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1、中考英语单词拼写题解题技巧,注意“两个确定”,即“确定单词”和“确定形式”。,()读懂句意,确定单词 1. 确定符合句意的单词,例 1 The f_day of the week is Sunday,irst,2. 要分析应填词充当的句子成分,正确判断应填词的词性。,例1 He is a writer of rich i_(想象) 例2 Darwin based his ideas on s_(科学) experiment. 例3 Our teacher has o_ (组织) a class trip to the Great Wall.,magination,cientific,rgani

2、zed,(二)瞻前顾后,确定形式写出单词后,还要注意分析该单词是否需要变化形式。,1. 名词 一般考虑单、复数和所有格。,例1 Do you like white?We have shirts of different c_.,olors,例2 September 10th is T Day.,eachers,2. 形容词和副词 以及“级”的变化。,例1 He was very a_ with the man up- stairs and began to shout, “Stop singing!”,例 2 On Sundays,children play h_ in the park.,n

3、gry,appily,形容词or副词 ; 原级、比较级、最高级 1. Your plan sounds _ (有趣的). 2. When he heard this, he became even _ (生气). 3. He runs as _(快) as Jim. 4. Hainan is the second _ (large) island in China. 5. He does _ (差的) in math in our class. 6.This blue car is _ than the red one . 7. He does his homework as _(carefu

4、l) as Jim.,interesting,angrier,fast,largest,worst,bigger,carefully,3. 五种 :动词原形、第三人称单数形式、现在分词,过去式和过去分词。,例1 Thank you very much for l_me your bike. !,ending,例 2 When he was ten,he became i _ in maths.,nterested,1. They are _ (读)English in the classroom. 2. He often g_ to school by bike. 3. I will _ (接

5、) him at the railway station. 4. He f_ off a tree yesterday and hurt himself. 5. He has _ (借) the book for one week. 6. The watch is m_ in Japan. 7. _ (种植) more trees is good to our environment. 8. I prefer to go out for a walk rather than _ (看) TV at home,reading,oes,meet,ell,kept,ade,Planting,watc

6、h,进行时,一般现在时,将来时,一般过去时,现在完成时,被动语态,V-ing 当主语,固定搭配:prefer to do rather than do,例1 There are t_ months in a year,例 2 December is the t month of the year.,4. 数词 注意确定用基数词还是序数词。,welve,welfth,例3Jack is busy preparing for a party to celebrate his sisters _(twelve) birthday. He wants to give her a big surpris

7、e.,twelfth,5. 代词 主要从人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词和疑问代词几方面考虑,有时还要考虑用单数还是用复数。,例 1 Help y_ to some fish, Jim.,ourself,例 2 “Help y_ to some fish please. ” Mrs Green said to the twins.,ourselves,常用单词,四季:spring春;summer夏;autumn秋;winter冬;season季 月:January, 一月; February, 二月; March, 三月; April, 四月; May, 五月; June, 六月; Ju

8、ly, 七月; August, 八月; September, 九月; October, 十月; November, 十一月; December, 十二月。 星期:Sunday, 周日;Monday, 周一;Tuesday, 周二;Wednesday, 周三;Thursday, 周四;Friday, 周五;Saturday, 周六。Sunday是一周的第一天, Saturday是最后一天。,人称代词,基数词和序数词,onefirst twosecond threethird fivefifth eighteighth nineninth twelvetwelfth twentytwentieth

9、 (thirty, forty, fifty.都变y为i加 eth.) 另外,“四十”forty; 无字母u. “第九”ninth无字母e.,常见国籍、人与语言的对应,China“中国” Chinese(无复数形式)“中国人(的)/ 中文(的)/ 中国的” a Chinese/ two Chinese“一个 / 两个中国人” Japan, Japanese 和此类似。 England“英国(原义:英格兰)” (= Britain) English(无复数形式)“英国人(的)/ 英语(的)/ 英国的” He is English.(前无冠词)= He is an Englishman.(前有冠词

10、)“他是英国人” 注意复数:They are English. = They are Englishmen. (变为men),France“法国” French(无复数形式)“法国人(的) / 法语(的) / 法国的” The lady is French. (前无冠词)= The lady is a Frenchwoman.(前有冠词) 注意复数:The ladies are French. = The ladies are Frenchwomen. Germany“德国” German“德国人(的) / 德语(的) / 德国的” The boy is a German. (前有冠词) Th

11、e boys are Germans.(复数加s.) America“美国” American“美国人(的)/ 美国的” He is American.(前常无冠词) They are Americans.(复数加s),易写错词形,noise(名词)“噪音”; noisy(形容词); noisily(副词) health(名词)“健康”; healthy(形容词); healthily(副词) luck(名词)“运气”; lucky(形容词)“幸运的”; luckily(副词) succeed(动词)“成功”; success(名词); successful(形容词); successfully(副词) save(动)“救”; safe(形)“安全的”; safety(名)“安全,安全场所”safely(副) “安全地” true(形)“真的,对的”; truly(副)“真正地”; truth(名)“真理, 事实” terrible(形容词)“难受的,可怕的”; terribly(副词)“可怕地”,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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