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1、上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 OneOne【20112011 届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】 Part 2Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and VocabularyPhonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇)(第二部分语音、语法和词汇) V. Choose the best answer(V. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,共

2、选择最恰当的答案,共 2626 分分) ) 31. Arthur would like to write _ article on English Spelling Opening for the school newspaper. A) aB) theC) /D) an 32. We all respect policemen and firemen because they think more of others than _. A) themB) themselvesC) theirD) theirs 33. Jack has thought of several ways of so

3、lving the problem but _ of them works. A) bothB) allC) neitherD) none 34. Clowns(小丑们) attracted the attention of the crowd _ wearing colourful clothes. A) byB) withC) onD) at 35. This foggy morning all the students arrive at school on time, _ Helen who has a high fever. A) besidesB) besideC) exceptD

4、) except for 36. Being buried in the mine was terrible _ the 33 Chile miners( 矿工) never gave up in a time of trouble. A) althoughB) soC) forD) but 37. Its Joyces _ to organize our schools Got Talent( 达人秀) next week. A) knowledgeB) responsibilityC) emotionD) ceremony 38. Miss Mary _ her voice so that

5、 the students sitting far away could hear her clearly. A) roseB) risesC) raisedD) raises 39. Its going to rain. Youd better _ t he windows open when leaving the classroom. A) leaveB) not leaveC) to leaveD) not to leave 40. Louis and I visited Shanghai Science&Technology Museum _ during the summer ho

6、liday. A) sometimeB) sometimesC) some timeD) some times 41. The policemen worked very hard to keep the 2010 Shanghai World Expo _. A) safeB) safelyC) safelyD) save 1 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 42. Nowadays science fiction isnt as _ as cartoons amon

7、g teenagers. A) most popularB) more popularC) popularD) less popular 43. The doctors have tried _ to save the wounded people after the big terrible fire. A) something possible C) possible something B) everything possible D) possible everything 44. _ exciting news that Chinese Womens V olleyball team

8、 won the gold medal again! A) WhatB) What anC) HowD) How an 45. Susans short-term aim is _ a journalist for Shanghai Students Post. A) becomeB) to becomeC) becomingD) becomes 46. Drivers must be very _ the traffic signs and rules. A) pleased withB) familiar withC) strict withD) busy with 47. -Tom do

9、esnt know how to make certain faces come to life in his comic strips. -_. A) So do I.B) So am I.C) Neither do I.D) Neither am I. 48. Linda and her father _ each other for months before they met yesterday afternoon. A) havent seenB) didnt see 49. -Excuse me, whats this for? -Its a cleaner and it _ to

10、 pick up the dirty things. A) usesB) is usedC) is usingD) has used C) hadnt seenD) wouldnt see 50. It is important to know that your brain stores memory _ you are asleep. A) beforeB) untilC) thoughD) while 51. When the summer camp came to an end, the students felt sad. The underlined part means “_”.

11、 A) got backB) came trueC) was readyD) was over 52. Nearly all the boys in our school are keen onfootball. The underlined part means “_”. A) interested inB) good atC) harmful toD) bad for 53. -Must I book the flight ticket to Australia by phone? -No, you _. You can also do it online. A) mustntB) nee

12、dntC) cantD) couldnt 54. -Sorry Im late, for my bike broke down suddenly on my way here this morning. -_. 2 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 A) Thats all rightB) Thats right 55. Do you know whom _? A) does this jacket belong to C) this jacket belongs to

13、B) is this jacket belong to D) this jacket is belonging to C) All rightD) Youre welcome 56. -Would you mind my using your printer for a while? Mine doesnt work now. -_. A) Never mind.B) Certainly not. Keys:31-35DBDAC 36-40DBCBD 41-45ACBAB 46-50BCCBD 51-56DABACB C) Take it easyD) I dont know TwoTwo【2

14、0122012 届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】 Part 2Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and VocabularyPhonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇)(第二部分语音、语法和词汇) II. Choose the best answer(II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,共选择最恰当的答案,共 2020 分分) ) 31. The soldier ran down the stairs, two attime. A) aB) anC) th

15、eD) / 32. Computers are super calculators, we usually callelectronic brains. A) theirB) theirsC) themD) themselves 33. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was held in Westminster Cathedral _ April 29, 2011. A) inB) onC) atD) by 34. I still feel hungry after eating two rice dumplings. Co

16、uld you please give meone? A) the otherB) otherC) anotherD) others 35. It is reported thatof the fruits in that supermarket are from Hainan Island. A) two thirdsB) two-thirdsC) two-thirdD) two three 36. -Which book do you prefer? -is OK. I like reading all kinds of books. A) NeitherB) EitherC) BothD

