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1、Unit 4 Topic3 (Review) English Proverb:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Class Group Name Day Date Weather 【抽测】抽测完后,请给你的学习伙伴一个评价。抽测得满分者,可获得;测得满分且书写工整漂亮者,可获得。一请根据语境完成句子,每空一词1. Football _ often _ by him on the playground with his friends.2. Books _ often _ by me from the school library 3 The building _ _ by

2、 our school last year 4. David Beckham _ _ in February 1975 5 A meeting _ _ _ by the famous writer the day after tomorrow .6. A new supermarket _ _ _ in our city .7. Many man-made satellites _ _ _ _ into space 8. The letter _ _ _ by me at eight last night 二.情景交际。(A)选择句子,补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Could you d

3、o me a favor?B: Sure, 16 A: 17 But I dont know how.B: First, 18 then 19 at last, click on the save button to save the new document after you finish writing in it.A: OK, 20 A.Sorry, Im busy. B.Ill have a try.C.I want to do my homework on the computer.D.Close the document.E.click on it twice with the

4、mouse to open it,F.create a new document, G.whats up?(B)在横线上填入适当的单词,补全对话。A: Hi, Mingming, what are you doing?B: I am 21 TV.A: Do you 22 why we can watch TV programs 23 foreign countries?B: Sorry, I dont know. Why?A: Thats because of man-made satellites. B: Can they send and 24 messages?A: Yes, they

5、can. B: How useful they are! We must study hard to 25 the technology. 21._ 22. _ 23._ 24._ 25._三.完形填空。In 1997, Americans decided to launch two space probes (探测器). They were 26 Voyager I and Voyager. They sent 27 photos and facts about the more distant planets. Now they are traveling out in the galax

6、y(星系). Here are some facts about the Voyager spacecraft. The total cost of the Voyager mission(任务) is 865 million dollars. This 28 very expensive. But it is only twenty cents for each American each year. The television cameras of the Voyager are 29 powerful that they could read a newspaper headline

7、at a distance 30 one kilometer. But there arent any newspapers in space!Scientists have put a message on the Voyager spacecraft. We hope that someone will find it one day. But the Voyager will 31 40, 000 years to reach another solar system like ours, with planets. The message is on a special disc, a

8、 bit like a CD. The disc has sounds and pictures on it. There are thirty-nine sounds of the earth. Some of them are natural sounds, 32 the sea, wind, and thunder(雷声). Some are animal sounds, such as birds, dogs, and humans. Some are man-made sounds, like machines, buses, and trains. They also 33 on

9、music from many different countries. Finally there are 34 greetings from earth-people in fifty-five languages. There 35 a message in English from the president of America. There are also 116 pictures of the earth and its people. ( )26.A.call B.calls C.called D.to call ( )27.A.to B.back C.into D.up(

10、)28.A.is B.sound C.may be D.sounds( )29.A.so B.such C.too D.much( )30.A.at B.to C.of D.with( )31.A.costs B.spend C.pay D.take( )32. A.for example B.such as C.as D.likes( )33.A.take B.make C.put D.bring( )34.A.speak B.speaking C.spoke D.spoken( )35.A.is B.will be C.have been D.are 四(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

11、1.Before the meeting began, I made the necessary i_ 2.The students are doing e_ in the physics lab. 3.There is a supermarket b_ these mountains. 4.His teachers are full of p_ for the progress hes making.5.A scream (尖叫声) broke the s_ of the night.(B)根据句意, 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 want, lead, science, exam, do 6

12、.He did a lot of _ research before cloning the sheep. 7.They had physical _ after they l anded on the earth.五完形填空。Last Wednesday, Mr. Green took his class to the Space Museum. There 16 many things about space there. First, the children saw a film about space travel. They saw 17 the spaceship took of

13、f into space and landed on the earth 18 . It was very exciting and the children felt they were traveling in space 19 !After the film, Mr. Green took 20 to see some models of rockets and the shuttles. The models looked very real, but they were much 21 . 22 the children saw some moon rocks. Two 23 lan

14、ded on the moon in 1969, and they put up an American flag there. Then they took some rocks back to the 24 . 25 the children left, they also watched a video show about people living and working in a space lab. The people could stay in the space lab for months.( )16.A.isB.areC.wasD.were( )17.A.howB.wh

15、atC.whenD.which( )18.A.tooB.alreadyC.againD.badly( )19.A.itselfB.ourselvesC.oneselfD.themselves( )20.A.theirB.themC.theyD.theirs( )21.A.smallB.smallerC.bigD.bigger( )22.A.OrB.ButC.AndD.Then( )23.A.AmericansB.EnglishmenC.AustraliansD.Chinese( )24.A.moonB.starC.earthD.sun( )25.A.AfterB.As soon asC.UntilD.Before


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