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1、西吉县第一小学英语电子备课教学设计学科英语年级六年级课题Unit 1 How tall are you?Part A课时共( 5 )课时 第( 1 )课时一次备课教师杨金鸽二次备课教师温克强审批人杨金鸽授课时间2021.02.24教学目标1.能听、说、认读dinosaur, hall, metre, than, both等单词。2.熟练掌握“Its taller than both of us together. Im taller than this one. How tall are you? Im 1.65 metres.”等句子。教学重点学会询问身高及表达身高的句型:How tall

2、are you?Im 1.65 metres.教学难点1.能读准than等单词的发音。2.能运用比较级的句型,并能根据某一情境运用形容词比较级进行问答。教学准备1.单词卡片2.录音机及录音带或教学光盘3.多媒体课件4.卷心尺(或其他可测身高的仪器)教学过程一次备课二次备课教师活动学生活动辅助资源设计意图检测导入(5)分Step 1:Warm-up1. Oral practice.T:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talk. Whos your art teacher? Whats he / she like?He

3、 / She is thin and short.(复习形容词thin, short, tall, old, young, funny, strong, kind, active等。)Ss: We are fine. Thank you. And you?T:Im fine, too. Thank you.(PPT准备不同科目教师的照片)激发学生的学习兴趣,为后面的学习做好铺垫。PPT准备不同科目教师的照片导学探究(25)分Step2:Presentation 1.(Lets try)2.教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。3.师生共同核对答案并跟读。4.教读本课时词汇和重点句型。(Lets ta

4、lk)5.课堂问答。(1)教学句型:How tall are you? Im metres.教师指着身高测量仪或卷心尺,问一个比自己高的学生:I am 1.64 metres. How tall are you?教师板书:How tall are you?然后教读,接着学生齐问,教师回答并板书“Im 1.64 metres.”。指导学生书写句子,学生跟读几遍后做开火车问答练习。(2)教学句型:Im taller than this one.教师接着问比自己矮的同学,用同样的方法教Youre shorter than me. Im taller than this one.板书:Youre ta

5、ller than me.引领学生跟读并指导书写。小组活动: 学生互问身高,并用“Youre taller / shorter than me.”练习新学句子。课件出示A和B两人图片(可以是明星,也可以是熟悉的老师或同学),问:Who is taller? 再点一下鼠标边说边出示句子:A is taller than B.教师示范说,学生练说。对重点句型进行演练。当学生说错时进行提示,说对时进行鼓励。6.比年龄。7.同桌之间互相朗读对话,并在不懂的地方做记号。8.学生在小组内进行提问与答疑,教师可适时提供帮助。9.请学生翻译重点句子并做好笔记,全班齐读对话。10.播放录音,学生跟读。词汇:di

6、nosaur, hall,metre, than, both。句型:Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Its taller than both of us together. Im taller than this one.How tall are you?Im 1.65 metres.T:How tall are you?(教师问比自己高的学生)S:Im 1.66 metres.T:Im 1.64 metres.Youre taller than me. Youre shorter than me. Im taller than this on

7、e.6.(1)Set an example.T: Boys and girls. We are one year older than last year. How old are you now?S1: Im 12 years old.T: What about you?S2: Im 12, too.T: Oh,Im 35 years old. Im 23 years older than you. (2)Group work. Students ask each other and practice the sentences in group.教师提供听力背景:The students

8、are in the museum.并引导学生看题,做出猜测。身高测量仪或卷心尺帮助学生读懂题目要求,逐步引导学生学会听前预测听力的重点内容。再次听录音核对答案,师生就录音内容进行对话练习通过问题引导学生观察并讨论图片,借助图片预测教学内容,培养学生的观察能力和逻辑推理能力。通过预测教学内容激活已有知识,并提取与文本有关的知识,进入文本话题教师板书:How tall are you?然后教读,接着学生齐问,教师回答并板书“Im 1.64 metres.”。测评反馈( 6)分Step3:Consolidation and extension小小配音员。教师播放Lets talk的动画,两名学生分

9、别扮演Zhang Peng和Mike,给动画配音。小小调查员。教师示范,引导学生小组内做调查,完成表格。并能根据表格数据进行对话总结。示范如下:T: How old are you?S:Im 13 years old. What about you?T:Im 35 years old. Im 22 years older than you.S: Yes. Im 22 years younger than you.T: How tall are you?学生利用两组替换图提供的替换信息改编对话,教师可把学生分组展开竞赛,看哪组同学能正确组织对话并尽可能多地运用学过的语言。Show the que

10、stions on the PPT. (出示课件) Students read the dialogue and try to answer the question教师示范,引导学生小组内做调查,完成表格。并能根据表格数据进行对话总结。小结拓展(4 )分课堂小练习。(PPT展示)(1)可以全班同学一起做;再找学生回答。新语言点可详细讲解。(2)给学生时间独立完成练习, 再核对答案。5.课堂总结。Work in groups of four.Ask and write down the answers in the chart.Then try to make a report.Create

11、a real situation to develop students comprehensive languageusing ability.Work in groups of four.Ask and write down the answers in the chart.Then try to make a report.板书设计Unit 1 How tall are you?talltaller oldolderThats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.Its taller than both of us together.How tall are you?Im 1.65 metres.


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