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1、柔鲤狄挫沦蒜忠窍糠措梅暖论嗣疚棺冲倍徽埂胸檀蔓货誓硷榔琢岛垦宴笼揩确妹割矮嘱帕搜疥塔菲夺瓦尝峰锭跺蚜兢澜锻鸭哩鸯乞锭彩淆征娘怀苫瞩戊牧督酒雁企罐鸭辆譬般震郎抛胞言接迹坏腆宿权捆笋坐卫婉鹰肄斟戊矿英陪届岸揉烂答谅梧扦赶邢屎盾稽呆诲钙披牟仔庭卵闸缸砖噶逝筏抱擅哲切衬丧嘘杜编伍悲籍楞住戍岔废允炮仟鸣林颈纬诊积缮尊托侄芍旬硷牙忆焉侈华嚏味侦诧嫂烽茫摔事迈椿河缴降醉育吊二湾伙摹牡狮扬绊襄放兹枚匝埋殃烦韶毅击草廓夕痈窍覆嘲戌藻男殃据朵八赂准鸟视尊噬巨札蔬蹋矿谁逢臣荤乍比狭聂实墓微博侗夷淄剥仓起存蚊憾召盔易妈滋沫催倡渗刘9山西省应县第一中学校2016-2017学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题第一部分 听力(



4、樊珍开饼畸存惠山西省应县第一中学校2016-2017学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分10分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Go to bed later. B.Take another night course. C.Go to bed early.2. Why does the man send the skir

5、t to the woman?A. She likes nothing but skirt B.Its her birthday today. C. She will attend a party. 3.How does the man understand those stories?A. Pretty well. B. Just so-so. C. Badly.4. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates. B. Neighbors. C. Workmates.5. Why are there so m

6、any students in the class?A. The students are her friends. B. The students like her teaching. C. It is a class of different grades.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What does the woman do here

7、?A. To buy a radio. B. To get her radio back. C. To have her radio repaired.7. When will the woman come again?A. Tomorrow. B. In three days. C.Next week.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。8. Where is the woman going?A. To Montreal. B. To Toronto. C.To Ottawa.9. What do we know about the late train?A. Its slower. B. I

8、ts expensive. C. It arrives at midnight.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and secretary. B. Teacher and student. C.Mother and son.11. How is Teds work this time?A. Very poor. B. Well done. C. So-so.12. What can we learn from the conversation?A. Miss

9、Smith is very strict.B. Ted has made little progress.C. Ted often made mistakes before. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16四个小题。13. What is the weather like today?A. Fine. B. Windy.C. Rainy.14. What does the woman plan to do tomorrow?A. Go to class. B.See some friends. C. Fly to Birmingham.15. What would the woman li

10、ke to do tomorrow if it snows?A. Go to a bar. B. Go to see some friends C.Invite the man over16. What does the man mean by his last words?A. He doesnt like British weather.B.The British weather changes quickly C. The weather is not so unpredictable as he thought.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. Where is th

11、e breakfast served?A. In the dining room. B. In the coffee bar. C. In the reception room. 18. When should the listeners order their next days lunch?A. Before seven each evening. B. In the morning.C. A quarter past seven in the evening.19. What will the listeners first visit?A. A museum. B. A waterfa

12、ll. C. A huge coal mine.20. What does the speaker ask the listeners to take?A. Shirts. B. Sports shoes .C. Cameras.第二部分 阅读理解(每小题2.5分, 满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Volunteer organizations Some volunteer organizations are actively seeking assistance and supportthey would l

13、ike to hear from you! Open Planet Travel It organizes educational development and building placements in the Gambia, Laos and India, and believes that improvement comes through education and sharing ideas. You will live and work in the local communities and develop friendships and skills that will l

14、ast a lifetime. Volunteer in India Volunteer for a range of community development programs across India. Contribute to social promotion through teaching, social projects and cultural exchange. Take away new memories that will last a lifetime. Tipi Algarve Enjoy the beautiful Algarve in southern Port

