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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks? Period 1: Section A 1a 2dTeaching aims :1. Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words:how much, sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar, big, small, short, long,2. Learn these words and be able to say and read these words:c

2、lothes, store, price, sale3. Be able to ask about prices and talk about clothing like How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars.I like this big purple hat. Teaching key points:1. New words.2. Target language. 教学设计备注Step 1. Warning-up and revision (1)Dai

3、ly greeting to the students(2)Revision: Revise the words of colors. Watch and listen to the song of colors. Get the Ss to remember the words of the colors. Ask some students to speak out the words of the colors in the song and spell them. Step 2New words presentation. 1 . Teacher says: , “Hello, eve

4、ryone! Today we shall take up Unit 7 “How much are these pants?” 2. Present the new words: clothes, store, skirt, sweater, T-shirt, socks, shoes, trousers, shorts T: Look at these pictures and tell me what are they? Get the students to answer, “Pants, T-shirt, shoes, sweaters.”2. Clothes show.T: Hel

5、lo! Boys and girls, welcome to Miss Zhous store.We have many new fashion clothes. Welcome the models.(six students make a model show )T: Now lets look at the models. Whats this?T: And what are these?T: Very good! Do you like them? Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to buy them? Ss: Yes.T: Do you know the meanin

6、g of “buy”? Ss: 买.T: Yes, you are right. Read after me.T: Do you know how to say “卖” Ss:T: Ok, I will tell you. “sell” read after me.Step 3. New language presentation.1. What do we use to buy clothes?(RMB, dollar, pound)2. Show some pictures and practice.T: Look, the price of this sweater is ten dol

7、lars. So how much is this T-shirt ?(a skirt/ a hat)Ss: Its ten dollars.( $ 12/ $ 6 )T: These pants are fourteen dollars. How much are these pants?(shots/ socks)Ss: Theyre fourteen dollars.( $ 8/ $ 4 )3. Summarize. How much is + 单数名词? Its .How much are + 复数名词 ? Theyre .Step 4. Work on 1a.1. T: Now, p

8、lease open your books and turn to page 37. Look at 1a. You can see a picture of a store and some words we learned just now. Please read the words 2. Match the words with the pictures 3. Check the answers in pairs like:Step 5. Work on 1b.(1) Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a.

9、(2) Listen and read after the record.(3) Get the Ss to guess what the questions mean.Step 6. Work on 1c. Pair work. 1. Point to the target language:A: How much is ?B: It is dollars. A: How much are ?B: They are dollars.Ask the Ss to look at the picture in 1a and tell them what the word sale means. T

10、hen the Ss make their conversations in pairs after the sample. Ask some pairs to act out. Step7. Challenge your memories. Ask the Ss to look at the picture and try to remember the things and the prices. Then ask: A: How much is ? A: How much are ?Step 8. Presentation 2. 1. T: Whats this in English?

11、(showing a picture of a hat) S: Its hat.T: What color is it? S: Its white.(Teacher helps the Ss to answer like: Its a white hat. Its a small white hat.)2. Help the Ss to pronounce the new word small by reviewing ball and call.3. Present the other new words in this way. Get the Ss to talk about the p

12、ictures in pairs, following the sample.Step 9 Work on 2aGet the students to look at the pictures and listen to the recorder and follow it.Step 10 Work on 2a and 2b.(1) Ask some Ss to describe the pictures in 2b.(2) Listen and circle the things.(3) Listen and fill in the price tags.(4) Check the answ

13、ers in pairs like: This big purple hat is 5 dollars.Step 11. Work on 2d . Ss talk about the things in the pictures, following the sample in 2d. Ste p 12. Summarize and homework.Period 2: Section A 2e 3cTeaching aims 1. Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words:need, woman, loo

14、k, take, pair, a pair of2. Be able to offer help and talk about clothing and prices like Can I help you? I need a sweater for school.What color do you want? It looks nice.Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.Ill take two pairs. Here you are.教学设计备注Step 1. Warning-up and revision.