17、) None 37. If you saveevery day, youll be able to buy a mobile in a year. 3 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 A) a littleB) littleC) a fewD) few 38.useful suggestion you have given me! A) How 39. The black suitcase isthe red one. Ill take the red one. A)

18、so expensive as C) more expensive as B) much expensive than D) much more expensive than B) WhatC) What aD) What an 40. The boy checked his test paperin order to get full marks. A) enough careful C) careful enough B) enough carefully D) carefully enough 41. We will go to Happy Valley tomorrowit rains

19、. A) untilB) whenC) unlessD) if 42. To our surprise, weenjoy a half month holiday hi January in 2012. A) shouldB) canC) mustD) need 43. We feel sothat China has sent its first space laboratory, Tiangong-1 into orbit successfully. A) excitingB) excitedC) exciteD) excitedly 44. Peterany money from his

20、 parents because he has found a good job and can earn money by himself. A) neednt toB) doesnt need toC) doesnt needD) neednt 45.the World Expo was over, a lot of visitors still go to the China Pavilion to enjoy themselves and take photos. A) AlthoughB) SinceC) WhenD) As 46. The suspect admittedthe v

21、aluable vase after the detective showed him the proof. A) stoleB) to stealC) stealingD) steal 47. Miss LiEnglish in this school since she moved to this city from her hometown. A) taughtB) has taughtC) was teachingD) had taught 48. Parents often expect their childrenall the things that they couldnt d

22、o in the past. A) didB) doingC) to doD) do 49. -Youd better read English newspapers more often if you want to improve your reading ability. 4 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 - A) Thats good.B) It doesnt matter. D) Thanks. Ill take your advice.C) Im afra

23、id not. 50. - Im terribly sorry for being late, David. -, but dont be late next time. A) Never mind Keys:31-35ACBCB36-40BCCDD41-45CBBCA46-50CBCDA B) You are rightC) Thats rightD) Its a matter ThreeThree【20132013 届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】 Part 2Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and VocabularyPhonetic

24、s, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇)(第二部分语音、语法和词汇) II. Choose the best answer(II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,共选择最恰当的答案,共 2020 分分) ) 31. As we all know, cormorant fishing is more than _ thousand years old. A) anB) aC) /D) the 32. The Greeks have taken everything with _ except for a wooden ho

25、rse. A) theirsB) theirC) themselvesD) them 33. Pansy hasnt got the answers _ Kens questions. A) byB) toC) forD) with 34. Youve got so many books. Could you please lend me _ to read? A) anythingB) anyC) somethingD) some 35. _ Jack _ Mike can go to the meeting because one of them must stay in the clas

26、sroom. A) Not onlybut also C) Bothand B) Neithernor D) Eitheror 36.The class teacher made a _ speech at the parents meeting yesterday. A) wonderB) wonderfulC) wonderfullyD) wondered 37. John realized the danger and he decided immediately _ to do next. A) howB) whatC) whenD) where 38. The red bus goe

27、s _ the blue car, so Jack will go to work in the blue car. 5 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 A) much slowly thanB) so slowly as C) even more slowly thanD) much more slowlier 39.Too much homework makes the students _every weekend. A) to studyB) studyC) s

28、tudiedD) studying 40. We wont be able to catch the bus _ we hurry up. A) ifB) andC) thenD) unless 41. -Shall we go to the station to meet our cousins? - I m afraid you _. They will take a taxi by themselves. A) shouldB) canC) mustD) neednt 42. The girl in red looks as _ as the pop singer. A) beautif

29、ullyB) nicelyC) lovelyD) sweetly 43. A detectives job is to protect the innocent _ find the guilty. A) as wellB) butC) so well asD) as well as 44. The two boys were walking along the river _ they heard a shout for help. A) althoughB) sinceC) whenD) as 45. At first the student denied _ video games in

30、 class. A) playB) to playC) playingD) play 46. They _in Beijing for the meeting for another three days. A) have stayedB) stayedC) are stayingD) will stay 47. This evening, Mrs Black plans to collect _ information about her subject. A) quite a fewB) huge amounts ofC) a number ofD) quite many 48. _ am

31、azing news it is to learn the Korean star will come to Shanghai! A) HowB) What aC) What anD) What 49.- If you are in trouble, make sure to call the police. -_ A) Im happy to hear that.B) I dont know. C) I will. Thanks a lot.D) I have to think about it. 50. - Mum, Im going to take part in an English

32、reading contest tomorrow. 6 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 - _! A) CongratulationsB) Thats right Keys:31-35BDBDD36-40 BBCBD41-45 DCDCC46-50 DBDCC C) Good luckD) Work hard FourFour【20142014 届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】 Part 2Part 2Phonetics, Gramm