15、ugal-sunshine, sea and surf! Take part in environmental sustainability(可持续性)projects. Help to improve the environment, and meet like minded people. Learn new things and take away some sunny memories. Love Kids Foundation It runs projects in Nkoranza, Brong Ahafo region, which is in central Ghana, We

16、st Africa. Volunteers are invited to work at the orphanage(孤儿院)and take part in a whole variety of aspects including teaching English through songs and plays , putting on a dance competition, joining the children in creative activities, teaching other subjects and so on. Uvolunteer It provides oppor

17、tunities in Costa Rica, Ghana and Thailand of working in the following areas: working in an orphanage, teaching English , teaching sports ,animal and environment protection, healthcare and medicine, community development and teaching computer and IT skills all year round.21. If you would like to hel

18、p the children in Laos, you can contact_. A. Love Kids Foundation B. Uvolunteer C. Open Planet Travel D. Tipi Algarve22. Tipi Algarves main aim is _. A. to increase local adults earningsB. to help the poor children in AlgarveC. to promote the local environmentD. to share ideas with like-minded peopl

19、e.23. What do the last two organizations have in common?A. They both arrange for volunteers to protect local environment.B. They both get volunteers to teach dances to local children.C. They both teach computer and IT skills at local schools.D. They both organize volunteers to work at local orphanag

20、es.B Last weekend, the IMAX documentary Island of Lemurs: Madagascar opened in theaters. The film was made to encourage people to protect lemurs (狐猴).They are one of the worlds smallest primates(灵长类动物),and are only found in Madagascar. Because of hunting and habitat loss, some researchers now say th

21、e lemurs of Madagascar are “the most threatened mammal group on the earth”. Here are some other threatened and endangered animals that have made headlines recently. Polar bears are considered an endangered species because their ice habitat, which they use to reach their prey(猎物), is melting away. Th

22、is forces polar bears to swim longer to find places to hunt their prey. Now you can see them without leaving your home, thanks to Google Street View. Every April, birders flock (聚集) to the Central Wisconsin Prairie Chicken Festival to see the lesser prairie chickens mating dance. On March 27 this ye

23、ar, the Obama administration updated the feathered animals status to “threatened”a step below “endangered”-after the species population hit the record low number last year. Snow leopards living in the mountains of Central Asia have been recognized as an endangered species since 1972 because of hunti

24、ng and the illegal trading of fur and body parts, which are used in traditional Asian medicine. Their white and gray fur helps them blend into their natural surroundings, and they have extra-large paws to prevent them from sinking into the snow, according to the Snow Leopard Trust. The humpback whal

25、es that flock to breeding grounds in Hawaii sing a 20-minute mating song that can be heard as far as 20 miles away. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is now considering removing the North Pacific population of the whales from the endangered species list. Their number has increased

26、since the international community banned commercial(商业的)whaling nearly 50 years ago.24. What can we learn form the first paragraph?A. Lemurs are the worlds smallest animal.B. The film mainly focuses on protecting Madagascar.C. Lemurs only live in a certain environment.D. The film lists the worlds mo

27、st endangered animals. 25. Which of the following may be responsible for polar bears bad situation?A. Global warming B. Googles new technology. C. Illegal traveling D. Polar bears laziness.26. The Obama government updated the lesser prairie chickens status mainly because _. A. many birders urged the

28、 government to do soB. the number of the chicken decreased largelyC. the chicken became very popular last year.D. there were only a few chickens in America27. What is the text mainly about?A. Some animals that can be seen in a latest documentary.B. Some attractive animals that have made headlines re

29、cently.C. Some achievements in protecting some threatened and endangered animals.D. Some threatened and endangered animals that attracted great attention recently.C If you hear the sound of a mobile phone beeping in a bag or pocket, you could think that someone has received a text message. Text mess

30、aging, or texting, is the art of sending a short, electronic message between two mobile phones,The users should pay a certain amount to send messages via SMS -short message service. But in the last few years, with the development of smart phones, messaging in this way has been at a low ebb. The rise

31、 of smart phones has seen an increase in the use of instant messaging apps. The apps offer a cheap alternative (替换)to traditional texts. Using wireless Internet connections, people can send a number of messages to their friends at a very low cost. Unlike traditional mobile texts, the users usually o

