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1、九年级上册Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic1 Pollution has caused too many problems.Section A 教学设计均川镇中心学校 杨小红联系电话:13677211992Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 1 Pollution has caused too many problemsSection A 导学案自学导思限时10分钟1、阅读教材27页1a,找出西山两年前与现在环境的不同之处。Two years ago, it was,there were,the air wasand you could see

2、but now,have gone, the water is and smells,there are severalpouringinto the stream,has changed.2、阅读教材27页1a,完成1c表格。学习目标知识与技能目标1、会读会写的单词和短语bee, butterfly, mess, shame, several pour, waste, villager, destroy, cut down2、掌握句型(1)You could see bees and butterflies dancing .(2)The flowers and grass have gon

3、e!(3)What a shame! Look, there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.(4)What has happened here? The villagers have destroyed them.过程与方法自主学习,快乐学习,合作学习,探究学习。通过对话,表演等形式。情感态度价值观。1、能够与同伴积极合作,快乐地完成学习任务。2、能够通过环境现状搞高自己的环保意识。3、能够发现并欣赏大自然的美丽,感受生活的真实与美好。一、自学反馈交流完善思考1:翻译下列单词及词组(1)蜜蜂

4、 蝴蝶 工厂 废水 污染 肮脏 羞耻 数个 村民 摧毁 (2)听上去不错 真脏 真遗憾 难闻极了 已经消失了 一切都变了 思考2:翻译下列句子:(1)有几座化工厂正往小溪里排放废水。 (2)但是现在花草都没有了。 (3)这儿发生了什么事?村民们破坏了它们。 (4)由于竹子变少,我已经饿了几个月了。 二、自主思考合作探究【探究一】谈论过去与现在环境的改变,找出对环境描述的表达。1、两年前我去过那里,那是一个漂亮的地方,有许多花草。那里空气新鲜,河水干净,而且你能看到蜜蜂和蝴蝶在飞舞。思考1:阅读教材27页/a,找出描写环境的语句。(1) (2) 思考2:听1a,完成1b,将P(过去)或N(现在)

5、标示这些词,小组内讨论并校对答案。思考3:读1a并完成表格中和句子,然后向同伴复述1a.【探究二】结对练习,看图片,仿照例子编类似的对话。思考1:教材28页2,看图编类似的对话。思考2:The villagers have destroyed them.The farmers have cut down the trees.The factory has polluted the lake.现在完成时态,助动词have/has+动词的过去分词。【探究三】听句子绘画图片标序号,并完成句子。思考一:教材28页3,听录音核对答案,完成B部分填空。思考二:谈论你所熟悉的一个地方的污染。三、自主归纳总结

6、回扣整理完善导学案,总结本节的规律方法、易错点,回扣目标的达成情况。四、自主检测( )1.I that village two months ago.A. visit B. visited C. am visiting D. have visited( )2.I left my pen on the desk just now and now it . A. is going B. has gone C. is leaving D. has left( )3.Dont make noise! There are several students over there.A. sleep B. s

7、leeping C. to sleep D. are sleeping( )4.There was a garden years ago. But now we cant see it. People _ it.A. will destroy B. have destroyed C. will protect D. have protected( )5.Trees are good for us. We must prevent anyone from .A. cutting up them B. cutting them upC. cutting down them D. cutting them down5、 作业布置 基础题:完成练习册Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A.附加题:谈论自己家乡环境这几年的变化。作业评价办法:完成情况好一般未完成分值


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