33、ar and VocabularyPhonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇)(第二部分语音、语法和词汇) II. Choose the best answer(II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,共选择最恰当的答案,共 2020 分分) ) 26. The serious haze ( 雾霾)caused many problems. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) / s i :

34、ris/B) /si : ris/C) /seris/D) /siris / 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A) She looked confident, but in fact she was very nervous. B) I was excited to hear that I had passed the driving test. C) Cars had to be driven slowly because of thick f

35、og. D) Jill hid his sisters bike to play a trick on her. 28.Would you like some_? No, thanks. Im not hungry at all. A) snackB) appleC) soupD) bread 29. After the visitors arrived, the manager showed_ around the product exhibition room. A) theyB) theirC) themD) themselves 30. You may feel that time g

36、oes by very quickly when you do_ interesting. A) somethingB) anythingC) nothingD) everything 31. The Great Green Wall can stop the wind and sand_ moving to the rich land in the south of China. A) fromB) withC) atD) on 32. Mother put a blanket over the sleeping baby to keep him _. 7 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 20

37、11-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 A) quietlyB) gentleC) warmD) slowly 33. To reduce food waste, we should only order as _ as we need and try to eat it up. A) muchB) moreC) mostD) few 34. You _ drive so fast, for we have enough time to arrive at the station. A) cantB) must

38、ntC) needntD) shouldnt 35. _eager these volunteers are to help the police look for the missing boy! A) WhatB) What anC) HowD) How an 36. Could you tell me_ it is from the nearest bank to your office? About 10 minutes walk. A) how longB) how farC) how soonD) how much 37. He lost his key, _ he had to

39、wait for his wifes return in the cold. A) andB) orC) forD) so 38. Id rather _half an hour to work than drive a car. Driving less can reduce air pollution. A) rideB) ridingC) to rideD) to riding 39. Lucy is so shy that she dare not invite her classmates to practice_ with her for the New Year Party. A

40、) dancingB) danceC) to danceD) to dancing 40. _ I have been to Italy several times, I know a lot about it. A) IfB) AlthoughC) AsD) Unless 41. Jerry told me he _on an old mans eyes in the hospital this Sunday. A) will operateB) would operateC) operatedD) has operated 42. Alan took photos of his frien

41、ds when they_ with children in theorphanage(孤儿 院). A) had playedB) playedC) are playingD) were playing 43. Before the bridge _, the local people had to reach the other side by ferry. A) is builtB) will be builtC) was builtD) has been built 44. Would you like to go camping with LIS this weekend? _. B

42、ut Im busy with my homework. A) No, thanksB) Thank youC) Id like toD) Thats a good idea 45. Mum, theres something wrong with my alarm clock. Could you wake me up tomorrow 8 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 morning? _ , dear. A) No problemB) Thats all rig

43、htC) Go aheadD) Of course not Keys:26-30DBDCA31-35ACACC36-40BDAAC41-45BDCCA FiveFive【20152015 届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】届上海市浦东新区初三英语一模试题】 Part 2Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and VocabularyPhonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇)(第二部分语音、语法和词汇) II. Choose the best answer(II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,

44、共选择最恰当的答案,共 2020 分分) ) 26. Which of the following words matches the sound /keis/? A. kissB. cakeC. caveD. case 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. We should think of a plot when creating a comic strip. B. The fish are removed from the birds m

45、ouths by Damin. C. Yesterday a bank robbery happened at the end of the corner. D. He was so shocked that he could hardly say a word. 28.Guide dogs helpblind walk free in the street. A. aB. anC. theD./ 29. A healthy diet is essentialeverybody. You should care more about what you eat. A. forB. toC. in

46、D.about 30.A friend of mine usually sells some vegetables and shareswith his family. A. anotherB. otherC. the restD. the other 31. My mother is a creative cook, so she often cooksfor me every weekend. A. anything differentB. nothing different C. something differentD. everything different 32. As peop

47、le get older, their short-term memory becomesand they cant remember things clearly. A. badB. worseC. betterD. good 33. When an earthquake happens, you should go outside asas possible. 9 上海市浦东新区上海市浦东新区 2011-20192011-2019 届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择届初三英语一模试卷题型分类专题汇编:语法选择 A. quickB. quickerC. more quicklyD.

48、 quickly 34. Jenny often thinks of herself,her sister, Mary is very friendly to others. A. soB. butC. andD. or 35. The old man still coughed a lothe took some medicine. A. ifB. sinceC. becauseD. although 36. The summer holiday is coming, so he decidesto Beijing for his holidays. A. goB. to goingC. goingD. to go 37. The thief deniedthe


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