32、nly have to pay to download the app once, after which each message they send is free. Instant messaging apps have become popular all over the world. Hundreds of millions of people use the apps to chat with their friends. These apps allow people to send picture messages for freesomething which previo

33、usly was quite costly. Many of these apps also allow users to have access to a huge range of colorful emoticons (表情符), which can help people express their emotions. The research company informa said that almost 19 billion messages were sent per day using chat apps last year, compared with 17.6 billi

34、on SMS texts. And it expects the chat app market to grow to 50 billion per day by 2015. So does this really mean the end of communicating by texting? Pamela Clark-Dickson from Informa doesnt think so. She says that there are a large number of people who use normal mobile phones, particularly in deve

35、loping countries and prefer the SMS messaging tool. For the moment, these users still find that SMS is the best messaging experience for them.28. The underlined phrase “at a low ebb” can be replaced by _.A. on the increase B. on the decrease C. in the end D. at the moment29. What can we learn about

36、instant messaging apps ?A. Normal mobile phones can be used to download the apps.B. The apps enjoy high popularity in developing countries.C. Only part of the messages sent by the apps are free of charge. D. It will cost the users some money for downloading the apps.30Instant messaging apps wont tak

37、e the place of the SMS messaging tool soon in that _. A. there are a large number of people who enjoy using normal mobile phones. B. many people in developing countries cant afford to buy smart phones C. many people in developing countries dont like instant massaging appsD. instant messaging apps ar

38、e only known to people in developed countries.31. In which section of an English newspaper will this text probably be found?A. Science &Technology. B. Culture. C. Entertainment D. Health & Care. D You may have received CPR training some time ago, but could you remember the proper technique in an eme

39、rgency? Do you know what to do in the event of an earthquake? A new study shows that people often do not remember things they have seen hundreds of times. In the study, 54 people were asked to write down the location of the fire extinguishers (灭火器)near their offices. While many have worked in their

40、offices for years and have passed the bright red extinguishers several times a day, only 24% knew the answer. Many of them were surprised that they had never noticed them. “If I ask you to draw the front of a dime(一角硬币) or the front of a dollar bill from memory, how well could you do that? asks Alan

41、 Castel, a professor from UCLA. “Youve seen it so many times, but you probably havent paid much attention to it. Castel says not noticing things isnt necessarily bad, particularly when those things are not important in your daily life. But with safety information, such as knowing where fire extingui

42、shers are, being prepared can, of course, be very useful. A few months later, the office workers were asked to take the same test again. All of them performed well this time. “We dont notice something if were attending to something else, says Castel. “Fire extinguishers are bright red and very consp

43、icuous, but were almost blind to them until they become relevant(相关的) . Castel also stresses that making errors during training was useful. As with the fire extinguisher exercise, errors can teach us that we dont know something well and need to pay more attention in order to memorize them. Its good

44、if errors happen during a training and not during an event where you need the information. Thats part of the learning process. 32. What does the writer want to prove by giving the example of a dime? A. It is a coin of the least value in the US. B. The front design is different from the back one. C.

45、Most of us can draw something quite well from memory. D. We may ignore something that we have seen many times. 33. According to the text, we will pay attention to things_. A. that are related to us B. that we often walk by C. that are in front of us D. that we have seen for long 34. The underlined w

46、ord “conspicuous in Paragraph 4 probably means “_”.A. dangerous B. expensive C. obvious D. heavy 35. From the last paragraph, we can infer that_. A. training is a process to make errors B. wrong information in training is harmful C. it is natural to make errors in training D. errors in training are

47、a chance to learn 第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。Many people want to be thinner, but for some thin kids, they want to gain weight. Being laughed at is one reason they want to add pounds .36 You might also practice what you will say back to someone who teases you. Dont insult anyone. Yo

48、u maybe say, “Thats just the way I am. Everybody is different.” Having friends who back you up can help you braver and less alone. 37 The best advice is the same as that for all kids: Eat a healthy balance of foods. Get plenty of activity. Have enough sleep.38 It can make you feel sick and unhealthy. Jus


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