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1、启东市王鲍小学五年级英语备课 执教者:张敏敏单元:Unit 2 课题: A new student 课时: 2 课型: 新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标1. 学生通过联系Story time,归纳并深入理解关于句型:Is there a?Yes,there is./No there isnt ./Are there any?Yes,there are./No there arent . How manyare there?There are/ is及楼层表达句:Its/Theyre on the floor.能运用这些句型描述相关事物。2. 学生通过举例、观察、拓展掌握基数词与序数词的概念及区

2、别。3. 学生通过阅读小诗,了解小诗的内涵,感悟字母c在单词中的发音,并能写出他们的音标。(二)能力目标1. 学生逐步学会观察、总结和运用的学习策略。2. 在小组合作学习中,能通过读感悟读音,并准确地写出、读出它们的音标。(三)情感目标 学生能根据不同国家的文化特点,正确地表达楼层。【教学重点】 学生在自主观察归纳后,通过交流、归纳和运用掌握本课的知识目标。【教学难点】 正确理解掌握some与 any, there is/ are , 并灵活运用How many句型在情境中。【教学准备】录音机,教学挂图或PPT或实物投影。【课前先学】 1.再读Story time, 试着有感情地把故事讲给你的

3、家长们听,家长评价:好 (检查后打钩) 一般 还需加把劲儿 2.对照Story time,理解Grammar time中的语法: 谈论“有没有”单数物品用句型: 谈论“有没有”复数物品用句型: 问多少时,用句型: 要注意How many+名词复数+are there?There are/ is 表达单数的“有”用: ,表示复数的“有”用: 3.再读Grammar time , 体会onefirst, twosecond, threethird的区别与联系。One/ two/ three表示: 词。 First/ second/ three表示: 词。 4. 听读Sound time ,画出不会

4、读的词,查字典,记下它们的音标,试着读准它们(Alice/ cinema).反复跟读录音,直到能正确地朗读小诗。试着美美地读给家长听一听吧! 家长评价: 好 (检查后打钩) 一般 还需再练习 【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Show the Sound time of Unit 1.2.S:Im a little teacher. Teach the new word Alice/cinema.Step 2. Presentation & PracticeSound timea. EnjoySound time(Listen to t

5、he tape).b. Try to follow the tape.c. Try to read by themselves.d. Read in groups.e. Show in class.f.Read and experience the pronunciation of the letter C. g. 学生举例含有字母C发/s/的单词.h.Try to read these new words. cent city face police(在小组活动时,由组长把关完成ticking time 4)Grammar time 1.Is there a.+介词短语?Yes,there

6、is./No there isnt ./Are there any+介词短语?Yes,there are./No there arent . isnt =is not arent =are not Learn these grammar, we can follow these steps.a.T&S: Read these grammar, we know.(S:说明)。b. Find examples from the story.c. Read the examples.d. Use these sentences to talk about the picture ofAsk and

7、answer(书P20).S: Practice in groups, then show in class.(在小组活动时,由组长把关完成ticking time 2)Grammar time 2.How many +名词复数+are there? There are/ is学法同Grammar time 1.Grammar time 3.Its/Theyre on the +序数词 floor. its=it is, theyre=they are.a. Talk about Yang Lings school.(Theres a/anIts on the floor./Therere s

8、omeTheyre on thefloor.)b. T: Do you know about first/ second/ third ?S: Try to say like first is 第一.它是一个序数词。T:出示先学题Who can tell us about the relationship between one /two /three and first /second/ third ?The Culture timec. Listen and try to understand these sentences.d. Learn the word ground / grand

9、 /. Try to read and learn from each other: the ground floor the first floore. Talk about a building. If its in the UK,how can we talk about? If its in the US,how can we talk about?S: Theres a Its on the floor. Therere some Theyre on the floor.(在小组活动时,由组长把关完成ticking time 3) Step 4. ProductionShow sch

10、ool of P18 and enjoy it.S: Use the key sentences to talk about their school.Summarize all the details S:根据板书来谈谈这几个句型在运用时的注意点。 以学生小组展示的方式引入本节课,既给学生热身的时机又能对字母C在单词中的读音学习起到温故而知新的作用。 课前在黑板一角写上单词Alice和cinema,及其音标,训练学生认读音标的能力,学生先独立拼读准备,再大胆站起来读一读,可能有错就互纠。读得好的来示范,带领大家准确地读出来,教师可适时指点拼读方法。 在先学中,已布置学生预习小诗,为了照顾下中

11、下等学生,让学生跟读后,多花时间在小组读的准备上。通过优生的引领,全体学生都能参与英语学习活动,有在班上展示的机会。教师在学生活动时监督指导,关注中下等学生的参与情况,在小组展示时,特别要注意中下等学生展示机会的均衡性。 这个语法教学中,教师要引导学生大胆去发现语法规则,如果学生不能很快发现,可以通过举例老师做的两道判断题,来引导学生发现。1. How many chairs are there? How many chair are there? 2. How many chairs are there in the classroom? How many chairs is there i

12、n the classroom? 最后学生能归纳出:How many +名词复数+are there?There are/ is. 学生用此句型谈论Yang Lings 学校,可能不会流利表达,可提供句型框架辅助。 学生谈one,two,three与first,second和third 的关系,如果还是理解不清楚时,可以利用简笔画来帮助学生自我理解,如: three Third 也有可能学生在表达序数词时少了the,如果出现这种情况,教师立即写下学生的话,让其自己发现或者让大家与书上的句子比较,在观察比较中发现问题,自我纠正。教师让学生拿出自己设计的学校来和大家分享,提示运用板书中的重点句型来交流,学生可能一下子不会熟练表达,可先请优生示范下,再组织小组练习后展示。 生生、师生互相补充。作业设计Talk about school pictures of the other students in your book P18 with your partners. Pay attention to in the UK or in the US .Do some other exercise.教后反思


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