ school by bus. A. go B.

37、 go to C. goes ( ) 8.Have you got a pen ? Yes, I_ .或 No, I _. A. do ,dont B. has, hasnt C. have ,havent ( ) 9.She_to school by bus. A. goes B. go C. going ( ) 10.Mr Smart goes to work_ car. A. take B. by C. for 三年级下册英语当堂训练 Module 9 Unit 2 班级 姓名 一、根据提示,写出选项。(35 分) 1. I _ (有) a bike . A. have got B. has got 2. She _ (步行) school . A. walk B. walk to 3.How do you _ (去学校) ? A. go to school B. goes to school 4.My mother goes to work _ (乘公共汽车) . A. by car B. by bus 5.Mr Wang goes to work by car _(每周一). A. on Mondays B. on Saturdays 6. My sister has got a _ (新的外套) . A. new


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