冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 7:Lesson 40 Body Language. 教学设计 (1).doc

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1、Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 40 Body Language 教学设计课 题Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson40 Body Language课 型Reading&Speaking课 时One教材内容分 析本课取自冀教版八年级下册英语第七单元Know Our World, 本课通过对比和比较的手法,简单介绍了几种肢体语言在不同文化背景下的含义。要求学生在掌握相关词汇和句型语法知识的同时,了解其背后的文化内涵,以便恰当地运用。学 情 分 析八年级的学生,经过了初中近两年的英语学习之后,部分学生成绩稳步提高,但是我校为农村中学,极大部分学生底子太薄,

2、基础知识不够扎实,阅读能力比较弱。本班学生思维深度不够,比较沉闷。这就要求教师在授课的过程中,不但要注意知识的传递和学习,更要注意教学方法的多样性和灵活性,通过合作等方式采取变通灵活的教学策略,以把所有学生的注意力都吸引到课堂学习上来,既可以让前者深入发展自己的能力,也可以帮助后者夯实基础,逐渐进步。教 学 目 标知识目标1.学习并掌握本课出现的新词汇:European, kiss, nod, polite, shake hands, in different ways. 2.学习有关肢体语言22学习学习教能力目标1. 培养学生听、说、读的技能,以阅读为主能理解文章内容。2. 培养学生能将所学

3、的语言知识运用到实际中去,并能简要介绍各国的肢体语言。情感目标1. 对不同肢体语言能有更深刻的了解。2. 乐于了解世界文化和不同肢体语言的含义。乐乐教学重难点11. 了解不同的肢体语言在不同文化下的不同含义;12. 学会介绍自己知道的肢体语言; 3. 掌握表述肢体语言常用的重点句型; 4. 对比和比较在说明文中的应用;教 学方 法创设情境、合作探究、自主学习、师生互动教 具多媒体 、卡片教 学 过 程 与 步 骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1GreetingsGreet the students:Good morning ! boys and girls. Nice to meet you

4、, Im very happy to share a lesson with you.Make a short conversation with the teacher.通过师生自由交流,创造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。 Step 2Lead -inShow some picturesT: As we all know, its good manners to greet each other when we meet someone. So what do you usually say when we meet someone?T: Good, but how can we greet some

5、one without speaking or using words?T: Do you want to know more about body language?(2mins)S: HI/Hello/How are you!Answer the questionsBody language (So we can communicate with spoken language, written language and body language.) 通过展示图片和师生问答来激发学生对肢体语言的兴趣进而引出本课话题。Play a video about body language and

6、 ask Ss to describe and act.(3mins)Read together(Body language is gestures or body movements and facial expression that show other people what we are thinking or feeling.)通过视频激发学生学习兴趣和参与热情,鼓励学生积极思考,主动探究。Step 3Presentation& Practice1. Fast readingActivity one: Read the passage quickly and do T or F(3

7、mins)Read quickly(Whole class)快速阅读训练学生获取主要信息的能力,有助于学生了解全文内容,把握文章总体框架及主要内容。2. Careful readingActivity two: Read the passage carefully and fill in the table.(6mins) Read the passage silently and carefully.(Whole class)引导学生分析文本,抓住关键词,概括文章细节,通过填写表格培养学生的理解能力和概括能力。3. Listening Activity three: listen and c

8、onsolidate the passage.Use one or two sentences.(3mins)Listen and find the main idea of the whole passage.(whole class)在学生阅读文本的基础上,用听力的形式唤起学生对课文内容的回忆,从整体上把握文章主要内容。Step 4Production1.Act and guessCharades(一个比划,一个猜)Divide Ss into 4 groups ,one student show the body language, other students guess the me

9、aning.2.Say what you do when you-(3mins) Act and guess(group work)培养学生运用所学知识,提高学生英语口语表达能力;准备好卡片,让小组内几位学生上台用肢体语言将卡片内容表现出来,通过小组活动锻炼学生的合作精神1. Discussion Ask Ss to discuss what to say and what to do according to different situations(3mins)(Situation1: You are inviting a penfriend from India to have dinn

10、er at a restaurant(饭店) Imagine what will happen.Situation2: You are visiting in another country, and you want to cut hair, but you have difficulty in communicating. How can you communicate with the barber with body language? ) (6mins)Think and discuss in groups ,then act it out.Make up a dialogue in

11、cluding body language.(discuss in groups and do role-play)通过讨论的方式,让学生能够充分发挥想象力,大胆的用语言表达出来,锻炼学生的语言表达能力。Step5Summary1.Make a conclusionT: What can we learn from the passage? Body language is very important in our daily life, it has different meanings in different cultures. When we are visiting other c

12、ountries, we should follow their customs. That is to say, when in Rome, do As the Romans do.2.Enjoy a song together (3mins) Do a summary (the whole class)通过让学生自己总结本文所学,是对文本的巩固和升华,同时提升他们文本的理解及表达能力,让学生学以致用,从而增强其学习英语的信心。Step6homeworkWrite a story about body language通过完成作业的方式让学生对本课知识进一步巩固。板 书 设 计 Body L

13、anguageCommunicate communication shake hands nod A thumbs up kissSpoken language Body language is gestures or body movements and facial expression that show other people what we are thinking or feeling. Written languageBody languageExercise 1 Read the passage fast and write T or F 1.In some European

14、 countries, people like to kiss each other to show friendship and love.( )2.Nodding your head means “yes” and shaking your head means “no” everywhere in the world. ( )3.A thumbs-up means “well done” in Germany.( )4.When Americans wave goodbye, it looks like “no” in some European countries. ( ) Exerc

15、ise 2 Read the text and complete the table. GesturesMeaningsCountriesShake handsGreeting, friendship and trust1._2._Friendship and loveIn some European countiesNod ones head3._In most placesno4._Shake ones head5._In India6._In most placesthumbs-up7._In many countriesNot polite8._9._In Japanone10._Ex

16、ercise 3: Listen to the tape carefully and find the main idea of the passage.Body Language is not_ in all cultures. But one body language is the same _.That is : _,try it, and youll see it.Exercise 4. Discussion Discuss in groups and try to make a dialogue.Situation: Two friends havent seen each oth

17、er for two years . Now they meet at a party. 范例:A: Hi, Li Tao. long time no see! Hows everything? (拥抱)B: Oh, Great! Zhang Hua, We havent seen each other since you went to America. Tell me something about your new school.A: OK, You know , American students like to use body language to express themsel

18、ves . B:It sounds interesting! Can you take some examples ?A: Of course , such as , thumbs up , angry ,tired and so on. (做动作)B:WOW, I like it. Would you like to tell me more about America?A: Yes. I hope we can get together for the whole day and I can tell you something interesting at my new school in America.C: What are you doing ? Li Tao, Zhang Hua, Come and join us .B: OK, let go.请参照范例编一个对话:


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