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1、沪教版五年级英语上学期单词拼写提升练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择恰当的字母或字母组合补全单词。( )1.nat_reA.uB.aC.e( )2.bu_dingA.liB.ilC.ol( )3.are_tA.eB.aC.n( )4.th_r_A.e,eB.e,aC.e,r( )5.f_endA.irB.riC.re2. 看图写词。1. I like_.2. There_a_in the_.3. There_some_in the box.3. 根据中文及句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。(1)Mybrothercanswimvery_(好).(2)Youare_(这么)heavy.(3)Eleph

2、antshavebig_(身体).(4)Thetwopicturesonthewallare_(都)beautiful.(5)Therabbit_(有)ashorttail.4. 选用括号内的单词填空。1.Sheoften_(do/does)herhomeworkontheweekend.2.Ican_(sing/sings)Englishsongs.3.Johnoften_(play/plays)ping-pongafterschool.4.Hecan_(do/does)somekungfu.5. 看图选择正确的字母组合补全单词。6. 讲单词重新排序,组合成新单词,并写出中文含义。(1)a

3、o n l g_ _(2)f f t r a c i _ _(3)i g r t h _ _(4)l r i b a r y_ _(5)s h i o p t l a _ _7. 看图补全句子。1.Your_isreallynice!2.There_abig_.3.There_anice_.4.Thereisa_onthe_.8. 补全单词。9. 把所给字母排序,组成单词,并写出中文。1. p, t, c, l, a, i _, (中文)_2. k, s, e, a, p _, (中文)_3. e, h, t, S, U _, (中文) _4. h, t, e, K, U _, (中文) _5

4、. w, t, s, e _, (中文) _6. s, e, t, a _, (中文) _10. 补全单词。1. Im very sad b_ its snowing again.2. D_ some water, please.3. We can m_ a s_ in winter.4. Miss White is angry. S_ she is t_ colin not to be late again.11. 按要求写出下列各词。1.stand(过去式)_ 2.use(形容词)_3.man(复数)_ 4.there(对应词)_5.cannot(缩写形式)_12. 按要求写单词。(1)t

5、ell(现在分词)_ (2)talk(现在分词)_ (3)sing(现在分词)_ (4)do(现在分词)_ (5)want(单三形式)_ 13. 写出单词。1. Your cousin usually _(finish) his homework before dinner.2. Kitty, the cat is _(sleep) under the chair.3. He _(get) up late and didnt need to go to school.4. My father _( know) me well.5. He does well at school,and he a

6、_ does well at home.14. 填上适当的单词,首字母已给,每线一词。1. There are a lot of s_in the cinema. We can sit on them.2. Here are my m_geese. She feeds them every day.3. I dont like this dress. Show me a_one.4. This nice toy bear is for h_.5. Please be quiet! The baby is a_.6. My father is a Chinese teacher. My mother is a maths teacher. Theyre b_teachers.15. 补全单词。1. _ _nt 2. old_ _ 3. _ _ cle 4. y_ _nger 5. c_ _sin6. sh_ _ter 7. gl_ _ses 8. t_ _ler 9. gr_ _ 10. f_ther4 / 4


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