中考模拟试题 听力原稿及参考答案.doc

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1、 中考模拟试题听力原稿及参考答案第一节 听下面的8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。1. M: What do you think is the most helpful invention, Rose?W: Its difficult to say. The TV, the telephone, the computer, the calculator, But I prefer light bulb.Q: What does Rose think is the mos

2、t helpful invention?2. W: Jim, how do you usually go to school?M: By bus. Its far from my home.Q: How does Jim usually go to school?3. M: Which would you like to drink, tea or coffee?W: Neither. Some milk, please.Q: What does the girl want?4. M: My dictionary is at home. May I use yours?W: Oh, sorry

3、. Ive lent it to Emma.Q: Whos using the dictionary now? 5. M: Whats your favorite invention?W: The shoes with adjustable heels.M: Why?W: Because I can change the style of the shoes.Q: What are they talking about?6. W: When did you come to China from Canada?M: Last year.Q: Where did the man come from

4、?7. W: Jim, will you please clean your bedroom after supper?M: But, Mum, I just clean it yesterday.Q: When did Jim clean his bedroom?8.M: May I have a look at the menu, please?W: Here you are, sir. Ill be back for you order in a minute.Q: Where are the two speakers talking?第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个

5、小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题W: How was your visit to the doctor yesterday?M: Great! The doctor said that I was in good health. ButW: But what?M: But he said I needed to lose weight.W: Hes right. Did he tell you how to lose weight?M: There was nothing out of the common

6、. He didnt say anything unusual but asked me to stop eating rich food and do more exercise.W: Thats good advice. Why dont you take up a sport?M: Im not interested in any sports.W: Interest can be changed. Health is the most important thing.M: Let me think it over. By the way, what are we going to ha

7、ve for supper? Would you make fried fish and chocolate cakes?W: Dont you remember the doctors words?Q:9. What did the doctor say about the man?10. Why doesnt the man do sports?11. What does the man want to eat for supper?听第二段材料,回答第12至14小题M: Mary, what language do you speak besides English?W: I speak

8、 German.M: Ah, do you speak it well?W: Yes, very well. I can write it, too.M: Any other language?W: I can speak a little French. But I cant write it at all.M: A little French. You cant write it.W: Yes.M: And do you want to join our beginners Japanese class?W: Yes, very much.M: Well, it isnt easy, yo

9、u know. Its very different from English, German and French.W: I know, but I want to do it.Q:12. How many languages can the woman speak?13. What do we know from the conversation?14. What does the man think of Japanese?听第三段材料, 回答 第15至17小题。M: You speak English well, Li Hong. Where do you learn it?W: I

10、speak English at home every day and I have to do that.M: Why? You are Chinese.W: We have a guest named Tom from America. He has stayed in my home for two years.M: Two years?W: Yes. He came to China to learn Chinese.M: So you need to speak more Chinese to him at home.W: We have always wanted to, but

11、he never understands until we speak English to him.M: How can he learn Chinese in this way?W: He cant. But my families learn to speak English.Q: 15. Where does Li Hong learn her English?16. What language does Tom speak more in Li Hongs home?17. Why did Tom come to China?听第四段材料,回答第18至20小题W: Good morn

12、ing, doctor.M: Good morning, Mrs. White. Well, whats wrong with the boy?W: Hes my son, Mike. He has a headache.M: Did you take his temperature?W: Yes, he has had a fever.M: Let me look him over. Well, Mrs. White, I think he has a bad cold.W: Shall I keep out of school?M: Yes. Its better for him to s

13、tay at home and have a few days rest. Take this medicine on time and he will feel better soon.W: OK, thank you, doctor.Q:18. Who is Mrs. White?19. Whats the matter with Mike?20. What will Mike have to do?听第五段材料,回答第21至25小题I have some ways to learn English for you. I am sure they will help you to lear

14、n English more easily and with more fun.First, be interested in it. Try to find something interesting about English study, such as listening to or singing English dongs. Second, dont study for long. Studying for 15 minutes each day is much better than studying for 2 hours once a week. Third, learn b

15、y reading. Read English texts as often as you can. They can be news, short stories and so on. Fourth, learn by watching movies. Choose your favorite movies. Have paper and a pen in your hand as you may want to write down useful words or phrase. Fifth, give yourself a prize. Believe in yourself. When

16、 you make progress, give yourself prize.Q:21. What does the speaker think of his ways of learning English?22. Whats the first piece of advice?23. How long should you learn English each day?24. What do you need when you learn English by watching movies?25. What should you do if you make progress in l

17、earning English?参考答案1-5 CBABA 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 ABACB 16-20 CAACA 21-25 BCBBA26-30CBCBC 31-35BDBCA 36-40BCBDA 41-45CBABD 46-50CACBA 51-53ACB 54-56CDD 57-60ADCD 61-65DBACF66.was heard to knock at the door67.secret of success is never to give up68.do you think of the mobile phone that he bought69.made

18、a decision to be a person who can think about others.70. so many people deciding to spend their time and money in order to continue71.look for chances to talk with people in English72.that you donated should be used for helping the homeless people73.swimming 74.express 75.nor 76.legs 77.better 78.used 79.Finally 80.from81.off 82.both 83.practice


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