15、1. Daily greeting to the students2. Revision: Revise the new words and structures learnt in the last period. T: What are these?3. T: Describe them. Whats this? Ss: Its a big black hat. 4 T: Please ask and answer about their prices. A: How much is the big black hat? B: Its 3 dollars. Step 2. Presenta

16、tion. 1. Present the new words: a pair ofT: Look at the black trousers, we can also call them a pair of black trousers. (Get the Ss to guess what a pair of means. And then ask some of the students to speak out the others: a pair of white short, a pair of small yellow socks, a pair of big brown shoes

17、. ) 2. Talk about the picture in 2e. Introduce the people in the picture and learn the new word, woman. T: Where are the people in the picture?Ss: They are in a clothes store. T: Who are they?The girl is Mary. The woman is the seller in the store. Step 3. Work on 2e.1. Listen to the conversation. As

18、k: What does Mary want? 2. Read after the record.3. Ask the Ss to underline the parts that may be changed when buy some other thing.4. Study the notes on P61 & 62. And then do the translating exercise.5. Summarize.售货员提供服务的表达法:Can I help you? (回答:Yes, please. I need sth. )What can I do for you? (回答:I

19、 need/want sth.)说明价格时:Its three dollars for two pairs of socks. 价格 + for + (数量 +) 物品 决定购买时说:Ill take it/them/two .(回答:Here you are.)6. Help the Ss to make another conversation.(Before class, prepare some pictures of the clothes or other things and some money.)7. Ask the Ss to make up new conversatio

20、ns in pairs.8. Get some pairs to act out their own conversations. Step 4. Grammar Study. 1.Read through Grammar Focus. 2. explain:(1)How much is + the /this / that + n. Its + 金钱. How much are + the / these / those + n. They are + 金钱。(2) 关于钱 币单位美元 :_符号:_一美元:_ 二美元:_ 元: _ 符号:_一元: _ 二元:_ (3)拓展:还有哪些提问价格的

21、句型? Whats the price of the ? Its + 金钱。Step 5. Work on 3a. 1. T: (Showing a white T-shirt priced nine dollars on the screen) What color is this T-shirt? Ss: Its white. T: Yes. How much is this white T-shirt? Ss: Its nine dollars. (Write this white T-shirt on the Bb)(Showing a pair of black socks pric

22、ed two dollars on the screen).T: What color are those socks?Ss: Theyre two dollars. T: Yes. Those black socks are two dollars. (Write those black socks on the Bb) Note: the/this/that/these/these(等限定词)+ 表颜色的形容词 + 名词2. Now lets look at the words in the three boxes. Let some Ss read the words in the bo

23、xes.Now can you make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes? You should pay attention to the single or plural form of the words. First, you can make ten sentences. Ss ask questions using the words in the boxes then write down the words in the chart.3. Let some Ss read their questio

24、ns. Then check the answers.4. Let Ss say the rules: the/this/that + 表的颜色形容词 +名词单数 the/these/those +表的颜色形容词 +可数名词复数 5. Now lets make another ten sentences on your workbook. Step 6 . Work on 3b. 1. Look at the pictures in 3b. Theyre nice things. Do you want to buy them? Suppose you are a sales boy or

25、girl your partner wants to buy them. Ask and answer about the prices about these things in pairs.2. Who can make a model? Pay attention to the sentence structure: How much + is + the/this/that(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词单数? How much + are + the/these/these(等限定词)+ 表颜色的形容词 + 可数名词复数?Now first ask and answer a

26、bout the prices about the thing in the picture. Then write the sentences in the chart. 3. Ss write the sentences on the chart. The let some Ss read their questions and answers. Step 7 Pair work1. Work with your partner. You look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your books. Your part

27、ner asks you questions and you try to answer his/her questions. 2. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about things in the picture. Step 8. Homework(1) Write down one of your conversations between you and your partner like 2e.(2) Complete 3b on P39. Period 3: Section B 1a 2cTeaching aims:1 Learn these

28、words and be able to say, read and write these words:ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty2. Be able to say and read these words: buy, sell3. Be able to talk about clothing and prices like How much is the white bag? Its seventeen dollars.How much are these green sweaters?

29、They are only $12!Teaching key points:1. New words.2. Target language. 教学设计备注Step 1. Warning-up and revision.(1) Daily greeting to the students.(2) Complete the conversation. Woman: _Mary:Yes, please. I need a _ for school.Woman:OK. What color do you want?Mary:_. Woman: How about _?Mary:It looks nic

30、e. _? Woman: Nine dollars. Mary:_. How much are those _? Woman: _ and eight dollars for two pairs. Mary:Great! Ill take two pairs. Woman: _Mary:Thank you. Woman: Youre welcome.Step 2. Presentation.1. Review numbers from one to nine. 2. Work on 1a. Listen and read after the record.3. Summary: 1到12要死记

31、,13-19要加-teen,变形就是358,20-90后加-ty,23458要变,若是十位个位都要读,先读十位再个位,中间一横不要忘4. Listen and match the words in 1b with the numbers in 1a.5. Find out which rows of the numbers are in the wrong places.6. Study the Cardinal Numerals on P80.7. Present Chinese monetary unit, yuan.Show the pictures of some dollars an

