冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 7:Lesson 40 Body Language. 教学设计.doc

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《冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 7:Lesson 40 Body Language. 教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 7:Lesson 40 Body Language. 教学设计.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、英语教学设计教材:冀教版英语八年级下册课题:Unit 7: Know our world Lesson 40: Body Language一、教学内容Unit 7: Know our world Lesson 40: Body Language二、教学目标1. Enable the students to read and spell the new words and expressions.2. Enable the students to know how to express their feelings with body language.3. Encourage the stud

2、ents to learn about the different meanings of different cultures in the world. 4. Encourage the students to know the importance of body language.5. Encourage the students to face their life with smile.三、重难点1.European,kiss,nod,polite,shakehands,greet cheek,thumbs-up,lip,rude,Italian2. The different c

3、ultures of body language between different countries.四、课前准备Cards and tape-recorder五、 教学运用情景交际法、 游戏法等。六、教学手段:多媒体演示、PPT演示、歌曲游戏及肢体语言的应用。七、教学过程Step1. Warming upGreet the class: Hi, Im Annie, whats your name, please? Nice to meet you! How are you? Whats the weather like today? Do you often write to your

4、friends? Do you often call your friends? Do you know any other ways of communicating? Do you think it is possible to communicate with others without speaking? Now I point my face, its red, and do the action“Im hot.”我没有说话,仅仅做很热的动作,学生就知道我想表达的意思,引出身势语,并告诉学生身势语是非常有趣的,它就在我们身边。Step2. Enjoy some pictures让学

5、生欣赏一些身势语图片,感受我们身边的身势语,加强对身势语的理解。Step3. Game time提前准备好的英语卡片,让一位学生看英语卡片,然后做动作,让其他学生去猜他/她想表达的意思。Step4. New words and expressions1. 给下列单词化化妆。country(复数) European(名词) India(形容词)Japan(形容词) different(名词) polite(反义词)polite(副词) same(反义词)Australia(形容词)Italy(形容词)2.Doyouknowthe followingexpressions?1bodylanguag

6、e2shakehands3greeteachother4kisseachotheronbothcheeks 5nodheads6shakeheads 7athumbsup8pointto9wavegoodbye10Itspolite/rudetodosthStep5. Listen and answer1. 听课文,用简单的语言总结本课身体语言。_2. Listen andanswerthequestions. 1. Howcan people communicate without speaking?2.Whydopeopleshake hands with each other in Ch

7、ina?3. Howdopeopleshowfriendshipandlove insome Europeancountries?4.How do Indians express “yes” and “no”?Step6. 情景交际The world has many different cultures. When you are inStep7.合作探究小组合作探究问题,并表达自己的看法。Do you think body language is important? Why?可能用到的词汇:commutate, understand, express oneself easily, fr

8、iendship, cooperate between countries. Step8.提高升华1. 再次强调国家之间的文化差异,让学生感受到身势语的重要性,并理解入乡随俗。2. 学生认识到微笑的魅力,并能微笑面对生活。Step9. Exercise(操练单词和短语)1.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.greet nod rude polite European cheek1. Karen like to be at school early to _ her classmate in the

9、 morning.2.I cant understand why she is so _to her mother.3. They kiss each other on both _ when they meet.4. Its not _to talk about strangers in public.5. When I asked him, he said nothing but simply _.6. Germany in a(an) _ country. 2.根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Sometimespeoplecommunicate _(不用说话).2.Peopleoften_

10、 (点头) toshow“yes”.3.Weshouldsaytoourteachers_(有礼貌地)4.Insomeplaces,peoplepointtothings_(用他们的嘴唇)5.Asmileisthesamebodylanguage_ (全世界)Step10. Homework1. Recite the new words and expressions in the text. 2. You can search more information about body language on the internet.Step11. Enjoy a song“If youre

11、happy and you know it”学生跟着唱,并做动作,歌曲能给我们带来快乐。八、板书设计Unit 7: Know our world Lesson 40: Body Languageshakehandskisseachotheronbothcheeks nodheadsshakeheads athumbsuppointtowavegoodbye九、教学反思:1. 本节课内容环节紧凑,活动丰富多彩,有图片,动画更能吸引学生的学习兴趣。2. 英语课堂要严谨也要挺松快乐,整个课堂充满了快乐气息,学生能够表达自己的想法和观点。3. 教师身势语用得恰到好处,能够感染学生。4. 对多媒体课件存在依赖性,还不能很自然的衔接每一个环节。5. 不能准确把握时间,学生做练习的时间不充分。6. 评价学生的语言过于单一,丰富多彩的激励性语言更能激发学生的学习欲望。


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