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1、2.MusicMusic, we may say, is the art of organizing sounds. Music is a rhythmic poem that inspires, a harmonious tone that tranquilizes, and a melody of mystery and beauty. There are many kinds of music. Since we have different ideas of what is beautiful, we have our choices from the magnificent comp

2、ositions of music masters like Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, and Wagner, to the popular songs and tunes of the common music-hall. Only people of educated musical taste can appreciate the former, and only they find no pleasure in the latter, while the common people are bored with what is called classical

3、music, and find pleasure only in what musicians would call vulgar tunes. However, good music often has a wonderful effect upon the feelings of even ignorant people. One poet has said, “Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.” Soft and sweet music soothes the wearied, the sad, the restless, an

4、d grand music will fill strong men with great ambitions; the regimental band puts courage into the hearts of troops; the solemn hymns fill the worshippers with reverence. Indeed, as the poet Dryden once asked, “What passion cannot music raise and quell?” 音乐可以说,音乐是组织声响的艺术。音乐是触动灵感的韵诗,是抚慰心灵的谐音,是神秘而美丽的曲

5、调。音乐有多种类型。由于审美观的不同,人们对音乐有不同的选择。有的人爱好音乐大师贝多芬,巴赫,肖邦,瓦格纳所创作的气势磅礴的音乐,有的人钟情于普通音乐厅的流行歌曲。 音乐大师的宏伟作品只是受过音乐品味教养的人才懂得欣赏,他们从流行歌曲中找不到任何乐趣;平民百姓则对所谓的“古典音乐”感到枯燥无味,他们只能欣赏音乐家门称为庸俗的曲调。 不管怎样,美妙的音乐即使对平庸无知的人也常常产生奇特的影响。一位诗人说过:“音乐具有抚慰野蛮心灵的魔力。” 柔和甜美的音乐抚慰疲乏,伤心和不安的人;雄浑的音乐使强者雄心勃勃;军乐使战士鼓足勇气,庄严的颂诗使礼拜者充满恭敬虔诚。的确,正如诗人德莱顿曾经说过的那样:“有哪一种激情是音乐所不能激发或平息的呢?”


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