32、d RMB. How much money is it? Its fifty-six dollars.How much money is it? Its twenty-one yuan.Step 3. A game: Who is the Lucky Star?Make the Ss guess the prices of the bag and shoes.T: How much is this red bag?SA: Is it 12 dollars? SB: Is it 22 dollars?T: Lets see who is right?T: How much are these w

33、hite shoes?SA: Are they 15 yuan?Step 4. Work on 1e. 1. Talk about the picture in 1d. Present the new word, sell. Whats this in the picutre? It is a clothes store. What does it sell? It sells How much are these things? 2. Get the Ss to look at the picture and ask and answer in pairs like the sample i

34、n 1e.Step 5. Work on 1c and 1d.1. Work on 1c. Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a and check the answers like: No. 1 is No. 2 is 2. Work on 1d. Listen and circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check the thing Kate buys.Learn the word buy.3. Get them to check thei

35、r answers in pairs first. A: They talk about B: Kate buys 6. Check the answers together.Ste p 6. Work on 2a.(1) Ss write their own answers in their books.(2) Ss check their answers in pairs like A: I think a skirt is 3 dollars.B: Yes, I think so. / No, I think its 15 dollars.Step 7. Reading.1. Show

36、a picture of a clothe store on the screen, teach Ss clothes store. 2. Show a pair of nice shoes with the price of only 20 dollars on the screen. Teach Ss at a good price. The shoes are at a good price. 3. Show some nice skirts priced at 10 dollars on the screen. Say: For girls, we have nice skirts f

37、or only fifteen dollars. 4. Show three pairs of socks with the price of 2 dollars. Say: The socks are only two dollars for three pairs. Ss repeat the words and sentences and try to remember the meaning. 5. Read the ad in 2b and fill in the price tags. Then, check the answers.6. Read again and comple

38、te the conversation in 2c.7. Check the answers all together. 8. Practice the conversations in groups of three.9. Get some groups to act out the conversation.Step 8. ChantRead aloud. How much is the sweater? Sweater, sweater, sweaterTwenty dollars, twenty dollars, its twenty dollars.How much are the

39、shorts? Shorts, shorts, shortsThirty yuan, thirty yuan, theyre thirty yuan.Step 9. Homework.Read the ad again in 2b and study the new words and expressions in it.Period 4: Section B 3a 3b & Self CheckTeaching aims:1. Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words:Mr., clothes, stor

40、e, buy, sale, sell, all, very, price, boy, 2. Be able to talk about clothing and prices like Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell our clothes at very good prices.We have green sweaters for only $15!Yellow sweaters are only $12!For boys, we have black trousers for only $22.For girls, w

41、e have skirts in purple for only $20.Socks are only $2 for three pairs!教学设计备注Step 1. Warming-up and revision. 1. Daily greeting to the students. 2. Revise the numbers from 1 to 99.Play a game. First, teach the Ss the word, clap. Then tell the Ss to do like this:Stand up. Then say the numbers one by

42、one like this:one, two, three, CLAP, five, six, seven, CLAP, nine, ten, eleven, CLAPIf you are right, sit down please. If you are wrong, keep standing. Wait for the next turn.3. Revise the key structures, numbers and yuan. Look at the pictures and ask answer in pairs. A: How much is this black hat?

43、: Its 14 dollars.: How much are these orange shorts? : Theyre 25 yuan.Step 2. Work on 2b. 1. Read the ad again and answer the questions.What is the name of the store? What does the store sell?How much are the sweater? Are the trousers for girls?Do they have any shorts? What color are the skirts?How

44、much are the socks?2. Translate some of the sentences in the ad. Help the Ss understand the text better. 3. Study the useful words and expressions in the text. Have a try to use them in some ways.Step 3 Work on 3a.Ss look at the things in the picture and fill in the blanks in the ad. Then they may r

45、ead their answers in their groups. Finally, get some students to read out theirs as examplesStep 4 Work on 3b. 1. If you want to start a Clothes Store. Whats the name of your store? Can you think of a name for your Clothes Store? (Ss discuss with their partner and give names of his or her own clothe

46、s store.) T: Now please tell us the name of your clothes store. Lets see whose store has a great name.S1: Fashion Kids S2: Liuxing Qianxian Store2. T: I think the names of your store are really great. But I think you should also have a great ad for your store. Then you can sell well. Look at the clothes in 3b. Try to write a great ad for your own store.3. Guide for writing. You may use these sentences: Come and buy y


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