2014届高考英语一轮复习 精选阅读理解文章六十篇(42).doc

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1、瑞典某店主设计音乐盒棺材瑞典一位音像器材店主设计了一款带有内置扬声器的棺材,扬声器连着远程播放器,逝者的亲友可以随时在网上更新播放器中的曲目。这样不但可以帮助逝者的亲人寄托哀思,也能让逝者在地下继续享受音乐。A Swedish man has designed a coffin with built-in speakers linked to a music playlist that can be updated by the living.Music and video equipment store owner Fredrik Hjelmquist said his hi-fi coff

2、in would entertain the dead and provide solace(安慰,慰藉) for grieving friends and relatives by making it possible for them to alter the deceaseds playlist online.We dont know, right? But then people believe in different ways in different parts of the world, Hjelmquist told Reuters television when he wa

3、s asked whether a belief in life after death was what would lead someone to buy his coffin.In Sweden perhaps we dont believe in it, but in many parts of the world people believe in a different way, he said.He planned to be buried in such a coffin, he added, and would choose opera for his long sleep.

4、 He has not sold any of his coffins, but there have been many enquiries, he added.The price tag is a hefty 199,000 Swedish crowns ($30,700).Weve had an unbelievable amount of inquiries, not so much in Sweden, but many from the United States and Canada, he said.Ozzy Osbourne should buy one I think or Keith Richards. Somebody ought to do it because this is really rock n roll I think.but at the same time beautiful, he said.2


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